#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # pylint: disable=C0103 """Tool to sanitize/randomize the configuration file. """ import sys import os import os.path import optparse from ganeti import constants from ganeti import serializer from ganeti import utils from ganeti import pathutils from ganeti import cli from ganeti.cli import cli_option OPTS = [ cli.VERBOSE_OPT, cli_option("--path", help="Convert this configuration file" " instead of '%s'" % pathutils.CLUSTER_CONF_FILE, default=pathutils.CLUSTER_CONF_FILE, dest="CONFIG_DATA_PATH"), cli_option("--sanitize-names", default="yes", type="bool", help="Randomize the cluster, node and instance names [yes]"), cli_option("--sanitize-ips", default="yes", type="bool", help="Randomize the cluster, node and instance IPs [yes]"), cli_option("--sanitize-lvs", default="no", type="bool", help="Randomize the LV names (for old clusters) [no]"), cli_option("--sanitize-os-names", default="yes", type="bool", help="Randomize the OS names [yes]"), cli_option("--no-randomization", default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable all name randomization (only randomize secrets)"), cli_option("--base-domain", default="example.com", help="The base domain used for new names [example.com]"), ] def Error(txt, *args): """Writes a message to standard error and exits. """ cli.ToStderr(txt, *args) sys.exit(1) def GenerateNameMap(opts, names, base): """For a given set of names, generate a list of sane new names. """ names = utils.NiceSort(names) name_map = {} for idx, old_name in enumerate(names): new_name = "%s%d.%s" % (base, idx + 1, opts.base_domain) if new_name in names: Error("Name conflict for %s: %s already exists", base, new_name) name_map[old_name] = new_name return name_map def SanitizeSecrets(opts, cfg): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Cleanup configuration secrets. """ cfg["cluster"]["rsahostkeypub"] = "" cfg["cluster"]["dsahostkeypub"] = "" for instance in cfg["instances"].values(): for disk in instance["disks"]: RandomizeDiskSecrets(disk) def SanitizeCluster(opts, cfg): """Sanitize the cluster names. """ cfg["cluster"]["cluster_name"] = "cluster." + opts.base_domain def SanitizeNodes(opts, cfg): """Sanitize node names. """ old_names = cfg["nodes"].keys() old_map = GenerateNameMap(opts, old_names, "node") # rename nodes RenameDictKeys(cfg["nodes"], old_map, True) # update master node cfg["cluster"]["master_node"] = old_map[cfg["cluster"]["master_node"]] # update instance configuration for instance in cfg["instances"].values(): instance["primary_node"] = old_map[instance["primary_node"]] for disk in instance["disks"]: RenameDiskNodes(disk, old_map) def SanitizeInstances(opts, cfg): """Sanitize instance names. """ old_names = cfg["instances"].keys() old_map = GenerateNameMap(opts, old_names, "instance") RenameDictKeys(cfg["instances"], old_map, True) def SanitizeIps(opts, cfg): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Sanitize the IP names. @note: we're interested in obscuring the old IPs, not in generating actually valid new IPs, so we chose to simply put IPv4 addresses, irrelevant of whether IPv6 or IPv4 addresses existed before. """ def _Get(old): if old in ip_map: return ip_map[old] idx = len(ip_map) + 1 rest, d_octet = divmod(idx, 256) rest, c_octet = divmod(rest, 256) rest, b_octet = divmod(rest, 256) if rest > 0: Error("Too many IPs!") new_ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (10, b_octet, c_octet, d_octet) ip_map[old] = new_ip return new_ip ip_map = {} cfg["cluster"]["master_ip"] = _Get(cfg["cluster"]["master_ip"]) for node in cfg["nodes"].values(): node["primary_ip"] = _Get(node["primary_ip"]) node["secondary_ip"] = _Get(node["secondary_ip"]) for instance in cfg["instances"].values(): for nic in instance["nics"]: if "ip" in nic and nic["ip"]: nic["ip"] = _Get(nic["ip"]) def SanitizeOsNames(opts, cfg): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Sanitize the OS names. """ def _Get(old): if old in os_map: return os_map[old] os_map[old] = "ganeti-os%d" % (len(os_map) + 1) return os_map[old] os_map = {} for instance in cfg["instances"].values(): instance["os"] = _Get(instance["os"]) if "os_hvp" in cfg["cluster"]: for os_name in cfg["cluster"]["os_hvp"]: # force population of the entire os map _Get(os_name) RenameDictKeys(cfg["cluster"]["os_hvp"], os_map, False) def SanitizeDisks(opts, cfg): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Cleanup disks disks. """ def _Get(old): if old in lv_map: return old lv_map[old] = utils.NewUUID() return lv_map[old] def helper(disk): if "children" in disk and disk["children"]: for child in disk["children"]: helper(child) if disk["dev_type"] == constants.DT_PLAIN and opts.sanitize_lvs: disk["logical_id"][1] = _Get(disk["logical_id"][1]) lv_map = {} for instance in cfg["instances"].values(): for disk in instance["disks"]: helper(disk) def RandomizeDiskSecrets(disk): """Randomize a disks' secrets (if any). """ if "children" in disk and disk["children"]: for child in disk["children"]: RandomizeDiskSecrets(child) # only disk type to contain secrets is the drbd one if disk["dev_type"] == constants.DT_DRBD8: disk["logical_id"][5] = utils.GenerateSecret() def RenameDiskNodes(disk, node_map): """Rename nodes in the disk config. """ if "children" in disk and disk["children"]: for child in disk["children"]: RenameDiskNodes(child, node_map) # only disk type to contain nodes is the drbd one if disk["dev_type"] == constants.DT_DRBD8: lid = disk["logical_id"] lid[0] = node_map[lid[0]] lid[1] = node_map[lid[1]] def RenameDictKeys(a_dict, name_map, update_name): """Rename the dictionary keys based on a name map. """ for old_name in a_dict.keys(): new_name = name_map[old_name] a_dict[new_name] = a_dict[old_name] del a_dict[old_name] if update_name: a_dict[new_name]["name"] = new_name def main(): """Main program. """ # Option parsing parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [--verbose] output_file") for o in OPTS: parser.add_option(o) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.no_randomization: opts.sanitize_names = opts.sanitize_ips = opts.sanitize_os_names = \ opts.sanitize_lvs = False # Option checking if len(args) != 1: Error("Usage: sanitize-config [options] { | -}") # Check whether it's a Ganeti configuration directory if not os.path.isfile(opts.CONFIG_DATA_PATH): Error("Cannot find Ganeti configuration file %s", opts.CONFIG_DATA_PATH) config_data = serializer.LoadJson(utils.ReadFile(opts.CONFIG_DATA_PATH)) # Randomize LVM names SanitizeDisks(opts, config_data) SanitizeSecrets(opts, config_data) if opts.sanitize_names: SanitizeCluster(opts, config_data) SanitizeNodes(opts, config_data) SanitizeInstances(opts, config_data) if opts.sanitize_ips: SanitizeIps(opts, config_data) if opts.sanitize_os_names: SanitizeOsNames(opts, config_data) data = serializer.DumpJson(config_data) if args[0] == "-": sys.stdout.write(data) else: utils.WriteFile(file_name=args[0], data=data, mode=0600, backup=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()