.. Ganeti documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart Welcome to Ganeti's documentation! ================================== This page is the starting point for browsing the Ganeti documentation. It contains links to all the sections of Ganeti documentation, grouped by topic. A few quick references: - :doc:`glossary`: Provides explanations of basic Ganeti terminology. - :doc:`news` file: Lists changes between Ganeti versions. - :ref:`search`: Allows you to search for key terms across Ganeti documentation. Installing Ganeti +++++++++++++++++ There are a few resources you can use to install and/or upgrade Ganeti: - :doc:`install`: Comprehensive instructions for installing Ganeti. - :doc:`install-quick`: A shortened installation guide for the experienced Ganeti user. - :doc:`upgrade`: Instructions for upgrading an existing installation to the latest version of Ganeti. Using Ganeti ++++++++++++ The following resources provide guidance on how to use Ganeti: - :doc:`admin`: Information about how to manage a Ganeti cluster after it is installed (including management of nodes, instances, and information about the tools and the monitoring agent). - :doc:`walkthrough`: A more example-oriented guide to Ganeti. - :doc:`manpages`: Descriptions of the various tools that are part of Ganeti. - :doc:`security`: A description of the security model underlying a Ganeti cluster. - :doc:`hooks`: Information on hooking scripts, which extend Ganeti functionalities by automatically activating when certain events happen. - :doc:`iallocator`: Description of the API for external tools which can allocate instances either manually or automatically. - :doc:`rapi`: Details the Ganeti remote API, which allows programmatic access to most of the functionalities of Ganeti. - :doc:`ovfconverter`: Provides compatibility with the standard OVF virtual machine interchange format. - :doc:`virtual-cluster`: Describes how to use virtual cluster support, which is utilized mainly for testing reasons. A few functionalities are explicitly targeted for big installations, in which multiple clusters are present. - :doc:`cluster-merge`: Describes a tool for merging two existing clusters. - :doc:`move-instance`: Describes how to move instances between clusters. Developing Ganeti +++++++++++++++++ There are a few useful documents for developers who want to modify Ganeti: - :doc:`locking`: Describes Ganeti's locking strategy and, in particular, lock order dependencies. - :doc:`devnotes`: Details build dependencies and other useful development-related information. Implemented designs ------------------- Before actual implementation, all Ganeti features are described in a design document. Designs fall into two categories: released versions and draft versions (which are either incomplete or not implemented). .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 design-2.0.rst design-2.1.rst design-2.2.rst design-2.3.rst design-htools-2.3.rst design-2.4.rst design-2.5.rst design-2.6.rst design-2.7.rst design-2.8.rst design-2.9.rst Draft designs ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 design-draft.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: admin.rst cluster-merge.rst design-autorepair.rst design-bulk-create.rst design-chained-jobs.rst design-cpu-pinning.rst design-device-uuid-name.rst design-hroller.rst design-linuxha.rst design-lu-generated-jobs.rst design-monitoring-agent.rst design-multi-reloc.rst design-network.rst design-node-add.rst design-oob.rst design-opportunistic-locking.rst design-ovf-support.rst design-partitioned design-query2.rst design-reason-trail.rst design-restricted-commands.rst design-shared-storage.rst design-virtual-clusters.rst devnotes.rst glossary.rst hooks.rst iallocator.rst install.rst install-quick.rst locking.rst manpages.rst monitoring-query-format.rst move-instance.rst news.rst ovfconverter.rst rapi.rst security.rst upgrade.rst virtual-cluster.rst walkthrough