README ====== Astakos is an identity management service, built by GRNET using Django ( Learn more about Astakos at: Consult COPYRIGHT for licensing information. About Astakos application ------------------------- This package contains the Django application that implements all identity management functions. How to run ---------- Use snf-webproject to run Astakos automatically. To use Astakos in a custom Django project, add ```` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``. Astakos requires South ( Also, add the following to your ````:: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... '', '', '', '', '') AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('', '') CUSTOM_USER_MODEL = '' LOGIN_URL = '/im' Settings -------- Configure in ```` or a ``.conf`` file in ``/etc/synnefo`` if using snf-webproject. ============================== ============================================================================= =========================================================================================== Name Default value Description ============================== ============================================================================= =========================================================================================== ASTAKOS_AUTH_TOKEN_DURATION one month Expiration time of newly created auth tokens ASTAKOS_TWITTER_KEY Twitter ``oauth_token`` ASTAKOS_TWITTER_SECRET Twitter ``oauth_token_secret`` ASTAKOS_DEFAULT_USER_LEVEL 4 Default (not-invited) user level ASTAKOS_INVITATIONS_PER_LEVEL {0:100, 1:2, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0} Number of user invitations per user level ASTAKOS_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL GRNET Cloud ``from`` parameter passed in ``django.core.mail.send_mail`` ASTAKOS_DEFAULT_CONTACT_EMAIL support\ Contact email ASTAKOS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL support\ Administrator email to receive user creation notifications ASTAKOS_IM_MODULES ['local', 'twitter', 'shibboleth'] Signup modules ASTAKOS_FORCE_PROFILE_UPDATE True Force user profile verification ASTAKOS_INVITATIONS_ENABLED True Enable invitations ASTAKOS_COOKIE_NAME _pithos2_a ``Key`` parameter passed in ``django.http.HttpResponse.set_cookie`` ASTAKOS_COOKIE_DOMAIN None ``Domain`` parameter passed in ``django.http.HttpResponse.set_cookie`` ASTAKOS_COOKIE_SECURE True ``Secure`` parameter passed in ``django.http.HttpResponse.set_cookie`` ASTAKOS_IM_STATIC_URL /static/im/ URL to use when referring to static files ASTAKOS_MODERATION_ENABLED True If False and invitations are not enabled newly created user will be automatically accepted ASTAKOS_BASEURL \ Astakos baseurl ASTAKOS_SITENAME GRNET Cloud Service name that appears in emails ASTAKOS_CLOUD_SERVICES ({'icon': 'home-icon.png', 'id': 'cloud', 'name': 'grnet cloud', 'url': '/'}, Cloud services appear in the horizontal bar {'id': 'okeanos', 'name': '~okeanos', 'url': '/okeanos.html'}, {'id': 'pithos', 'name': 'pithos+', 'url': '/ui/'}) RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY Recaptcha public key obtained after registration here: RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY Recaptcha private key obtained after registration here: ============================== ============================================================================= =========================================================================================== Administrator functions ----------------------- Available as extensions to Django's command-line management utility: =============== =========================== Name Description =============== =========================== activateuser Activates one or more users createuser Create a user inviteuser Invite a user listinvitations List invitations listusers List users modifyuser Modify a user's attributes showinvitation Show invitation info showuser Show user info =============== ===========================