June 16, 2007"> 7"> ganeti"> Debian"> GNU"> GPL"> ]> 2006 2007 Google Inc. &dhdate; &dhucpackage; &dhsection; ganeti 1.2 &dhpackage; cluster-based virtualization management # gnt-cluster init cluster1.example.com # gnt-node add node2.example.com # gnt-os add -o debian-etch -p /srv/ganeti/os/debian-etch # gnt-instance add -n node2.example.com -o debian-etch -s 128 -m 8 \ > -t plain instance1.example.com DESCRIPTION The ganeti software manages physical nodes and virtual instances of a cluster based on a virtualization software. The current version (1.2) supports Xen 3.0 (also tested with 3.1). Quick start First you must install the software on all the cluster nodes, either from sources or (if available) from a package. The next step is to create the initial cluster configuration, using gnt-cluster init. Then you can add other nodes, or start creating instances. &footer;