June 20, 2007"> 8"> gnt-node"> Debian"> GNU"> GPL"> ]> 2006 2007 Google Inc. &dhdate; &dhucpackage; &dhsection; ganeti 1.2 &dhpackage; node administration &dhpackage; command arguments... DESCRIPTION The &dhpackage; is used for managing the (physical) nodes in the ganeti system. COMMANDS ADD add -s secondary_ip nodename Adds the given node to the cluster. This command is used to join a new node to the cluster. You will have to provide the password for root of the node to be able to add the node in the cluster. The command needs to be run on the ganeti master. Note that the command is potentially destructive, as it will forcibly join the specified host the cluster, not paying attention to its current status (it could be already in a cluster, etc.) The is used in dual-home clusters and specifies the new node's IP in the secondary network. See the discussion in gnt-cluster 8 for more informations. Example: # gnt-node add node5.example.com # gnt-node add -s node5.example.com INFO info node Show detailed information about the nodes in the cluster. If you don't give any arguments, all nodes will be shows, otherwise the output will be restricted to the given names. LIST list --no-headers --separator=SEPARATOR -o FIELD,... Lists the nodes in the cluster. If you give the option, the output contains just the node name, primary ip and secondary ip. In case the secondary ip is the same as the primary one, it will be listed as "-". The option will skip the initial header line. The option takes an argument which denotes what will be used between the output fields. Both these options are to help scripting. The option takes a comma-separated list of output fields. The available fields and their meaning are: name the node name pinst the number of instances having this node as primary sinst the number of instances having this node as a secondary node pip the primary ip of this node (used for cluster communication) sip the secondary ip of this node (used for data replication in dual-ip clusters, see gnt-cluster 8 dtotal total disk space in the volume group used for instance disk allocations dfree available disk space in the volume group mtotal total memory on the physical node mnode the memory used by the node itself mfree memory available for instance allocations Note that some of this fields are known from the configuration of the cluster ( name pinst sinst pip sip and thus the master does not need to contact the node for this data (making the listing fast if only fields from this set are selected), whereas the other fields are "live" fields and we need to make a query to the cluster nodes. Depending on the virtualization type and implementation details, the mtotal, mnode and mfree may have slighly varying meanings. For example, some solutions share the node memory with the pool of memory used for instances (UML), whereas others have separate memory for the node and for the instances (Xen). REMOVE remove nodename Removes a node from the cluster. Instances must be removed or migrated to another cluster before. Example: # gnt-node remove node5.example.com VOLUMES volumes node Lists all logical volumes and their physical disks from the node(s) provided. Example: # gnt-node volumes node5.example.com Node PhysDev VG Name Size Instance node1.example.com /dev/hdc1 xenvg instance1.example.com-sda_11000.meta 128 instance1.example.com node1.example.com /dev/hdc1 xenvg instance1.example.com-sda_11001.data 256 instance1.example.com &footer;