flowspytag = $(shell git describe --abbrev=0) flowspyver = $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 | egrep -o '([0-9]+\.){1,10}[0-9]+' | sed -e 's/\./_/g') name = $(shell basename $(shell pwd)) # You can set these variables from the command line. SPHINXOPTS = SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build PAPER = BUILDDIR = doc/build # Internal variables. PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4 PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) doc/source .PHONY: help dist distclean docclean html latex text help: @echo "Please use \`make ' where is one of" @echo " html to make standalone HTML files" @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter" @echo " text to make standalone txt files" dist: git archive --format tar --prefix $(name)-$(flowspyver)/ -o $(name)-$(flowspyver).tar $(flowspytag) gzip -f $(name)-$(flowspyver).tar distclean: @rm -f *tar.gz docclean: -rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/* html: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/html @echo @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html." latex: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex @echo @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." @echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \ "run these through (pdf)latex." text: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b text $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/text @echo @echo "Done"