Feature #3347

Implement Quota management commands inside Astakos

Added by Vangelis Koukis over 11 years ago.

Status:Assigned Start date:03/01/2013
Priority:High Due date:
Assignee:Sofia Papagiannaki % Done:


Category:Astakos Spent time: -
Target version:0.14.0


Implement snf-manage quota-{list, export} commands in Astakos.
Extend snf-manage user-show command to show all user-specific quotas.

Related issues

related to Synnefo - Feature #3343: CRUD management of resources at the Astakos command line New 03/01/2013
related to Synnefo - Feature #3350: Integrate the quotaholder into Astakos Resolved 03/01/2013
blocked by Synnefo - Feature #3344: Define and manage resources as part of Astakos Resolved 03/01/2013

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