Version 1.2b2 - Change configuration file format from Python's Pickle to JSON. Upgrading is possible using the cfgupgrade utility. - Add support for DRBD 8.0 (new disk template `drbd`) which allows for faster replace disks and is more stable (DRBD 8 has many improvements compared to DRBD 0.7) - Added command line tags support (see man pages for gnt-instance, gnt-node, gnt-cluster) - Added instance rename support - Added multi-instance startup/shutdown - Added cluster rename support - Added `gnt-node evacuate` to simplify some node operations - Added instance reboot operation that can speedup reboot as compared to stop and start - Soften the requirement that hostnames are in FQDN format - The ganeti-watcher now activates drbd pairs after secondary node reboots - Removed dependency on debian's patched fping that uses the non-standard -S option - Now the OS definitions are searched for in multiple, configurable paths (easier for distros to package) - Some changes to the hooks infrastructure (especially the new post-configuration update hook) - Other small bugfixes