Jul 6, 2007"> 8"> gnt-backup"> Debian"> GNU"> GPL"> ]> 2007 Google Inc. &dhdate; &dhucpackage; &dhsection; ganeti 1.2 &dhpackage; ganeti instance import/export &dhpackage; command arguments... DESCRIPTION The &dhpackage; is used for importing and exporting instances and their configuration from a ganeti system. It is useful for backing instances up and also to migrate them between clusters. COMMANDS EXPORT export -n node --noshutdown instance Exports an instance to the target node. All the instance data and its configuration will be exported under the /srv/ganeti/exports/instance directory on the target node. The option will create a snapshot disk of the instance without shutting it down first. While this is faster and involves no downtime, it cannot be guaranteed that the instance data will be in a consistent state in the exported dump. Example: # gnt-backup export -n node1.example.com instance3.example.com IMPORT import -n node:secondary-node --iallocator name -s disksize --swap-size disksize -m memsize -b bridge --src-node=source-node --src-dir=source-dir -t diskless plain drbd instance Imports a new instance from an export residing on source-node in source-dir. instance must be in DNS and resolve to a IP in the same network as the nodes in the cluster. The option specifies the disk size for the instance, in mebibytes (defaults to 20480MiB = 20GiB). You can also use one of the suffixes m, g or t to specificy the exact the units used; these suffixes map to mebibytes, gibibytes and tebibytes. The option specifies the swap disk size (in mebibytes) for the instance (the one presented as /dev/sdb). The default is 4096MiB. As for the disk size, you can specify other suffixes. The option specifies the memory size for the instance, in mebibytes (defaults to 128 MiB). Again, you can use other suffixes (e.g. 2g). The option specifies the bridge to which the instance will be connected. (defaults to the cluster-wide default bridge specified at cluster intialization time). The options specifies the disk layout type for the instance. The available choices are: diskless This creates an instance with no disks. Its useful for testing only (or other special cases). plain Disk devices will be logical volumes. drbd Disk devices will be drbd (version 8.x) on top of lvm volumes. The option specifies the instance allocator plugin to use. If you pass in this option the allocator will select nodes for this instance automatically, so you don't need to pass them with the option. For more information please refer to the instance allocator documentation. The optional second value of the is used for the remote raid template type and specifies the remote node. If you do not want gnt-backup to wait for the disk mirror to be synced, use the option. Example: # gnt-backup import -t plain -s 30 -m 512 -n node1.example.com \ > --src-node=node2.example.com \ > --src-dir=/srv/ganeti/exports/instance3.example.com \ > instance3.example.com LIST list --node=NODE Lists the exports currently available in the default directory in all the nodes of the current cluster, or optionally only a subset of them specified using the option (which can be used multiple times) Example: # gnt-backup list --nodes node1 --nodes node2 &footer;