#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Tool to restart erronously downed virtual machines. This program and set of classes implement a watchdog to restart virtual machines in a Ganeti cluster that have crashed or been killed by a node reboot. Run from cron or similar. """ # pylint: disable-msg=C0103,W0142 # C0103: Invalid name ganeti-watcher import os import sys import time import logging from optparse import OptionParser from ganeti import utils from ganeti import constants from ganeti import serializer from ganeti import errors from ganeti import opcodes from ganeti import cli from ganeti import luxi MAXTRIES = 5 BAD_STATES = ['ERROR_down'] HELPLESS_STATES = ['ERROR_nodedown', 'ERROR_nodeoffline'] NOTICE = 'NOTICE' ERROR = 'ERROR' KEY_RESTART_COUNT = "restart_count" KEY_RESTART_WHEN = "restart_when" KEY_BOOT_ID = "bootid" # Global client object client = None class NotMasterError(errors.GenericError): """Exception raised when this host is not the master.""" def Indent(s, prefix='| '): """Indent a piece of text with a given prefix before each line. @param s: the string to indent @param prefix: the string to prepend each line """ return "%s%s\n" % (prefix, ('\n' + prefix).join(s.splitlines())) def ShouldPause(): """Check whether we should pause. """ return bool(utils.ReadWatcherPauseFile(constants.WATCHER_PAUSEFILE)) def EnsureDaemon(name): """Check for and start daemon if not alive. """ result = utils.RunCmd([constants.DAEMON_UTIL, "check-and-start", name]) if result.failed: logging.error("Can't start daemon '%s', failure %s, output: %s", name, result.fail_reason, result.output) return False return True class WatcherState(object): """Interface to a state file recording restart attempts. """ def __init__(self): """Open, lock, read and parse the file. Raises exception on lock contention. """ # The two-step dance below is necessary to allow both opening existing # file read/write and creating if not existing. Vanilla open will truncate # an existing file -or- allow creating if not existing. fd = os.open(constants.WATCHER_STATEFILE, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) self.statefile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+') utils.LockFile(self.statefile.fileno()) try: state_data = self.statefile.read() if not state_data: self._data = {} else: self._data = serializer.Load(state_data) except Exception, msg: # pylint: disable-msg=W0703 # Ignore errors while loading the file and treat it as empty self._data = {} logging.warning(("Invalid state file. Using defaults." " Error message: %s"), msg) if "instance" not in self._data: self._data["instance"] = {} if "node" not in self._data: self._data["node"] = {} self._orig_data = serializer.Dump(self._data) def Save(self): """Save state to file, then unlock and close it. """ assert self.statefile serialized_form = serializer.Dump(self._data) if self._orig_data == serialized_form: logging.debug("Data didn't change, just touching status file") os.utime(constants.WATCHER_STATEFILE, None) return # We need to make sure the file is locked before renaming it, otherwise # starting ganeti-watcher again at the same time will create a conflict. fd = utils.WriteFile(constants.WATCHER_STATEFILE, data=serialized_form, prewrite=utils.LockFile, close=False) self.statefile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+') def Close(self): """Unlock configuration file and close it. """ assert self.statefile # Files are automatically unlocked when closing them self.statefile.close() self.statefile = None def GetNodeBootID(self, name): """Returns the last boot ID of a node or None. """ ndata = self._data["node"] if name in ndata and KEY_BOOT_ID in ndata[name]: return ndata[name][KEY_BOOT_ID] return None def SetNodeBootID(self, name, bootid): """Sets the boot ID of a node. """ assert bootid ndata = self._data["node"] if name not in ndata: ndata[name] = {} ndata[name][KEY_BOOT_ID] = bootid def NumberOfRestartAttempts(self, instance): """Returns number of previous restart attempts. @type instance: L{Instance} @param instance: the instance to look up """ idata = self._data["instance"] if instance.name in idata: return idata[instance.name][KEY_RESTART_COUNT] return 0 def RecordRestartAttempt(self, instance): """Record a restart attempt. @type instance: L{Instance} @param instance: the instance being restarted """ idata = self._data["instance"] if instance.name not in idata: inst = idata[instance.name] = {} else: inst = idata[instance.name] inst[KEY_RESTART_WHEN] = time.time() inst[KEY_RESTART_COUNT] = inst.get(KEY_RESTART_COUNT, 0) + 1 def RemoveInstance(self, instance): """Update state to reflect that a machine is running. This method removes the record for a named instance (as we only track down instances). @type instance: L{Instance} @param instance: the instance to remove from books """ idata = self._data["instance"] if instance.name in idata: del idata[instance.name] class Instance(object): """Abstraction for a Virtual Machine instance. """ def __init__(self, name, state, autostart): self.name = name self.state = state self.autostart = autostart def Restart(self): """Encapsulates the start of an instance. """ op = opcodes.OpStartupInstance(instance_name=self.name, force=False) cli.SubmitOpCode(op, cl=client) def ActivateDisks(self): """Encapsulates the activation of all disks of an instance. """ op = opcodes.OpActivateInstanceDisks(instance_name=self.name) cli.SubmitOpCode(op, cl=client) def GetClusterData(): """Get a list of instances on this cluster. """ op1_fields = ["name", "status", "admin_state", "snodes"] op1 = opcodes.OpQueryInstances(output_fields=op1_fields, names=[], use_locking=True) op2_fields = ["name", "bootid", "offline"] op2 = opcodes.OpQueryNodes(output_fields=op2_fields, names=[], use_locking=True) job_id = client.SubmitJob([op1, op2]) all_results = cli.PollJob(job_id, cl=client, feedback_fn=logging.debug) logging.debug("Got data from cluster, writing instance status file") result = all_results[0] smap = {} instances = {} # write the upfile up_data = "".join(["%s %s\n" % (fields[0], fields[1]) for fields in result]) utils.WriteFile(file_name=constants.INSTANCE_UPFILE, data=up_data) for fields in result: (name, status, autostart, snodes) = fields # update the secondary node map for node in snodes: if node not in smap: smap[node] = [] smap[node].append(name) instances[name] = Instance(name, status, autostart) nodes = dict([(name, (bootid, offline)) for name, bootid, offline in all_results[1]]) client.ArchiveJob(job_id) return instances, nodes, smap class Watcher(object): """Encapsulate the logic for restarting erronously halted virtual machines. The calling program should periodically instantiate me and call Run(). This will traverse the list of instances, and make up to MAXTRIES attempts to restart machines that are down. """ def __init__(self, opts, notepad): self.notepad = notepad master = client.QueryConfigValues(["master_node"])[0] if master != utils.HostInfo().name: raise NotMasterError("This is not the master node") # first archive old jobs self.ArchiveJobs(opts.job_age) # and only then submit new ones self.instances, self.bootids, self.smap = GetClusterData() self.started_instances = set() self.opts = opts def Run(self): """Watcher run sequence. """ notepad = self.notepad self.CheckInstances(notepad) self.CheckDisks(notepad) self.VerifyDisks() @staticmethod def ArchiveJobs(age): """Archive old jobs. """ arch_count, left_count = client.AutoArchiveJobs(age) logging.debug("Archived %s jobs, left %s", arch_count, left_count) def CheckDisks(self, notepad): """Check all nodes for restarted ones. """ check_nodes = [] for name, (new_id, offline) in self.bootids.iteritems(): old = notepad.GetNodeBootID(name) if new_id is None: # Bad node, not returning a boot id if not offline: logging.debug("Node %s missing boot id, skipping secondary checks", name) continue if old != new_id: # Node's boot ID has changed, proably through a reboot. check_nodes.append(name) if check_nodes: # Activate disks for all instances with any of the checked nodes as a # secondary node. for node in check_nodes: if node not in self.smap: continue for instance_name in self.smap[node]: instance = self.instances[instance_name] if not instance.autostart: logging.info(("Skipping disk activation for non-autostart" " instance %s"), instance.name) continue if instance.name in self.started_instances: # we already tried to start the instance, which should have # activated its drives (if they can be at all) continue try: logging.info("Activating disks for instance %s", instance.name) instance.ActivateDisks() except Exception: # pylint: disable-msg=W0703 logging.exception("Error while activating disks for instance %s", instance.name) # Keep changed boot IDs for name in check_nodes: notepad.SetNodeBootID(name, self.bootids[name][0]) def CheckInstances(self, notepad): """Make a pass over the list of instances, restarting downed ones. """ for instance in self.instances.values(): if instance.state in BAD_STATES: n = notepad.NumberOfRestartAttempts(instance) if n > MAXTRIES: # stay quiet. continue elif n < MAXTRIES: last = " (Attempt #%d)" % (n + 1) else: notepad.RecordRestartAttempt(instance) logging.error("Could not restart %s after %d attempts, giving up", instance.name, MAXTRIES) continue try: logging.info("Restarting %s%s", instance.name, last) instance.Restart() self.started_instances.add(instance.name) except Exception: # pylint: disable-msg=W0703 logging.exception("Error while restarting instance %s", instance.name) notepad.RecordRestartAttempt(instance) elif instance.state in HELPLESS_STATES: if notepad.NumberOfRestartAttempts(instance): notepad.RemoveInstance(instance) else: if notepad.NumberOfRestartAttempts(instance): notepad.RemoveInstance(instance) logging.info("Restart of %s succeeded", instance.name) @staticmethod def VerifyDisks(): """Run gnt-cluster verify-disks. """ op = opcodes.OpVerifyDisks() job_id = client.SubmitJob([op]) result = cli.PollJob(job_id, cl=client, feedback_fn=logging.debug)[0] client.ArchiveJob(job_id) if not isinstance(result, (tuple, list)): logging.error("Can't get a valid result from verify-disks") return offline_disk_instances = result[2] if not offline_disk_instances: # nothing to do return logging.debug("Will activate disks for instances %s", utils.CommaJoin(offline_disk_instances)) # we submit only one job, and wait for it. not optimal, but spams # less the job queue job = [opcodes.OpActivateInstanceDisks(instance_name=name) for name in offline_disk_instances] job_id = cli.SendJob(job, cl=client) cli.PollJob(job_id, cl=client, feedback_fn=logging.debug) def ParseOptions(): """Parse the command line options. @return: (options, args) as from OptionParser.parse_args() """ parser = OptionParser(description="Ganeti cluster watcher", usage="%prog [-d]", version="%%prog (ganeti) %s" % constants.RELEASE_VERSION) parser.add_option(cli.DEBUG_OPT) parser.add_option("-A", "--job-age", dest="job_age", help="Autoarchive jobs older than this age (default" " 6 hours)", default=6*3600) options, args = parser.parse_args() options.job_age = cli.ParseTimespec(options.job_age) return options, args def main(): """Main function. """ global client # pylint: disable-msg=W0603 options, args = ParseOptions() if args: # watcher doesn't take any arguments print >> sys.stderr, ("Usage: %s [-f] " % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(constants.EXIT_FAILURE) utils.SetupLogging(constants.LOG_WATCHER, debug=options.debug, stderr_logging=options.debug) if ShouldPause(): logging.debug("Pause has been set, exiting") sys.exit(constants.EXIT_SUCCESS) update_file = False try: # on master or not, try to start the node dameon EnsureDaemon(constants.NODED) # start confd as well. On non candidates it will be in disabled mode. EnsureDaemon(constants.CONFD) notepad = WatcherState() try: try: client = cli.GetClient() except errors.OpPrereqError: # this is, from cli.GetClient, a not-master case logging.debug("Not on master, exiting") update_file = True sys.exit(constants.EXIT_SUCCESS) except luxi.NoMasterError, err: logging.warning("Master seems to be down (%s), trying to restart", str(err)) if not EnsureDaemon(constants.MASTERD): logging.critical("Can't start the master, exiting") sys.exit(constants.EXIT_FAILURE) # else retry the connection client = cli.GetClient() # we are on master now EnsureDaemon(constants.RAPI) try: watcher = Watcher(options, notepad) except errors.ConfigurationError: # Just exit if there's no configuration update_file = True sys.exit(constants.EXIT_SUCCESS) watcher.Run() update_file = True finally: if update_file: notepad.Save() else: logging.debug("Not updating status file due to failure") except SystemExit: raise except NotMasterError: logging.debug("Not master, exiting") sys.exit(constants.EXIT_NOTMASTER) except errors.ResolverError, err: logging.error("Cannot resolve hostname '%s', exiting.", err.args[0]) sys.exit(constants.EXIT_NODESETUP_ERROR) except errors.JobQueueFull: logging.error("Job queue is full, can't query cluster state") except errors.JobQueueDrainError: logging.error("Job queue is drained, can't maintain cluster state") except Exception, err: logging.error(str(err), exc_info=True) sys.exit(constants.EXIT_FAILURE) if __name__ == '__main__': main()