#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Run an executable on a list of hosts. Script to serially run an executable on a list of hosts via ssh with password auth as root. If the provided log dir does not yet exist, it will try to create it. Implementation: - the main process spawns up to batch_size children, which: - connects to the remote host via ssh as root - uploads the executable with a random name to /tmp via sftp - chmod 500s it - via ssh: chdirs into the upload directory and runs the script - deletes it - writes status messages and all output to one logfile per host - the main process gathers then the status of the children and reports the success/failure ratio - entire script can be aborted with Ctrl-C Security considerations: - the root password for the remote hosts is stored in memory for the runtime of the script - the executable to be run on the remote host is handled the following way: - try to create a random directory with permissions 700 on the remote host, abort furter processing on this host if this failes - upload the executable with to a random filename in that directory - set executable permissions to 500 - run the executable - delete the execuable and the directory on the remote host """ # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 # C0103: Invalid name ganeti-listrunner import errno import optparse import getpass import logging import os import random import select import socket import sys import time import traceback import paramiko REMOTE_PATH_BASE = "/tmp/listrunner" USAGE = ("%prog -l logdir {-c command | -x /path/to/file} [-b batch_size]" " {-f hostfile|-h hosts} [-u username]" " [-p password_file | -A]") def LogDirUseable(logdir): """Ensure log file directory is available and usable.""" testfile = "%s/test-%s-%s.deleteme" % (logdir, random.random(), random.random()) try: os.mkdir(logdir) except OSError, err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise try: logtest = open(testfile, "aw") logtest.writelines("log file writeability test\n") logtest.close() os.unlink(testfile) return True except (OSError, IOError): return False def GetTimeStamp(timestamp=None): """Return ISO8601 timestamp. Returns ISO8601 timestamp, optionally expects a time.localtime() tuple in timestamp, but will use the current time if this argument is not supplied. """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.localtime() isotime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", timestamp) return isotime def PingByTcp(target, port, timeout=10, live_port_needed=False, source=None): """Simple ping implementation using TCP connect(2). Try to do a TCP connect(2) from an optional source IP to the specified target IP and the specified target port. If the optional parameter live_port_needed is set to true, requires the remote end to accept the connection. The timeout is specified in seconds and defaults to 10 seconds. If the source optional argument is not passed, the source address selection is left to the kernel, otherwise we try to connect using the passed address (failures to bind other than EADDRNOTAVAIL will be ignored). """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) success = False if source is not None: try: sock.bind((source, 0)) except socket.error, (errcode): if errcode == errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL: success = False sock.settimeout(timeout) try: sock.connect((target, port)) sock.close() success = True except socket.timeout: success = False except socket.error, (errcode): success = (not live_port_needed) and (errcode == errno.ECONNREFUSED) return success def GetHosts(hostsfile): """Return list of hosts from hostfile. Reads the hostslist file and returns a list of hosts. Expects the hostslist file to contain one hostname per line. """ try: datafile = open(hostsfile, "r") except IOError, msg: print "Failed to open hosts file %s: %s" % (hostsfile, msg) sys.exit(2) hosts = datafile.readlines() datafile.close() return hosts def WriteLog(message, logfile): """Writes message, terminated by newline, to logfile.""" try: logfile = open(logfile, "aw") except IOError, msg: print "failed to open log file %s: %s" % (logfile, msg) print "log message was: %s" % message sys.exit(1) # no being able to log is critical try: timestamp = GetTimeStamp() logfile.writelines("%s %s\n" % (timestamp, message)) logfile.close() except IOError, msg: print "failed to write to logfile %s: %s" % (logfile, msg) print "log message was: %s" % message sys.exit(1) # no being able to log is critical def GetAgentKeys(): """Tries to get a list of ssh keys from an agent.""" try: agent = paramiko.Agent() return list(agent.get_keys()) except paramiko.SSHException: return [] def SetupSshConnection(host, username, password, use_agent, logfile): """Setup the ssh connection used for all later steps. This function sets up the ssh connection that will be used both for upload and remote command execution. On success, it will return paramiko.Transport object with an already logged in session. On failure, False will be returned. """ # check if target is willing to talk to us at all if not PingByTcp(host, 22, live_port_needed=True): WriteLog("ERROR: FAILURE_NOT_REACHABLE", logfile) print " - ERROR: host not reachable on 22/tcp" return False if use_agent: keys = GetAgentKeys() else: keys = [] all_kwargs = [{"pkey": k} for k in keys] all_desc = ["key %d" % d for d in range(len(keys))] if password is not None: all_kwargs.append({"password": password}) all_desc.append("password") # deal with logging out of paramiko.transport handler = None for desc, kwargs in zip(all_desc, all_kwargs): try: transport = paramiko.Transport((host, 22)) # only try to setup the logging handler once if not handler: handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) log = logging.getLogger(transport.get_log_channel()) log.addHandler(handler) transport.connect(username=username, **kwargs) # pylint: disable-msg=W0142 WriteLog("ssh connection established using %s" % desc, logfile) # strange ... when establishing the session and the immediately # setting up the channels for sftp & shell from that, it sometimes # fails, but waiting 1 second after session setup makes it always work # time.sleep(1) # FIXME apparently needfull to give sshd some time return transport except (socket.gaierror, socket.error, paramiko.SSHException): continue methods = ", ".join(all_desc) WriteLog("ERROR: FAILURE_CONNECTION_SETUP (tried %s) " % methods, logfile) WriteLog("aborted", logfile) print " - ERROR: connection setup failed (tried %s)" % methods return False def UploadFiles(connection, executable, filelist, logfile): """Uploads the specified files via sftp. Uploads the specified files to a random, freshly created directory with a temporary name under /tmp. All uploaded files are chmod 0400 after upload with the exception of executable, with is chmod 500. Upon success, returns the absolute path to the remote upload directory, but will return False upon failure. """ remote_dir = "%s.%s-%s" % (REMOTE_PATH_BASE, random.random(), random.random()) try: sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(connection) sftp.mkdir(remote_dir, mode=0700) for item in filelist: remote_file = "%s/%s" % (remote_dir, item.split("/").pop()) WriteLog("uploading %s to remote %s" % (item, remote_file), logfile) sftp.put(item, remote_file) if item == executable: sftp.chmod(remote_file, 0500) else: sftp.chmod(remote_file, 0400) sftp.close() except IOError, err: WriteLog("ERROR: FAILURE_UPLOAD: %s" % err, logfile) return False return remote_dir def CleanupRemoteDir(connection, upload_dir, filelist, logfile): """Cleanes out and removes the remote work directory.""" try: sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(connection) for item in filelist: fullpath = "%s/%s" % (upload_dir, item.split("/").pop()) WriteLog("removing remote %s" % fullpath, logfile) sftp.remove(fullpath) sftp.rmdir(upload_dir) sftp.close() except IOError, err: WriteLog("ERROR: FAILURE_CLEANUP: %s" % err, logfile) return False return True def RunRemoteCommand(connection, command, logfile): """Execute the command via ssh on the remote host.""" session = connection.open_session() session.setblocking(0) # the following dance is needed because paramiko changed APIs: # from returning True/False for success to always returning None # and throwing an exception in case of problems. # And I want to support both the old and the new API. result = True # being optimistic here, I know message = None try: if session.exec_command("%s 2>&1" % command) is False: result = False except paramiko.SSHException, message: result = False if not result: WriteLog("ERROR: FAILURE_COMMAND_EXECUTION: %s" % message, logfile) return False ### Read when data is available output = "" while select.select([session], [], []): try: data = session.recv(1024) except socket.timeout, err: data = None WriteLog("FAILED: socket.timeout %s" % err, logfile) except socket.error, err: data = None WriteLog("FAILED: socket.error %s" % err, logfile) if not data: break output += data select.select([], [], [], .1) WriteLog("SUCCESS: command output follows", logfile) for line in output.split("\n"): WriteLog("output = %s" %line, logfile) WriteLog("command execution completed", logfile) session.close() return True def HostWorker(logdir, username, password, use_agent, hostname, executable, command, filelist): """Per-host worker. This function does not return - it's the main code of the childs, which exit at the end of this function. The exit code 0 or 1 will be interpreted by the parent. @param logdir: the directory where the logfiles must be created @param username: SSH username @param password: SSH password @param use_agent: whether we should instead use an agent @param hostname: the hostname to connect to @param executable: the executable to upload, if not None @param command: the command to run @param filelist: auxiliary files to upload """ # in the child/worker process logfile = "%s/%s.log" % (logdir, hostname) print "%s - starting" % hostname result = 0 # optimism, I know try: connection = SetupSshConnection(hostname, username, password, use_agent, logfile) if connection is not False: if executable is not None: print " %s: uploading files" % hostname upload_dir = UploadFiles(connection, executable, filelist, logfile) command = "cd %s && ./%s" % (upload_dir, executable.split("/").pop()) print " %s: executing remote command" % hostname cmd_result = RunRemoteCommand(connection, command, logfile) if cmd_result is True: print " %s: remote command execution successful" % hostname else: print (" %s: remote command execution failed," " check log for details" % hostname) result = 1 if executable is not None: print " %s: cleaning up remote work dir" % hostname cln_result = CleanupRemoteDir(connection, upload_dir, filelist, logfile) if cln_result is False: print (" %s: remote work dir cleanup failed, check" " log for details" % hostname) result = 1 connection.close() else: print " %s: connection setup failed, skipping" % hostname result = 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print " %s: received KeyboardInterrupt, aborting" % hostname WriteLog("ERROR: ABORT_KEYBOARD_INTERRUPT", logfile) result = 1 except Exception, err: result = 1 trace = traceback.format_exc() msg = "ERROR: UNHANDLED_EXECPTION_ERROR: %s\nTrace: %s" % (err, trace) WriteLog(msg, logfile) print " %s: %s" % (hostname, msg) # and exit with exit code 0 or 1, so the parent can compute statistics sys.exit(result) def LaunchWorker(child_pids, logdir, username, password, use_agent, hostname, executable, command, filelist): """Launch the per-host worker. Arguments are the same as for HostWorker, except for child_pids, which is a dictionary holding the pid-to-hostname mapping. """ hostname = hostname.rstrip("\n") pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # controller just record the pids child_pids[pid] = hostname else: HostWorker(logdir, username, password, use_agent, hostname, executable, command, filelist) def ParseOptions(): """Parses the command line options. In case of command line errors, it will show the usage and exit the program. @return: the options in a tuple """ # resolve because original used -h for hostfile, which conflicts # with -h for help parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="\n%s" % USAGE, conflict_handler="resolve") parser.add_option("-l", dest="logdir", default=None, help="directory to write logfiles to") parser.add_option("-x", dest="executable", default=None, help="executable to run on remote host(s)",) parser.add_option("-f", dest="hostfile", default=None, help="hostlist file (one host per line)") parser.add_option("-h", dest="hostlist", default=None, metavar="HOSTS", help="comma-separated list of hosts or single hostname",) parser.add_option("-a", dest="auxfiles", action="append", default=[], help="optional auxiliary file to upload" " (can be given multiple times", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-c", dest="command", default=None, help="shell command to run on remote host(s)") parser.add_option("-b", dest="batch_size", default=15, type="int", help="batch-size, how many hosts to process" " in parallel [15]") parser.add_option("-u", dest="username", default="root", help="username used to connect [root]") parser.add_option("-p", dest="password", default=None, help="password used to authenticate (when not" " using an agent)") parser.add_option("-A", dest="use_agent", default=False, action="store_true", help="instead of password, use keys from an SSH agent") opts, args = parser.parse_args() if opts.executable and opts.command: parser.error("Options -x and -c conflict with each other") if not (opts.executable or opts.command): parser.error("One of -x and -c must be given") if not opts.logdir: parser.error("Option -l is required") if opts.hostfile and opts.hostlist: parser.error("Options -f and -h conflict with each other") if not (opts.hostfile or opts.hostlist): parser.error("One of -f or -h must be given") if args: parser.error("This program doesn't take any arguments, passed in: %s" % ", ".join(args)) return (opts.logdir, opts.executable, opts.hostfile, opts.hostlist, opts.command, opts.use_agent, opts.auxfiles, opts.username, opts.password, opts.batch_size) def main(): """main.""" (logdir, executable, hostfile, hostlist, command, use_agent, auxfiles, username, password, batch_size) = ParseOptions() ### Unbuffered sys.stdout sys.stdout = os.fdopen(1, "w", 0) if LogDirUseable(logdir) is False: print "ERROR: cannot create logfiles in dir %s, aborting" % logdir sys.exit(1) if use_agent: pass elif password: try: fh = file(password) pwvalue = fh.readline().strip() fh.close() except IOError, e: print "error: can not read in from password file %s: %s" % (password, e) sys.exit(1) password = pwvalue else: password = getpass.getpass("%s's password for all nodes: " % username) if hostfile: hosts = GetHosts(hostfile) else: if "," in hostlist: hostlist = hostlist.rstrip(",") # commandline robustness hosts = hostlist.split(",") else: hosts = [hostlist] successes = failures = 0 filelist = auxfiles[:] filelist.append(executable) # initial batch batch = hosts[:batch_size] hosts = hosts[batch_size:] child_pids = {} for hostname in batch: LaunchWorker(child_pids, logdir, username, password, use_agent, hostname, executable, command, filelist) while child_pids: pid, status = os.wait() hostname = child_pids.pop(pid, "") print " %s: done (in parent)" % hostname if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0: successes += 1 else: failures += 1 if hosts: LaunchWorker(child_pids, logdir, username, password, use_agent, hosts.pop(0), executable, command, filelist) print print "All done, %s successful and %s failed hosts" % (successes, failures) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Received KeyboardInterrupt, aborting" sys.exit(1)