************ Installation ************ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Debian Wheezy (x64) - Django 1.4.x ================================== This guide assumes that installation is carried out in /srv/flowspy directory. If other directory is to be used, please change the corresponding configuration files. It is also assumed that the root user will perform every action. Required system packages ------------------------ Update and install the required packages:: apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install mysql-server apache2 memcached libapache2-mod-proxy-html gunicorn beanstalkd python-django python-django-south python-django-tinymce tinymce python-mysqldb python-yaml python-memcache python-django-registration python-ipaddr python-lxml mysql-client git python-django-celery python-paramiko python-gevent vim .. note:: Set username and password for mysql if used .. note:: If you wish to deploy an outgoing mail server, now it is time to do it. Otherwise you could set FoD to send out mails via a third party account Create a database ----------------- If you are using mysql, you should create a database:: mysql -u root -p -e 'create database fod' Required application packages ----------------------------- Get the required packages and install them - ncclient: NETCONF python client:: cd ~ git clone https://github.com/leopoul/ncclient.git cd ncclient python setup.py install - nxpy: Python Objects from/to XML proxy:: cd ~ git clone https://code.grnet.gr/git/nxpy cd nxpy python setup.py install - flowspy: core application. Installation is done at /srv/flowspy:: cd /srv git clone https://code.grnet.gr/git/flowspy cd flowspy Application configuration ========================= Copy settings.py.dist to settings.py:: cd flowspy cp settings.py.dist settings.py Edit settings.py file and set the following according to your configuration:: ADMINS: set your admin name and email (assuming that your server can send notifications) DATABASES (to point to your local database). You could use views instead of tables for models: peer, peercontacts, peernetworks. For this to work we suggest MySQL with MyISAM db engine SECRET_KEY : Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody STATIC_ROOT: /srv/flowspy/static (or your installation directory) STATIC_URL (static media directory) . If you have followed the above this should be: /srv/flowspy/static TEMPLATE_DIRS : If you have followed the above this should be: /srv/flowspy/templates CACHE_BACKEND: Enable Memcached for production or leave to DummyCache for development environments Alternatively you could go for redis with the corresponding Django client lib. NETCONF_DEVICE (tested with Juniper EX4200 but any BGP enabled Juniper should work). This is the flowspec capable device NETCONF_USER (enable ssh and netconf on device) NETCONF_PASS If beanstalk is selected the following should be left intact. BROKER_HOST (beanstalk host) BROKER_PORT (beanstalk port) SERVER_EMAIL EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX If beanstalk is selected the following should be left intact. BROKER_URL (beanstalk url) SHIB_AUTH_ENTITLEMENT (if you go for Shibboleth authentication) NOTIFY_ADMIN_MAILS (bcc mail addresses) PROTECTED_SUBNETS (subnets for which source or destination address will prevent rule creation and notify the NOTIFY_ADMIN_MAILS) The whois client is meant to be used in case you have inserted peers with their ASes in the peers table and wish to get network info for each one in an automated manner. PRIMARY_WHOIS ALTERNATE_WHOIS If you wish to deploy FoD with Shibboleth change the following attributes according to your setup: SHIB_AUTH_ENTITLEMENT = 'urn:mace' SHIB_ADMIN_DOMAIN = 'example.com' SHIB_LOGOUT_URL = 'https://example.com/Shibboleth.sso/Logout' SHIB_USERNAME = ['HTTP_EPPN'] SHIB_MAIL = ['mail', 'HTTP_MAIL', 'HTTP_SHIB_INETORGPERSON_MAIL'] SHIB_FIRSTNAME = ['HTTP_SHIB_INETORGPERSON_GIVENNAME'] SHIB_LASTNAME = ['HTTP_SHIB_PERSON_SURNAME'] SHIB_ENTITLEMENT = ['HTTP_SHIB_EP_ENTITLEMENT'] If you have not installed an outgoing mail server you can always use your own account (either corporate or gmail, hotmail ,etc) by adding the following lines in settings.py:: EMAIL_USE_TLS = True #(or False) EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.example.com' EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'username' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'yourpassword' EMAIL_PORT = 587 #(outgoing) .. note:: Soon we will release a version with django-registration as a means to add users and Shibboleth will become an alternative Let's move on with some copies and dir creations:: cp urls.py.dist urls.py cd .. mkdir log chown -R root:www-data log/ chmod -R g+w log System configuration ==================== Apache operates as a gunicorn Proxy with WSGI and Shibboleth modules enabled. Depending on the setup the apache configuration may vary:: a2enmod rewrite a2enmod proxy a2enmod ssl a2enmod proxy_http If shibboleth is to be used:: apt-get install libapache2-mod-shib2 a2enmod shib2 Now it is time to configure beanstalk, gunicorn, celery and apache. beanstalkd ---------- Enable beanstalk by editting /etc/default/beanstalkd:: vim /etc/default/beanstalkd Uncomment the line **START=yes** to enable beanstalk Start beanstalkd:: service beanstalkd start gunicorn.d ---------- create and edit /etc/gunicorn.d/fod:: vim /etc/gunicorn.d/fod FoD is served via gunicorn and is then proxied by Apache. If the above directory conventions have been followed so far, then your configuration should be:: CONFIG = { 'mode': 'django', 'working_dir': '/srv/flowspy', 'args': ( '--bind=', '--workers=1', '--worker-class=egg:gunicorn#gevent', '--timeout=360', '--log-level=debug', '--log-file=/tmp/fod.log', ), } celery.d -------- Celery is used over beanstalkd to apply firewall rules in a serial manner so that locks are avoided on the flowspec capable device. In our setup celery runs via django. That is why the python-django-celery package was installed. celeryd requires a /etc/default/celeryd file to be in place. Thus we are going to create this file (/etc/default/celeryd):: vim /etc/default/celeryd Again if the directory conventions have been followed the file is (pay attention to the CELERYD_USER, CELERYD_GROUP and change accordingly) :: # Default: false ENABLED="true" # Name of nodes to start, here we have a single node CELERYD_NODES="w1" # or we could have three nodes: #CELERYD_NODES="w1 w2 w3" # Where to chdir at start. CELERYD_CHDIR="/srv/flowspy" # How to call "manage.py celeryd_multi" CELERYD_MULTI="python $CELERYD_CHDIR/manage.py celeryd_multi" # How to call "manage.py celeryctl" CELERYCTL="python $CELERYD_CHDIR/manage.py celeryctl" # Extra arguments to celeryd #CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=300 --concurrency=8" CELERYD_OPTS="-E -B" # Name of the celery config module. CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE="celeryconfig" # %n will be replaced with the nodename. CELERYD_LOG_FILE="$CELERYD_CHDIR/celery_var/log/celery/%n.log" CELERYD_PID_FILE="$CELERYD_CHDIR/celery_var/run/celery/%n.pid" # Workers should run as an unprivileged user. CELERYD_USER="user" CELERYD_GROUP="users" # Name of the projects settings module. export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="flowspy.settings" Apache ------ Apache proxies gunicorn. Things are more flexible here as you may follow your own configuration and conventions. Create and edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/fod. You should set and along with your certificates. If under testing environment, you can use the provided snakeoil certs. If you do not intent to use Shibboleth delete or comment the corresponding configuration parts inside **Shibboleth configuration** :: vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/fod Again if the directory conventions have been followed the file should be:: ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName fod.example.com DocumentRoot /var/www ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/fod_error.log # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, # alert, emerg. LogLevel debug CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/fod_access.log combined Alias /static /srv/flowspy/static RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://fod.example.com/$1 [L,R] ServerName fod.example.com ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerSignature On SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/fod.example.com.crt SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/example-chain.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/fod.example.com.key AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 IndexOptions +Charset=UTF-8 ShibConfig /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml Alias /shibboleth-sp /usr/share/shibboleth AuthType shibboleth ShibRequireSession On ShibUseHeaders On ShibRequestSetting entityID https://idp.example.com/idp/shibboleth require valid-user # Shibboleth debugging CGI script ScriptAlias /shibboleth/test /usr/lib/cgi-bin/shibtest.cgi AuthType shibboleth ShibRequireSession On ShibUseHeaders On require valid-user SetHandler shib # Shibboleth SP configuration #SetEnv proxy-sendchunked Order allow,deny Allow from all SSLProxyEngine off ProxyErrorOverride off ProxyTimeout 28800 ProxyPass /static ! ProxyPass /shibboleth ! ProxyPass /Shibboleth.sso ! ProxyPass / http://localhost:8081/ retry=0 ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8081/ Alias /static /srv/flowspy/static LogLevel warn ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/fod_error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/fod_access.log combined Now, enable your site. You might want to disable the default site if fod is the only site you host on your server:: a2dissite default a2ensite fod You are not far away from deploying FoD. When asked for a super user, create one:: cd /srv/flowspy python manage.py syncdb python manage.py migrate Restart, gunicorn and apache:: service gunicorn restart && service apache2 restart Testing the platform ==================== Log in to the admin interface via https:///admin. Go to Peer ranges and add a new range (part of/or a complete subnet), eg. Go to Peers and add a new peer, eg. id: 1, name: Test, AS: 16503, tag: TEST and move the network you have crteated from Avalable to Chosen. From the admin front, go to User, and edit your user. From the bottom of the page, select the TEST peer and save. Last but not least, modify as required the existing (example.com) Site instance (admin home->Sites). You are done. As you are logged-in via the admin, there is no need for Shibboleth. Go to https:/// and create a new rule. Your rule should be applied on the flowspec capable device after aprox. 10 seconds. Branding ======== Via the admin interface you can modify flatpages to suit your needs Footer ------ Under the templates folder (templates), you can alter the footer.html file to include your own footer messages, badges, etc. Welcome Page ------------ Under the templates folder (templates), you can alter the welcome page - welcome.html with your own images, carousel, videos, etc.