ganeti-rapi(8) Ganeti | Version @GANETI_VERSION@ ================================================ Name ---- ganeti-rapi - Ganeti remote API daemon Synopsis -------- **ganeti-rapi** [-d] [-f] [\--no-ssl] [-K *SSL_KEY_FILE*] [-C *SSL_CERT_FILE*] DESCRIPTION ----------- **ganeti-rapi** is the daemon providing a remote API for Ganeti clusters. It is automatically started on the master node, and by default it uses SSL encryption. This can be disabled by passing the ``--no-ssl`` option, or alternatively the certificate used can be changed via the ``-C`` option and the key via the ``-K`` option. The daemon will listen to the "ganeti-rapi" tcp port, as listed in the system services database, or if not defined, to port 5080 by default. See the *Ganeti remote API* documentation for further information. Requests are logged to ``@LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/ganeti/rapi-daemon.log``, in the same format as for the node and master daemon. ACCESS CONTROLS --------------- Most query operations are allowed without authentication. Only the modification operations require authentication, in the form of basic authentication. The users and their rights are defined in the ``@LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/ganeti/rapi/users`` file. Format of this file is described in the Ganeti documentation (``rapi.html``). .. vim: set textwidth=72 : .. Local Variables: .. mode: rst .. fill-column: 72 .. End: