February 11, 2009"> 8"> ganeti-noded"> Debian"> GNU"> GPL"> ]> 2006 2007 2008 2009 Google Inc. &dhdate; &dhucpackage; &dhsection; ganeti 2.0 &dhpackage; ganeti node daemon &dhpackage; -f -d DESCRIPTION The &dhpackage; is the daemon which is responsible for the node functions in the ganeti system. For testing purposes, you can give the option and the program won't detach from the running terminal. Debug-level message can be activated by giving the option. ROLE The role of the node daemon is to do almost all the actions that change the state of the node. Things like creating disks for instances, activating disks, starting/stopping instance and so on are done via the node daemon. Also, in some cases the startup/shutdown of the master daemon are done via the node daemon, and the cluster IP address is also added/removed to the master node via it. If the node daemon is stopped, the instances are not affected, but the master won't be able to talk to that node. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Currently the master-node RPC is done using a simple json-RPC over HTTP(S). &footer;