akka { version = "1.3.1" enabled-modules = ["remote", "http", "amqp"] time-unit = "seconds" event-handlers = ["akka.event.EventHandler$DefaultListener", "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler"] # event handlers to register at boot time (EventHandler$DefaultListener logs to STDOUT) event-handler-level = "DEBUG" # Options: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG # These boot classes are loaded (and created) automatically when the Akka Microkernel boots up # Can be used to bootstrap your application(s) # Should be the FQN (Fully Qualified Name) of the boot class which needs to have a default constructor # boot = ["sample.camel.Boot", # "sample.rest.java.Boot", # "sample.rest.scala.Boot", # "sample.security.Boot"] boot = [] actor { timeout = 5 # Default timeout for Future based invocations # - Actor: ? and ask # - UntypedActor: ask # - TypedActor: methods with non-void return type serialize-messages = off # Does a deep clone of (non-primitive) messages to ensure immutability throughput = 5 # Default throughput for all ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher, set to 1 for complete fairness throughput-deadline-time = -1 # Default throughput deadline for all ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher, set to 0 or negative for no deadline dispatcher-shutdown-timeout = 1 # Using the akka.time-unit, how long dispatchers by default will wait for new actors until they shut down default-dispatcher { type = "GlobalExecutorBasedEventDriven" # Must be one of the following, all "Global*" are non-configurable # - ExecutorBasedEventDriven # - ExecutorBasedEventDrivenWorkStealing # - GlobalExecutorBasedEventDriven keep-alive-time = 60 # Keep alive time for threads core-pool-size-factor = 1.0 # No of core threads ... ceil(available processors * factor) max-pool-size-factor = 4.0 # Max no of threads ... ceil(available processors * factor) executor-bounds = -1 # Makes the Executor bounded, -1 is unbounded task-queue-size = -1 # Specifies the bounded capacity of the task queue (< 1 == unbounded) task-queue-type = "linked" # Specifies which type of task queue will be used, can be "array" or "linked" (default) allow-core-timeout = on # Allow core threads to time out rejection-policy = "sane" # sane, abort, caller-runs, discard-oldest, discard throughput = 5 # Throughput for ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher, set to 1 for complete fairness throughput-deadline-time = -1 # Throughput deadline for ExecutorBasedEventDrivenDispatcher, set to 0 or negative for no deadline mailbox-capacity = -1 # If negative (or zero) then an unbounded mailbox is used (default) # If positive then a bounded mailbox is used and the capacity is set using the property # NOTE: setting a mailbox to 'blocking' can be a bit dangerous, # could lead to deadlock, use with care # # The following are only used for ExecutorBasedEventDriven # and only if mailbox-capacity > 0 mailbox-push-timeout-time = 10 # Specifies the timeout to add a new message to a mailbox that is full - negative number means infinite timeout # (in unit defined by the time-unit property) } debug { receive = "false" # enable function of Actor.loggable(), which is # to log any received message at DEBUG level autoreceive = "false" # enable DEBUG logging of all AutoReceiveMessages # (Kill, PoisonPill and the like) lifecycle = "false" # enable DEBUG logging of actor lifecycle changes } remote { # secure-cookie = "050E0A0D0D06010A00000900040D060F0C09060B" # generate your own with '$AKKA_HOME/scripts/generate_config_with_secure_cookie.sh' or using 'Crypt.generateSecureCookie' secure-cookie = "" layer = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteSupport" server { hostname = "localhost" # The hostname or IP that clients should connect to port = 2552 # The port clients should connect to. Default is 2552 (AKKA) message-frame-size = 1048576 # Increase this if you want to be able to send messages with large payloads connection-timeout = 100 # Number in time-unit require-cookie = off # Should the remote server require that it peers share the same secure-cookie (defined in the 'remote' section)? untrusted-mode = off # Enable untrusted mode for full security of server managed actors, allows untrusted clients to connect. backlog = 4096 # Sets the size of the connection backlog execution-pool-keepalive = 60# Length in akka.time-unit how long core threads will be kept alive if idling execution-pool-size = 16# Size of the core pool of the remote execution unit max-channel-memory-size = 0 # Maximum channel size, 0 for off max-total-memory-size = 0 # Maximum total size of all channels, 0 for off } client { buffering { retry-message-send-on-failure = off # Buffer outbound messages when send failed, if off you'll get an exception instead capacity = -1 # If negative (or zero) then an unbounded mailbox is used (default) # If positive then a bounded mailbox is used and the capacity is set using the property } reconnect-delay = 5 # Number in time-unit read-timeout = 120 # Number in time-unit message-frame-size = 1048576 # Size in bytes reap-futures-delay = 5 # Number in time-unit reconnection-time-window = 600 # Maximum time window that a client should try to reconnect for } } test { timefactor = "1.0" # factor by which to scale timeouts during tests, e.g. to account for shared build system load } } # spray-can config spray-can { server { port = 8888 service-actor-id = "spray-root-service" timeout-actor-id = "spray-root-service" # we want to handle timeouts with the same service actor request-timeout = 3000 # require all requests to be completed within 3 seconds } }