#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # pylint: disable-msg=W0401,W0614 # W0401: Wildcard import ganeti.cli # W0614: Unused import %s from wildcard import (since we need cli) import sys from ganeti.cli import * from ganeti import cli from ganeti import opcodes from ganeti import utils from ganeti import constants from ganeti import errors from ganeti import bootstrap #: default list of field for L{ListNodes} _LIST_DEF_FIELDS = [ "name", "dtotal", "dfree", "mtotal", "mnode", "mfree", "pinst_cnt", "sinst_cnt", ] #: headers (and full field list for L{ListNodes} _LIST_HEADERS = { "name": "Node", "pinst_cnt": "Pinst", "sinst_cnt": "Sinst", "pinst_list": "PriInstances", "sinst_list": "SecInstances", "pip": "PrimaryIP", "sip": "SecondaryIP", "dtotal": "DTotal", "dfree": "DFree", "mtotal": "MTotal", "mnode": "MNode", "mfree": "MFree", "bootid": "BootID", "ctotal": "CTotal", "cnodes": "CNodes", "csockets": "CSockets", "tags": "Tags", "serial_no": "SerialNo", "master_candidate": "MasterC", "master": "IsMaster", "offline": "Offline", "drained": "Drained", "role": "Role", "ctime": "CTime", "mtime": "MTime", } #: User-facing storage unit types _USER_STORAGE_TYPE = { constants.ST_FILE: "file", constants.ST_LVM_PV: "lvm-pv", constants.ST_LVM_VG: "lvm-vg", } _STORAGE_TYPE_OPT = \ cli_option("--storage-type", dest="user_storage_type", choices=_USER_STORAGE_TYPE.keys(), default=None, metavar="STORAGE_TYPE", help=("Storage type (%s)" % utils.CommaJoin(_USER_STORAGE_TYPE.keys()))) _REPAIRABLE_STORAGE_TYPES = \ [st for st, so in constants.VALID_STORAGE_OPERATIONS.iteritems() if constants.SO_FIX_CONSISTENCY in so] _MODIFIABLE_STORAGE_TYPES = constants.MODIFIABLE_STORAGE_FIELDS.keys() def ConvertStorageType(user_storage_type): """Converts a user storage type to its internal name. """ try: return _USER_STORAGE_TYPE[user_storage_type] except KeyError: raise errors.OpPrereqError("Unknown storage type: %s" % user_storage_type) @UsesRPC def AddNode(opts, args): """Add a node to the cluster. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the new node name @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ cl = GetClient() dns_data = utils.HostInfo(args[0]) node = dns_data.name readd = opts.readd try: output = cl.QueryNodes(names=[node], fields=['name', 'sip'], use_locking=False) node_exists, sip = output[0] except (errors.OpPrereqError, errors.OpExecError): node_exists = "" sip = None if readd: if not node_exists: ToStderr("Node %s not in the cluster" " - please retry without '--readd'", node) return 1 else: if node_exists: ToStderr("Node %s already in the cluster (as %s)" " - please retry with '--readd'", node, node_exists) return 1 sip = opts.secondary_ip # read the cluster name from the master output = cl.QueryConfigValues(['cluster_name']) cluster_name = output[0] if not readd: ToStderr("-- WARNING -- \n" "Performing this operation is going to replace the ssh daemon" " keypair\n" "on the target machine (%s) with the ones of the" " current one\n" "and grant full intra-cluster ssh root access to/from it\n", node) bootstrap.SetupNodeDaemon(cluster_name, node, opts.ssh_key_check) op = opcodes.OpAddNode(node_name=args[0], secondary_ip=sip, readd=opts.readd) SubmitOpCode(op) def ListNodes(opts, args): """List nodes and their properties. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should be an empty list @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ if opts.output is None: selected_fields = _LIST_DEF_FIELDS elif opts.output.startswith("+"): selected_fields = _LIST_DEF_FIELDS + opts.output[1:].split(",") else: selected_fields = opts.output.split(",") output = GetClient().QueryNodes(args, selected_fields, opts.do_locking) if not opts.no_headers: headers = _LIST_HEADERS else: headers = None unitfields = ["dtotal", "dfree", "mtotal", "mnode", "mfree"] numfields = ["dtotal", "dfree", "mtotal", "mnode", "mfree", "pinst_cnt", "sinst_cnt", "ctotal", "serial_no"] list_type_fields = ("pinst_list", "sinst_list", "tags") # change raw values to nicer strings for row in output: for idx, field in enumerate(selected_fields): val = row[idx] if field in list_type_fields: val = ",".join(val) elif field in ('master', 'master_candidate', 'offline', 'drained'): if val: val = 'Y' else: val = 'N' elif field == "ctime" or field == "mtime": val = utils.FormatTime(val) elif val is None: val = "?" row[idx] = str(val) data = GenerateTable(separator=opts.separator, headers=headers, fields=selected_fields, unitfields=unitfields, numfields=numfields, data=output, units=opts.units) for line in data: ToStdout(line) return 0 def EvacuateNode(opts, args): """Relocate all secondary instance from a node. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should be an empty list @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ cl = GetClient() force = opts.force dst_node = opts.dst_node iallocator = opts.iallocator cnt = [dst_node, iallocator].count(None) if cnt != 1: raise errors.OpPrereqError("One and only one of the -n and -I" " options must be passed") selected_fields = ["name", "sinst_list"] src_node = args[0] result = cl.QueryNodes(names=[src_node], fields=selected_fields, use_locking=False) src_node, sinst = result[0] if not sinst: ToStderr("No secondary instances on node %s, exiting.", src_node) return constants.EXIT_SUCCESS if dst_node is not None: result = cl.QueryNodes(names=[dst_node], fields=["name"], use_locking=False) dst_node = result[0][0] if src_node == dst_node: raise errors.OpPrereqError("Evacuate node needs different source and" " target nodes (node %s given twice)" % src_node) txt_msg = "to node %s" % dst_node else: txt_msg = "using iallocator %s" % iallocator sinst = utils.NiceSort(sinst) if not force and not AskUser("Relocate instance(s) %s from node\n" " %s %s?" % (",".join("'%s'" % name for name in sinst), src_node, txt_msg)): return constants.EXIT_CONFIRMATION op = opcodes.OpEvacuateNode(node_name=args[0], remote_node=dst_node, iallocator=iallocator) SubmitOpCode(op, cl=cl) def FailoverNode(opts, args): """Failover all primary instance on a node. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should be an empty list @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ cl = GetClient() force = opts.force selected_fields = ["name", "pinst_list"] # these fields are static data anyway, so it doesn't matter, but # locking=True should be safer result = cl.QueryNodes(names=args, fields=selected_fields, use_locking=False) node, pinst = result[0] if not pinst: ToStderr("No primary instances on node %s, exiting.", node) return 0 pinst = utils.NiceSort(pinst) retcode = 0 if not force and not AskUser("Fail over instance(s) %s?" % (",".join("'%s'" % name for name in pinst))): return 2 jex = JobExecutor(cl=cl) for iname in pinst: op = opcodes.OpFailoverInstance(instance_name=iname, ignore_consistency=opts.ignore_consistency) jex.QueueJob(iname, op) results = jex.GetResults() bad_cnt = len([row for row in results if not row[0]]) if bad_cnt == 0: ToStdout("All %d instance(s) failed over successfully.", len(results)) else: ToStdout("There were errors during the failover:\n" "%d error(s) out of %d instance(s).", bad_cnt, len(results)) return retcode def MigrateNode(opts, args): """Migrate all primary instance on a node. """ cl = GetClient() force = opts.force selected_fields = ["name", "pinst_list"] result = cl.QueryNodes(names=args, fields=selected_fields, use_locking=False) node, pinst = result[0] if not pinst: ToStdout("No primary instances on node %s, exiting." % node) return 0 pinst = utils.NiceSort(pinst) retcode = 0 if not force and not AskUser("Migrate instance(s) %s?" % (",".join("'%s'" % name for name in pinst))): return 2 op = opcodes.OpMigrateNode(node_name=args[0], live=opts.live) SubmitOpCode(op, cl=cl) def ShowNodeConfig(opts, args): """Show node information. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should either be an empty list, in which case we show information about all nodes, or should contain a list of nodes to be queried for information @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ cl = GetClient() result = cl.QueryNodes(fields=["name", "pip", "sip", "pinst_list", "sinst_list", "master_candidate", "drained", "offline"], names=args, use_locking=False) for (name, primary_ip, secondary_ip, pinst, sinst, is_mc, drained, offline) in result: ToStdout("Node name: %s", name) ToStdout(" primary ip: %s", primary_ip) ToStdout(" secondary ip: %s", secondary_ip) ToStdout(" master candidate: %s", is_mc) ToStdout(" drained: %s", drained) ToStdout(" offline: %s", offline) if pinst: ToStdout(" primary for instances:") for iname in utils.NiceSort(pinst): ToStdout(" - %s", iname) else: ToStdout(" primary for no instances") if sinst: ToStdout(" secondary for instances:") for iname in utils.NiceSort(sinst): ToStdout(" - %s", iname) else: ToStdout(" secondary for no instances") return 0 def RemoveNode(opts, args): """Remove a node from the cluster. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the name of the node to be removed @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ op = opcodes.OpRemoveNode(node_name=args[0]) SubmitOpCode(op) return 0 def PowercycleNode(opts, args): """Remove a node from the cluster. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the name of the node to be removed @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ node = args[0] if (not opts.confirm and not AskUser("Are you sure you want to hard powercycle node %s?" % node)): return 2 op = opcodes.OpPowercycleNode(node_name=node, force=opts.force) result = SubmitOpCode(op) ToStderr(result) return 0 def ListVolumes(opts, args): """List logical volumes on node(s). @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should either be an empty list, in which case we list data for all nodes, or contain a list of nodes to display data only for those @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ if opts.output is None: selected_fields = ["node", "phys", "vg", "name", "size", "instance"] else: selected_fields = opts.output.split(",") op = opcodes.OpQueryNodeVolumes(nodes=args, output_fields=selected_fields) output = SubmitOpCode(op) if not opts.no_headers: headers = {"node": "Node", "phys": "PhysDev", "vg": "VG", "name": "Name", "size": "Size", "instance": "Instance"} else: headers = None unitfields = ["size"] numfields = ["size"] data = GenerateTable(separator=opts.separator, headers=headers, fields=selected_fields, unitfields=unitfields, numfields=numfields, data=output, units=opts.units) for line in data: ToStdout(line) return 0 def ListPhysicalVolumes(opts, args): """List physical volumes on node(s). @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should either be an empty list, in which case we list data for all nodes, or contain a list of nodes to display data only for those @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ # TODO: Default to ST_FILE if LVM is disabled on the cluster if opts.user_storage_type is None: opts.user_storage_type = constants.ST_LVM_PV storage_type = ConvertStorageType(opts.user_storage_type) default_fields = { constants.ST_FILE: [ constants.SF_NAME, constants.SF_USED, constants.SF_FREE, ], constants.ST_LVM_PV: [ constants.SF_NAME, constants.SF_SIZE, constants.SF_USED, constants.SF_FREE, ], constants.ST_LVM_VG: [ constants.SF_NAME, constants.SF_SIZE, ], } if opts.output is None: selected_fields = ["node"] selected_fields.extend(default_fields[storage_type]) else: selected_fields = opts.output.split(",") op = opcodes.OpQueryNodeStorage(nodes=args, storage_type=storage_type, output_fields=selected_fields) output = SubmitOpCode(op) if not opts.no_headers: headers = { "node": "Node", constants.SF_NAME: "Name", constants.SF_SIZE: "Size", constants.SF_USED: "Used", constants.SF_FREE: "Free", constants.SF_ALLOCATABLE: "Allocatable", } else: headers = None unitfields = [constants.SF_SIZE, constants.SF_USED, constants.SF_FREE] numfields = [constants.SF_SIZE, constants.SF_USED, constants.SF_FREE] data = GenerateTable(separator=opts.separator, headers=headers, fields=selected_fields, unitfields=unitfields, numfields=numfields, data=output, units=opts.units) for line in data: ToStdout(line) return 0 def ModifyVolume(opts, args): """Modify storage volume on a node. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain 3 items: node name, storage type and volume name @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ (node_name, user_storage_type, volume_name) = args storage_type = ConvertStorageType(user_storage_type) changes = {} if opts.allocatable is not None: changes[constants.SF_ALLOCATABLE] = (opts.allocatable == "yes") if changes: op = opcodes.OpModifyNodeStorage(node_name=node_name, storage_type=storage_type, name=volume_name, changes=changes) SubmitOpCode(op) def RepairVolume(opts, args): """Repairs a storage volume on a node. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain 3 items: node name, storage type and volume name @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ (node_name, user_storage_type, volume_name) = args storage_type = ConvertStorageType(user_storage_type) op = opcodes.OpRepairNodeStorage(node_name=node_name, storage_type=storage_type, name=volume_name) SubmitOpCode(op) def SetNodeParams(opts, args): """Modifies a node. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the node name @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ if [opts.master_candidate, opts.drained, opts.offline].count(None) == 3: ToStderr("Please give at least one of the parameters.") return 1 if opts.master_candidate is not None: candidate = opts.master_candidate == 'yes' else: candidate = None if opts.offline is not None: offline = opts.offline == 'yes' else: offline = None if opts.drained is not None: drained = opts.drained == 'yes' else: drained = None op = opcodes.OpSetNodeParams(node_name=args[0], master_candidate=candidate, offline=offline, drained=drained, force=opts.force) # even if here we process the result, we allow submit only result = SubmitOrSend(op, opts) if result: ToStdout("Modified node %s", args[0]) for param, data in result: ToStdout(" - %-5s -> %s", param, data) return 0 commands = { 'add': (AddNode, [ArgHost(min=1, max=1)], [DEBUG_OPT, SECONDARY_IP_OPT, READD_OPT, NOSSH_KEYCHECK_OPT, ], "[-s ip] [--readd] [--no-ssh-key-check] ", "Add a node to the cluster"), 'evacuate': (EvacuateNode, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT, IALLOCATOR_OPT, NEW_SECONDARY_OPT], "[-f] {-I | -n } ", "Relocate the secondary instances from a node" " to other nodes (only for instances with drbd disk template)"), 'failover': (FailoverNode, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT, IGNORE_CONSIST_OPT], "[-f] ", "Stops the primary instances on a node and start them on their" " secondary node (only for instances with drbd disk template)"), 'migrate': (MigrateNode, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT, NONLIVE_OPT], "[-f] ", "Migrate all the primary instance on a node away from it" " (only for instances of type drbd)"), 'info': (ShowNodeConfig, ARGS_MANY_NODES, [DEBUG_OPT], "[...]", "Show information about the node(s)"), 'list': (ListNodes, ARGS_MANY_NODES, [DEBUG_OPT, NOHDR_OPT, SEP_OPT, USEUNITS_OPT, FIELDS_OPT, SYNC_OPT], "[nodes...]", "Lists the nodes in the cluster. The available fields" " are (see the man page for details): %s" " The default field list is (in order): %s." % (", ".join(_LIST_HEADERS), ", ".join(_LIST_DEF_FIELDS))), 'modify': (SetNodeParams, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT, SUBMIT_OPT, MC_OPT, DRAINED_OPT, OFFLINE_OPT], "", "Alters the parameters of a node"), 'powercycle': (PowercycleNode, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT, CONFIRM_OPT], "", "Tries to forcefully powercycle a node"), 'remove': (RemoveNode, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT], "", "Removes a node from the cluster"), 'volumes': (ListVolumes, [ArgNode()], [DEBUG_OPT, NOHDR_OPT, SEP_OPT, USEUNITS_OPT, FIELDS_OPT], "[...]", "List logical volumes on node(s)"), 'physical-volumes': (ListPhysicalVolumes, ARGS_MANY_NODES, [DEBUG_OPT, NOHDR_OPT, SEP_OPT, USEUNITS_OPT, FIELDS_OPT, _STORAGE_TYPE_OPT], "[...]", "List physical volumes on node(s)"), 'modify-volume': (ModifyVolume, [ArgNode(min=1, max=1), ArgChoice(min=1, max=1, choices=_MODIFIABLE_STORAGE_TYPES), ArgFile(min=1, max=1)], [DEBUG_OPT, ALLOCATABLE_OPT], " ", "Modify storage volume on a node"), 'repair-volume': (RepairVolume, [ArgNode(min=1, max=1), ArgChoice(min=1, max=1, choices=_REPAIRABLE_STORAGE_TYPES), ArgFile(min=1, max=1)], [DEBUG_OPT], " ", "Repairs a storage volume on a node"), 'list-tags': (ListTags, ARGS_ONE_NODE, [DEBUG_OPT], "", "List the tags of the given node"), 'add-tags': (AddTags, [ArgNode(min=1, max=1), ArgUnknown()], [DEBUG_OPT, TAG_SRC_OPT], " tag...", "Add tags to the given node"), 'remove-tags': (RemoveTags, [ArgNode(min=1, max=1), ArgUnknown()], [DEBUG_OPT, TAG_SRC_OPT], " tag...", "Remove tags from the given node"), } if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(GenericMain(commands, override={"tag_type": constants.TAG_NODE}))