Developer notes =============== Build dependencies ------------------ Most dependencies from :doc:`install-quick`, plus (for Python): - `GNU make `_ - `GNU tar `_ - `Gzip `_ - `pandoc `_ - `python-sphinx `_ (tested with version 0.6.1) - `graphviz `_ - the `en_US.UTF-8` locale must be enabled on the system - `pylint `_ and its associated dependencies Note that for pylint, at the current moment the following versions need to be used:: $ pylint --version pylint 0.21.1, astng 0.20.1, common 0.50.3 To generate unittest coverage reports (``make coverage``), `coverage `_ needs to be installed. For Haskell development, again all things from the quick install document, plus: - `haddock `_, documentation generator (equivalent to epydoc for Python) - `HsColour `_, again used for documentation (it's source-code pretty-printing) - `hlint `_, a source code linter (equivalent to pylint for Python) - the `QuickCheck `_ library, version 2.x - ``hpc``, which comes with the compiler, so you should already have it Under Debian, these can be installed (on top of the required ones from the quick install document) via:: apt-get install libghc-quickcheck2-dev hscolour hlint Configuring for development --------------------------- .. highlight:: sh Run the following command (only use ``PYTHON=...`` if you need to use a different python version):: ./ && \ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var Packaging notes =============== Ganeti is mostly developped and tested on `Debian `_-based distributions, while still keeping adoptability to other Linux distributions in mind. The ``doc/examples/`` directory contains a number of potentially useful scripts and configuration files. Some of them might need adjustment before use. ``daemon-util`` --------------- This script, in the source code as ``daemons/``, is used to start/stop Ganeti and do a few other things related to system daemons. It is recommended to use ``daemon-util`` also from the system's init scripts. That way the code starting and stopping daemons is shared and future changes have to be made in only one place. ``daemon-util`` reads extra arguments from variables (``*_ARGS``) in ``/etc/default/ganeti``. When modifying ``daemon-util``, keep in mind to not remove support for the ``EXTRA_*_ARGS`` variables for starting daemons. Some parts of Ganeti use them to pass additional arguments when starting a daemon. The ``reload_ssh_keys`` function can be adjusted to use another command for reloading the OpenSSH daemon's host keys. .. vim: set textwidth=72 :