#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. import sys from optparse import make_option from ganeti.cli import * from ganeti import cmdlib from ganeti import opcodes from ganeti import constants def PrintExportList(opts, args): """Prints a list of all the exported system images. Args: opts - class with options as members (should be empty) args - should be empty Returns: nothing """ op = opcodes.OpQueryExports(nodes=opts.nodes) exports = SubmitOpCode(op) for node in exports: print ("Node: %s" % node) print ("Exports:") if isinstance(exports[node], list): for instance_name in exports[node]: print ("\t%s" % instance_name) else: print (" Could not get exports list") def ExportInstance(opts, args): """Export an instance to an image in the cluster. Args: opts - class with options as members args - list with a single element, the instance name Returns: 1 in case of error, 0 otherwise """ op = opcodes.OpExportInstance(instance_name=args[0], target_node=opts.node, shutdown=opts.shutdown) SubmitOpCode(op) def ImportInstance(opts, args): """Add an instance to the cluster. Args: opts - class with options as members args - list with a single element, the new instance name Opts used: memory - amount of memory to allocate to instance (MiB) size - amount of disk space to allocate to instance (MiB) os - which OS to run on instance node - node to run new instance on src_node - node containing the export src_dir - directory on the old node with the export in it Returns: 1 in case of error, 0 otherwise """ instance = args[0] (pnode, snode) = SplitNodeOption(opts.node) op = opcodes.OpCreateInstance(instance_name=instance, mem_size=opts.mem, disk_size=opts.size, swap_size=opts.swap, disk_template=opts.disk_template, mode=constants.INSTANCE_IMPORT, pnode=pnode, snode=snode, vcpus=opts.vcpus, ip_check=opts.ip_check, ip=opts.ip, bridge=opts.bridge, start=False, src_node=opts.src_node, src_path=opts.src_dir, wait_for_sync=opts.wait_for_sync, mac="auto", iallocator=opts.iallocator) SubmitOpCode(op) return 0 def RemoveExport(opts, args): """Remove an export from the cluster. Args: opts - class with options as members args - list with a single element, the exported instance to remove Opts used: Returns: 1 in case of error, 0 otherwise """ instance = args[0] op = opcodes.OpRemoveExport(instance_name=args[0]) SubmitOpCode(op) return 0 # this is defined separately due to readability only import_opts = [ DEBUG_OPT, make_option("-n", "--node", dest="node", help="Target node and optional secondary node", metavar="[:]"), cli_option("-s", "--os-size", dest="size", help="Disk size, in MiB unless" " a suffix is used", default=20 * 1024, type="unit", metavar=""), cli_option("--swap-size", dest="swap", help="Swap size", default=4 * 1024, type="unit", metavar=""), cli_option("-m", "--memory", dest="mem", help="Memory size", default=128, type="unit", metavar=""), make_option("-p", "--cpu", dest="vcpus", help="Number of virtual CPUs", default=1, type="int", metavar=""), make_option("-t", "--disk-template", dest="disk_template", help="Custom disk setup (diskless, plain, local_raid1," " remote_raid1 or drbd)", default=None, metavar="TEMPL"), make_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="IP address ('none' [default], 'auto', or specify address)", default='none', type="string", metavar="
"), make_option("--no-wait-for-sync", dest="wait_for_sync", default=True, action="store_false", help="Don't wait for sync (DANGEROUS!)"), make_option("-b", "--bridge", dest="bridge", help="Bridge to connect this instance to", default=None, metavar=""), make_option("--src-node", dest="src_node", help="Source node", metavar=""), make_option("--src-dir", dest="src_dir", help="Source directory", metavar=""), make_option("--no-ip-check", dest="ip_check", default=True, action="store_false", help="Don't check that the instance's IP" " is alive"), make_option("--iallocator", metavar="", help="Select nodes for the instance automatically using the" " iallocator plugin", default=None, type="string"), ] commands = { 'list': (PrintExportList, ARGS_NONE, [DEBUG_OPT, make_option("--node", dest="nodes", default=[], action="append", help="List only backups stored on this node" " (can be used multiple times)"), ], "", "Lists instance exports available in the ganeti cluster"), 'export': (ExportInstance, ARGS_ONE, [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT, make_option("-n", "--node", dest="node", help="Target node", metavar=""), make_option("","--noshutdown", dest="shutdown", action="store_false", default=True, help="Don't shutdown the instance (unsafe)"), ], "-n [opts...] ", "Exports an instance to an image"), 'import': (ImportInstance, ARGS_ONE, import_opts, ("[...] -t disk-type -n node[:secondary-node]" " --src-node node --src-dir dir" " "), "Imports an instance from an exported image"), 'remove': (RemoveExport, ARGS_ONE, [DEBUG_OPT], "", "Remove exports of named instance from the filesystem."), } if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(GenericMain(commands))