June 08, 2010"> 8"> ganeti-rapi"> Debian"> GNU"> GPL"> ]> 2008 2009 2010 Google Inc. &dhdate; &dhucpackage; &dhsection; Ganeti 2.2 &dhpackage; Ganeti remote API daemon &dhpackage; -d -f --no-ssl -K SSL_KEY_FILE -C SSL_CERT_FILE DESCRIPTION &dhpackage; is the daemon providing a remote API for Ganeti clusters. It is automatically started on the master node, and by default it uses SSL encryption. This can be disabled by passing the option, or alternatively the certificate used can be changed via the option and the key via the option. The daemon will listen to the "ganeti-rapi" tcp port, as listed in the system services database, or to port 5080 by default. See the Ganeti remote API documentation for further information. Requests are logged to @LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/ganeti/rapi-daemon.log, in the same format as for the node and master daemon. ACCESS CONTROLS All query operations are allowed without authentication. Only the modification operations require authentication, in the form of basic authentication. The users and their rights are defined in a file named rapi_users, located in the @LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/ganeti directory. The users should be listed one per line, in the following format: username password options Currently the options field should equal the string write in order to actually give write permission for the given users. Example: rclient secret write guest tespw The first user (rclient) will have read-write rights, whereas the second user does only have read (query) rights, and as such is no different than not using authentication at all. More details (including on how to use hashed passwords) can be found in the Ganeti documentation. &footer;