ganeti (2.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low As of 2.8.0-1, ganeti is configured to use separate users for its daemons. Each daemon now runs as a different user (all with a “gnt-” username prefix) and root access is currently granted only to the node daemon. This is a build-time setting and existing installations will be automatically converted to use the new user separation model. -- Apollon Oikonomopoulos Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:02:24 +0300 ganeti (2.7.0-2) unstable; urgency=low The ganeti2 package has been renamed to ganeti, since the original reasons for nameing the package ganeti2 (i.e. the 1.2 to 2.0 migration) no longer apply. A dummy transitional ganeti2 package is provided for compatibility, you can safely remove it after the installation has finished. Since 2.7.0-2, all internal Ganeti Python libraries are shipped as a private module. This is done because the Ganeti internal APIs are not guaranteed to be stable and direct use by 3rd-party applications is discouraged. Thus, any 3rd-party programs importing Ganeti's Python code, should now live under /usr/share/ganeti or include /usr/share/ganeti in Python's sys.path. The RAPI client library, being the only stable external API, is now shipped as a public module in its own package, python-ganeti-rapi. Since 2.7.0-2, the HTML documentation is provided in the ganeti-doc package. -- Apollon Oikonomopoulos Sat, 13 Jul 2013 04:04:27 +0300 ganeti2 (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low Upgrading from Lenny's 1.2 directly to 2.1 requires a two-step method: first run /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade12 followed by the normal /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade. This is somewhat more tricky than the intermediate step (1.2 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 2.1), but should otherwise work. Backup of the configuration directory is of course recommended, and reading the wiki page too. Note: if running 2.0, it is possible do to the upgrade without downtime. If running 1.2, it is a must to stop instances. Detailed instructions (for both 1.2->2.1 and 2.0->2.1 upgrades): - stop cron, or comment out the watcher entry in cron - stop ganeti on the master node - make a backup of /var/lib/ganeti - install new software - if running 1.2, stop all instances - if running 1.2, first migrate all instances to DRBD8 using /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/drbd8-upgrade - if running 1.2, on the master node run /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade12 - on the master node, run /usr/lib/ganeti/tools/cfgupgrade - if both cfgupgrade runs have finished successfully, remove the file /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_hypervisor on all nodes on which it still exists - on all non-master nodes, restart ganeti (invoke-rc.d ganeti restart); this will give some warnings for rapi and confd daemons, but ignore them for now - on the master node, restart ganeti, and confirm "gnt-node list" works - on the master node, run "gnt-cluster redist-conf" - restart ganeti on all nodes now (once more, and on the master node last) - check that "gnt-cluster verify" doesn't complain - you can now start all instances (if you stopped them) - you can now restart cron (or re-enable the watcher entry) -- Iustin Pop Sat, 17 Apr 2010 19:05:45 +0200 ganeti2 (2.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low Upgrading from the 'ganeti' package (versions 1.2.x) requires manual intervention; the proper procedure is available at and requires full cluster shutdown. It is recommended to read that first before installing this package. -- Iustin Pop Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:12:46 +0200