#!/bin/bash #Configuration : ${DATA_DIR=data} : ${ARCH=amd64} : ${DIST_RELEASE=squeeze} : ${CONF_DIR:=/etc/schroot/chroot.d} : ${CHROOT_DIR:=/srv/chroot} : ${ALTERNATIVE_EDITOR:=/usr/bin/vim.basic} #Automatically generated variables CHROOTNAME=$DIST_RELEASE-$ARCH CHNAME=building_$CHROOTNAME TEMP_CHROOT_CONF=$CONF_DIR/$CHNAME.conf FINAL_CHROOT_CONF=$CHROOTNAME.conf ROOT=`pwd` CHDIR=$ROOT/$CHNAME USER=`whoami` COMP_FILENAME=$CHROOTNAME.tar.gz COMP_FILEPATH=$ROOT/$COMP_FILENAME #Runnability checks if [ $USER != 'root' ] then echo "This script requires root permissions to run" exit fi if [ -f $TEMP_CHROOT_CONF ] then echo "The configuration file name for the temporary chroot" echo " $TEMP_CHROOT_CONF" echo "already exists." echo "Remove it or change the CHNAME value in the script." exit fi set -e #Cleanup rm -rf $CHDIR mkdir $CHDIR #Install tools for building chroots apt-get install -y schroot debootstrap shopt -s expand_aliases alias in_chroot='schroot -c $CHNAME -d / ' alias subst_variables='sed \ -e "s/\${ARCH}/$ARCH/" \ -e "s*\${CHDIR}*$CHDIR*" \ -e "s/\${CHNAME}/$CHNAME/" \ -e "s/\${CHROOTNAME}/$CHROOTNAME/" \ -e "s*\${CHROOT_DIR}*$CHROOT_DIR*" \ -e "s/\${COMP_FILENAME}/$COMP_FILENAME/" \ -e "s/\${DIST_RELEASE}/$DIST_RELEASE/"' #Generate chroot configurations cat $DATA_DIR/temp.schroot.conf.in | subst_variables > $TEMP_CHROOT_CONF cat $DATA_DIR/final.schroot.conf.in | subst_variables > $FINAL_CHROOT_CONF #Install the base system debootstrap --arch $ARCH $DIST_RELEASE $CHDIR APT_INSTALL="apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends" echo "deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports" \ "$DIST_RELEASE-backports main contrib non-free" \ > $CHDIR/etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list #Install all the packages in_chroot -- \ apt-get update #Install selected packages from backports in_chroot -- \ apt-get -y --no-install-recommends -t squeeze-backports install \ git \ vim in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL python-setuptools build-essential python-dev sudo automake \ fakeroot rsync locales less echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> $CHDIR/etc/locale.gen in_chroot -- \ locale-gen in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL lvm2 ssh bridge-utils iproute iputils-arping \ ndisc6 python python-pyopenssl openssl \ python-pyparsing python-simplejson \ python-pyinotify python-pycurl python-yaml python-mock \ socat fping in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL python-paramiko qemu-utils in_chroot -- \ easy_install affinity bitarray ipaddr #Haskell packages in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL ghc6 \ libghc6-parallel-dev libghc6-deepseq-dev \ libghc6-curl-dev in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL cabal-install in_chroot -- \ cabal update in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL libpcre3-dev in_chroot -- \ cabal install --global \ QuickCheck== \ network==2.3 hslogger Crypto text regex-pcre \ attoparsec vector \ json==0.4.4 \ MonadCatchIO-transformers== mtl== \ hashable== case-insensitive==0.3 parsec==3.0.1 \ network==2.3 snap-server==0.8.1 \ hinotify==0.3.2 #Python development tools in_chroot -- \ $APT_INSTALL pandoc python-epydoc graphviz in_chroot -- \ easy_install sphinx==1.1.3 \ logilab-common \ logilab-astng==0.23.1 \ pylint==0.25.1 \ pep8==1.2 \ coverage #Haskell development tools in_chroot -- \ cabal install --global \ HUnit \ happy \ hlint==1.8.34 \ hscolour==1.20.3 \ temporary \ test-framework==0.6.1 \ test-framework-hunit==0.2.7 \ test-framework-quickcheck2== in_chroot -- \ cabal install --global shelltestrunner #Set default editor in_chroot -- \ update-alternatives --set editor $ALTERNATIVE_EDITOR rm -f $COMP_FILEPATH echo "Creating compressed schroot image..." cd $CHDIR tar czf $COMP_FILEPATH ./* cd $ROOT echo "Done" rm -rf $CHDIR rm -f $TEMP_CHROOT_CONF