{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %} {% if edit %} {% trans "Edit Rule" %} {{form.data.name}} {% else %} {% trans "Create new Rule" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}:: {% if edit %} {% trans "Edit rule" %} {{form.data.name}} {% else %} {% trans "Create rule" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block extrahead %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if edit %}

{% trans "Edit rule" %}: {{form.data.name}}

{% else %}

{% trans "Apply for a new rule" %}

{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %} {% if form.non_field_errors %}

{{ form.non_field_errors|join:", "}}

{% endif %}
{% trans "Rule Basic Info" %}
{{ form.name.label_tag }}{{ form.name }}{{ form.name.errors|join:", " }}
A unique identifier will be added as a name_suffix
{% trans "Rule Match Conditions" %}
{{ form.source.label_tag }}{{ form.source }}{{ form.source.errors|join:", " }}
{{ form.source.help_text }}
{{ form.sourceport.label_tag }}{{ form.sourceport }}  {{ form.sourceport.errors|join:", " }}
{{ form.sourceport.help_text }}
{{ form.destination.label_tag }}{{ form.destination }}{{ form.destination.errors|join:", " }}
{{ form.destination.help_text }}
{{ form.destinationport.label_tag }}{{ form.destinationport }}  {{ form.destinationport.errors|join:", " }}
{{ form.destinationport.help_text }}
{{ form.port.label_tag }}{{ form.port }}  {{ form.port.errors|join:", " }}
{{ form.port.help_text }}
{% trans "Rule Actions" %}
{{ form.then.label_tag }}{{ form.then }}  {{ form.then.errors|join:", " }}
{% trans "Use/Comments" %} {% blocktrans %}

Give a short description of the intended use of this rule, that justifies the parameter selection above. Feel free to include any additional comments.

{% endblocktrans %}

{{ form.comments }} {% if form.errors %}
{{ form.comments.errors|join:", " }}{% endif %}

{% endblock %}