#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Script to generate bash_completion script for Ganeti. """ # pylint: disable=C0103 # [C0103] Invalid name build-bash-completion import os import re import itertools from cStringIO import StringIO from ganeti import constants from ganeti import cli from ganeti import utils from ganeti import build # _autoconf shouldn't be imported from anywhere except constants.py, but we're # making an exception here because this script is only used at build time. from ganeti import _autoconf #: Regular expression describing desired format of option names. Long names can #: contain lowercase characters, numbers and dashes only. _OPT_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"^-[a-zA-Z0-9]|--[a-z][-a-z0-9]+$") def WritePreamble(sw): """Writes the script preamble. Helper functions should be written here. """ sw.Write("# This script is automatically generated at build time.") sw.Write("# Do not modify manually.") sw.Write("_gnt_log() {") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("if [[ -n \"$GANETI_COMPL_LOG\" ]]; then") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("{") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("echo ---") sw.Write("echo \"$@\"") sw.Write("echo") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("} >> $GANETI_COMPL_LOG") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") sw.Write("_ganeti_nodes() {") sw.IncIndent() try: node_list_path = os.path.join(constants.DATA_DIR, "ssconf_node_list") sw.Write("cat %s 2>/dev/null || :", utils.ShellQuote(node_list_path)) finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") sw.Write("_ganeti_instances() {") sw.IncIndent() try: instance_list_path = os.path.join(constants.DATA_DIR, "ssconf_instance_list") sw.Write("cat %s 2>/dev/null || :", utils.ShellQuote(instance_list_path)) finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") sw.Write("_ganeti_jobs() {") sw.IncIndent() try: # FIXME: this is really going into the internals of the job queue sw.Write(("local jlist=$( shopt -s nullglob &&" " cd %s 2>/dev/null && echo job-* || : )"), utils.ShellQuote(constants.QUEUE_DIR)) sw.Write('echo "${jlist//job-/}"') finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") for (fnname, paths) in [ ("os", constants.OS_SEARCH_PATH), ("iallocator", constants.IALLOCATOR_SEARCH_PATH), ]: sw.Write("_ganeti_%s() {", fnname) sw.IncIndent() try: # FIXME: Make querying the master for all OSes cheap for path in paths: sw.Write("( shopt -s nullglob && cd %s 2>/dev/null && echo * || : )", utils.ShellQuote(path)) finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") sw.Write("_ganeti_nodegroup() {") sw.IncIndent() try: nodegroups_path = os.path.join(constants.DATA_DIR, "ssconf_nodegroups") sw.Write("cat %s 2>/dev/null || :", utils.ShellQuote(nodegroups_path)) finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") # Params: # Result variable: $first_arg_idx sw.Write("_ganeti_find_first_arg() {") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("local w i") sw.Write("first_arg_idx=") sw.Write("for (( i=$1; i < COMP_CWORD; ++i )); do") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("w=${COMP_WORDS[$i]}") # Skip option value sw.Write("""if [[ -n "$2" && "$w" == @($2) ]]; then let ++i""") # Skip sw.Write("""elif [[ -n "$3" && "$w" == @($3) ]]; then :""") # Ah, we found the first argument sw.Write("else first_arg_idx=$i; break;") sw.Write("fi") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("done") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") # Params: # Input variable: $first_arg_idx # Result variables: $arg_idx, $choices sw.Write("_ganeti_list_options() {") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("""if [[ -z "$first_arg_idx" ]]; then""") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("arg_idx=0") # Show options only if the current word starts with a dash sw.Write("""if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then""") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("choices=$1") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") sw.Write("return") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") # Calculate position of current argument sw.Write("arg_idx=$(( COMP_CWORD - first_arg_idx ))") sw.Write("choices=") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") # Params: # Result variable: $optcur sw.Write("_gnt_checkopt() {") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("""if [[ -n "$1" && "$cur" == @($1) ]]; then""") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("optcur=\"${cur#--*=}\"") sw.Write("return 0") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("""elif [[ -n "$2" && "$prev" == @($2) ]]; then""") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("optcur=\"$cur\"") sw.Write("return 0") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") sw.Write("_gnt_log optcur=\"'$optcur'\"") sw.Write("return 1") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") # Params: # Result variable: $COMPREPLY sw.Write("_gnt_compgen() {") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("""COMPREPLY=( $(compgen "$@") )""") sw.Write("_gnt_log COMPREPLY=\"${COMPREPLY[@]}\"") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") def WriteCompReply(sw, args, cur="\"$cur\""): sw.Write("_gnt_compgen %s -- %s", args, cur) sw.Write("return") class CompletionWriter: """Command completion writer class. """ def __init__(self, arg_offset, opts, args): self.arg_offset = arg_offset self.opts = opts self.args = args for opt in opts: # While documented, these variables aren't seen as public attributes by # pylint. pylint: disable=W0212 opt.all_names = sorted(opt._short_opts + opt._long_opts) invalid = list(itertools.ifilterfalse(_OPT_NAME_RE.match, opt.all_names)) if invalid: raise Exception("Option names don't match regular expression '%s': %s" % (_OPT_NAME_RE.pattern, utils.CommaJoin(invalid))) def _FindFirstArgument(self, sw): ignore = [] skip_one = [] for opt in self.opts: if opt.takes_value(): # Ignore value for i in opt.all_names: if i.startswith("--"): ignore.append("%s=*" % utils.ShellQuote(i)) skip_one.append(utils.ShellQuote(i)) else: ignore.extend([utils.ShellQuote(i) for i in opt.all_names]) ignore = sorted(utils.UniqueSequence(ignore)) skip_one = sorted(utils.UniqueSequence(skip_one)) if ignore or skip_one: # Try to locate first argument sw.Write("_ganeti_find_first_arg %s %s %s", self.arg_offset + 1, utils.ShellQuote("|".join(skip_one)), utils.ShellQuote("|".join(ignore))) else: # When there are no options the first argument is always at position # offset + 1 sw.Write("first_arg_idx=%s", self.arg_offset + 1) def _CompleteOptionValues(self, sw): # Group by values # "values" -> [optname1, optname2, ...] values = {} for opt in self.opts: if not opt.takes_value(): continue # Only static choices implemented so far (e.g. no node list) suggest = getattr(opt, "completion_suggest", None) # our custom option type if opt.type == "bool": suggest = ["yes", "no"] if not suggest: suggest = opt.choices if (isinstance(suggest, (int, long)) and suggest in cli.OPT_COMPL_ALL): key = suggest elif suggest: key = " ".join(sorted(suggest)) else: key = "" values.setdefault(key, []).extend(opt.all_names) # Don't write any code if there are no option values if not values: return cur = "\"$optcur\"" wrote_opt = False for (suggest, allnames) in values.iteritems(): longnames = [i for i in allnames if i.startswith("--")] if wrote_opt: condcmd = "elif" else: condcmd = "if" sw.Write("%s _gnt_checkopt %s %s; then", condcmd, utils.ShellQuote("|".join(["%s=*" % i for i in longnames])), utils.ShellQuote("|".join(allnames))) sw.IncIndent() try: if suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_MANY_NODES: # TODO: Implement comma-separated values WriteCompReply(sw, "-W ''", cur=cur) elif suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_ONE_NODE: WriteCompReply(sw, "-W \"$(_ganeti_nodes)\"", cur=cur) elif suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_ONE_INSTANCE: WriteCompReply(sw, "-W \"$(_ganeti_instances)\"", cur=cur) elif suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_ONE_OS: WriteCompReply(sw, "-W \"$(_ganeti_os)\"", cur=cur) elif suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_ONE_IALLOCATOR: WriteCompReply(sw, "-W \"$(_ganeti_iallocator)\"", cur=cur) elif suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_ONE_NODEGROUP: WriteCompReply(sw, "-W \"$(_ganeti_nodegroup)\"", cur=cur) elif suggest == cli.OPT_COMPL_INST_ADD_NODES: sw.Write("local tmp= node1= pfx= curvalue=\"${optcur#*:}\"") sw.Write("if [[ \"$optcur\" == *:* ]]; then") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("node1=\"${optcur%%:*}\"") sw.Write("if [[ \"$COMP_WORDBREAKS\" != *:* ]]; then") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("pfx=\"$node1:\"") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") sw.Write("_gnt_log pfx=\"'$pfx'\" curvalue=\"'$curvalue'\"" " node1=\"'$node1'\"") sw.Write("for i in $(_ganeti_nodes); do") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("if [[ -z \"$node1\" ]]; then") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("tmp=\"$tmp $i $i:\"") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("elif [[ \"$i\" != \"$node1\" ]]; then") sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("tmp=\"$tmp $i\"") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("done") WriteCompReply(sw, "-P \"$pfx\" -W \"$tmp\"", cur="\"$curvalue\"") else: WriteCompReply(sw, "-W %s" % utils.ShellQuote(suggest), cur=cur) finally: sw.DecIndent() wrote_opt = True if wrote_opt: sw.Write("fi") return def _CompleteArguments(self, sw): if not (self.opts or self.args): return all_option_names = [] for opt in self.opts: all_option_names.extend(opt.all_names) all_option_names.sort() # List options if no argument has been specified yet sw.Write("_ganeti_list_options %s", utils.ShellQuote(" ".join(all_option_names))) if self.args: last_idx = len(self.args) - 1 last_arg_end = 0 varlen_arg_idx = None wrote_arg = False sw.Write("compgenargs=") for idx, arg in enumerate(self.args): assert arg.min is not None and arg.min >= 0 assert not (idx < last_idx and arg.max is None) if arg.min != arg.max or arg.max is None: if varlen_arg_idx is not None: raise Exception("Only one argument can have a variable length") varlen_arg_idx = idx compgenargs = [] if isinstance(arg, cli.ArgUnknown): choices = "" elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgSuggest): choices = utils.ShellQuote(" ".join(arg.choices)) elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgInstance): choices = "$(_ganeti_instances)" elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgNode): choices = "$(_ganeti_nodes)" elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgGroup): choices = "$(_ganeti_nodegroup)" elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgJobId): choices = "$(_ganeti_jobs)" elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgOs): choices = "$(_ganeti_os)" elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgFile): choices = "" compgenargs.append("-f") elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgCommand): choices = "" compgenargs.append("-c") elif isinstance(arg, cli.ArgHost): choices = "" compgenargs.append("-A hostname") else: raise Exception("Unknown argument type %r" % arg) if arg.min == 1 and arg.max == 1: cmpcode = """"$arg_idx" == %d""" % (last_arg_end) elif arg.max is None: cmpcode = """"$arg_idx" -ge %d""" % (last_arg_end) elif arg.min <= arg.max: cmpcode = (""""$arg_idx" -ge %d && "$arg_idx" -lt %d""" % (last_arg_end, last_arg_end + arg.max)) else: raise Exception("Unable to generate argument position condition") last_arg_end += arg.min if choices or compgenargs: if wrote_arg: condcmd = "elif" else: condcmd = "if" sw.Write("""%s [[ %s ]]; then""", condcmd, cmpcode) sw.IncIndent() try: if choices: sw.Write("""choices="$choices "%s""", choices) if compgenargs: sw.Write("compgenargs=%s", utils.ShellQuote(" ".join(compgenargs))) finally: sw.DecIndent() wrote_arg = True if wrote_arg: sw.Write("fi") if self.args: WriteCompReply(sw, """-W "$choices" $compgenargs""") else: # $compgenargs exists only if there are arguments WriteCompReply(sw, '-W "$choices"') def WriteTo(self, sw): self._FindFirstArgument(sw) self._CompleteOptionValues(sw) self._CompleteArguments(sw) def WriteCompletion(sw, scriptname, funcname, commands=None, opts=None, args=None): """Writes the completion code for one command. @type sw: ShellWriter @param sw: Script writer @type scriptname: string @param scriptname: Name of command line program @type funcname: string @param funcname: Shell function name @type commands: list @param commands: List of all subcommands in this program """ sw.Write("%s() {", funcname) sw.IncIndent() try: sw.Write("local " ' cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"' ' prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"' ' i first_arg_idx choices compgenargs arg_idx optcur') sw.Write("_gnt_log cur=\"$cur\" prev=\"$prev\"") sw.Write("[[ -n \"$GANETI_COMPL_LOG\" ]] &&" " _gnt_log \"$(set | grep ^COMP_)\"") sw.Write("COMPREPLY=()") if opts is not None and args is not None: assert not commands CompletionWriter(0, opts, args).WriteTo(sw) else: sw.Write("""if [[ "$COMP_CWORD" == 1 ]]; then""") sw.IncIndent() try: # Complete the command name WriteCompReply(sw, ("-W %s" % utils.ShellQuote(" ".join(sorted(commands.keys()))))) finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("fi") # Group commands by arguments and options grouped_cmds = {} for cmd, (_, argdef, optdef, _, _) in commands.iteritems(): if not (argdef or optdef): continue grouped_cmds.setdefault((tuple(argdef), tuple(optdef)), set()).add(cmd) # We're doing options and arguments to commands sw.Write("""case "${COMP_WORDS[1]}" in""") for ((argdef, optdef), cmds) in grouped_cmds.items(): assert argdef or optdef sw.Write("%s)", "|".join(map(utils.ShellQuote, sorted(cmds)))) sw.IncIndent() try: CompletionWriter(1, optdef, argdef).WriteTo(sw) finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write(";;") sw.Write("esac") finally: sw.DecIndent() sw.Write("}") sw.Write("complete -F %s -o filenames %s", utils.ShellQuote(funcname), utils.ShellQuote(scriptname)) def GetFunctionName(name): return "_" + re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9]+", "_", name.lower()) def GetCommands(filename, module): """Returns the commands defined in a module. Aliases are also added as commands. """ try: commands = getattr(module, "commands") except AttributeError: raise Exception("Script %s doesn't have 'commands' attribute" % filename) # Add the implicit "--help" option help_option = cli.cli_option("-h", "--help", default=False, action="store_true") for name, (_, _, optdef, _, _) in commands.items(): if help_option not in optdef: optdef.append(help_option) for opt in cli.COMMON_OPTS: if opt in optdef: raise Exception("Common option '%s' listed for command '%s' in %s" % (opt, name, filename)) optdef.append(opt) # Use aliases aliases = getattr(module, "aliases", {}) if aliases: commands = commands.copy() for name, target in aliases.iteritems(): commands[name] = commands[target] return commands def main(): buf = StringIO() sw = utils.ShellWriter(buf) WritePreamble(sw) # gnt-* scripts for scriptname in _autoconf.GNT_SCRIPTS: filename = "scripts/%s" % scriptname WriteCompletion(sw, scriptname, GetFunctionName(scriptname), commands=GetCommands(filename, build.LoadModule(filename))) # Burnin script burnin = build.LoadModule("tools/burnin") WriteCompletion(sw, "%s/burnin" % constants.TOOLSDIR, "_ganeti_burnin", opts=burnin.OPTIONS, args=burnin.ARGUMENTS) print buf.getvalue() if __name__ == "__main__": main()