#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Debugging commands""" # pylint: disable-msg=W0401,W0614,C0103 # W0401: Wildcard import ganeti.cli # W0614: Unused import %s from wildcard import (since we need cli) # C0103: Invalid name gnt-backup import sys import simplejson import time from ganeti.cli import * from ganeti import cli from ganeti import opcodes from ganeti import utils from ganeti import errors def Delay(opts, args): """Sleeps for a while @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the duration the sleep @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ delay = float(args[0]) op = opcodes.OpTestDelay(duration=delay, on_master=opts.on_master, on_nodes=opts.on_nodes) SubmitOpCode(op, opts=opts) return 0 def GenericOpCodes(opts, args): """Send any opcode to the master. @todo: The function is broken and needs to be converted to the current job queue API @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the path of the file with the opcode definition @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ cl = cli.GetClient() jex = cli.JobExecutor(cl=cl, verbose=opts.verbose, opts=opts) job_cnt = 0 op_cnt = 0 if opts.timing_stats: ToStdout("Loading...") for job_idx in range(opts.rep_job): for fname in args: # pylint: disable-msg=W0142 op_data = simplejson.loads(utils.ReadFile(fname)) op_list = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(val) for val in op_data] op_list = op_list * opts.rep_op jex.QueueJob("file %s/%d" % (fname, job_idx), *op_list) op_cnt += len(op_list) job_cnt += 1 if opts.timing_stats: t1 = time.time() ToStdout("Submitting...") jex.SubmitPending() if opts.timing_stats: t2 = time.time() ToStdout("Executing...") jex.GetResults() if opts.timing_stats: t3 = time.time() ToStdout("C:op %4d" % op_cnt) ToStdout("C:job %4d" % job_cnt) ToStdout("T:submit %4.4f" % (t2-t1)) ToStdout("T:exec %4.4f" % (t3-t2)) ToStdout("T:total %4.4f" % (t3-t1)) return 0 def TestAllocator(opts, args): """Runs the test allocator opcode. @param opts: the command line options selected by the user @type args: list @param args: should contain only one element, the iallocator name @rtype: int @return: the desired exit code """ try: disks = [{"size": utils.ParseUnit(val), "mode": 'w'} for val in opts.disks.split(",")] except errors.UnitParseError, err: ToStderr("Invalid disks parameter '%s': %s", opts.disks, err) return 1 nics = [val.split("/") for val in opts.nics.split(",")] for row in nics: while len(row) < 3: row.append(None) for i in range(3): if row[i] == '': row[i] = None nic_dict = [{"mac": v[0], "ip": v[1], "bridge": v[2]} for v in nics] if opts.tags is None: opts.tags = [] else: opts.tags = opts.tags.split(",") op = opcodes.OpTestAllocator(mode=opts.mode, name=args[0], evac_nodes=args, mem_size=opts.mem, disks=disks, disk_template=opts.disk_template, nics=nic_dict, os=opts.os, vcpus=opts.vcpus, tags=opts.tags, direction=opts.direction, allocator=opts.iallocator, ) result = SubmitOpCode(op, opts=opts) ToStdout("%s" % result) return 0 commands = { 'delay': ( Delay, [ArgUnknown(min=1, max=1)], [cli_option("--no-master", dest="on_master", default=True, action="store_false", help="Do not sleep in the master code"), cli_option("-n", dest="on_nodes", default=[], action="append", help="Select nodes to sleep on"), ], "[opts...] ", "Executes a TestDelay OpCode"), 'submit-job': ( GenericOpCodes, [ArgFile(min=1)], [VERBOSE_OPT, cli_option("--op-repeat", type="int", default="1", dest="rep_op", help="Repeat the opcode sequence this number of times"), cli_option("--job-repeat", type="int", default="1", dest="rep_job", help="Repeat the job this number of times"), cli_option("--timing-stats", default=False, action="store_true", help="Show timing stats"), ], "", "Submits jobs built from json files" " containing a list of serialized opcodes"), 'allocator': ( TestAllocator, [ArgUnknown(min=1)], [cli_option("--dir", dest="direction", default="in", choices=["in", "out"], help="Show allocator input (in) or allocator" " results (out)"), IALLOCATOR_OPT, cli_option("-m", "--mode", default="relocate", choices=["relocate", "allocate", "multi-evacuate"], help="Request mode, either allocate or relocate"), cli_option("--mem", default=128, type="unit", help="Memory size for the instance (MiB)"), cli_option("--disks", default="4096,4096", help="Comma separated list of disk sizes (MiB)"), DISK_TEMPLATE_OPT, cli_option("--nics", default="00:11:22:33:44:55", help="Comma separated list of nics, each nic" " definition is of form mac/ip/bridge, if" " missing values are replace by None"), OS_OPT, cli_option("-p", "--vcpus", default=1, type="int", help="Select number of VCPUs for the instance"), cli_option("--tags", default=None, help="Comma separated list of tags"), ], "{opts...} ", "Executes a TestAllocator OpCode"), } if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(GenericMain(commands))