Installation ============ This guide describes the standard installation process for kamaki, with the aspiration of covering as much cases as possible. Although kamaki was initially targeted to advanced Linux/Unix-like users, it should be quite straightforward to install and have it up and running in most popular platforms. * Kamaki repository: ` `_ * Synnefo Linux packages: ` `_ Linux and Unix-like enviroments ------------------------------- Debian: ^^^^^^^ The following steps describe a command-line approach, but any graphic package manager can be used instead. * As root, append the following to */etc/apt/sources.list* :: deb stable/ * Make sure the GPG public key for the GRNET dev team is added: .. code-block:: console $ sudo curl|apt-key add - otherwise *apt-get update* will produce GPG warnings. * Update the Debian sources: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get update * Install kamaki: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install kamaki Ubuntu ^^^^^^ The following steps describe a command-line approach, but any graphic package manager can be used instead. * Let ppa take care of the repository configuration: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:grnet/synnefo * Update the Debian sources: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get update * Install kamaki: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install kamaki .. _installing-from-source-ref: Installing from source (git repos.) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Requirements """""""""""" Essential: * Python 2.6 or better [] * Python setuptools [] Optional: * VirtualEnv (python-virtualenv) [] Setup a virtual enviroment (optional) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" With virtualenv users can setup kamaki and synnefo services in a sandbox environment. .. code-block:: console $ virtualenv kamaki-env $ source kamaki-env/bin/activate A more detailed example of using virtual env can be found at the `snf-image-creator setup guide `_ Install objpool (was: snf-common) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Kamaki is based on python-objpool. The objpool package is easy to install from source, even on windows platforms: .. code-block:: console $ git clone $ cd objpool $ ./setup build install $ cd - Install kamaki """""""""""""" Kamaki can be downloaded from `this location `_, where users can pick the version they prefer and unzip it locally: .. code-block:: console $ tar xvfz kamaki-0.7.tar.gz or it can be downloaded directly from the git repository: .. code-block:: console $ git clone and then installed by the setup script: .. code-block:: console $ cd kamaki $ ./setup build install Install ansicolors / progress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Packages **ansicolors** and **progress** are not required for running kamaki, but they are recommended as a user experience improvement. In specific, ansicolors adds colors to kamaki responses and progress adds progressbars to the commands that can make use of it (*/store download*, */store upload*, */server wait* etc.) Debian and Ubuntu """"""""""""""""" Follow the `Debian <#debian>`_ or `Ubuntu <#ubuntu>`_ installation procedure described earlier and then type: .. code-block:: console #For ansicolors $ sudo apt-get install python-ansicolors # For progress $ sudo apt-get install python-progress From source """"""""""" If setuptools is not installed, `install them `_ and then type: .. code-block:: console #For ansicolors $ pip install ansicolors #For progress $ pip install progress Mac OS X -------- Kamaki can be installed on Mac OS X systems from source, by following the steps at :ref:`installing-from-source-ref`. Windows ------- Kamaki can run on Windows, either on standard Windows console, or inside an improved command line shell. The present guide presents a tested method for setting up kamaki in windows Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Python 2.7 or better (`Official versions `_) * Git (download `windows version `_) * Setuptools (`Official versions and workarounds `_) Installation from source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install python """""""""""""" Download and run the Windows installer from `here `_ Users should pick the installer that fits their windows version and architecture. Add python to windows path """""""""""""""""""""""""" The following will allow users to run python and python scripts from command line. * Select **System** from the Control Panel, select the **Advanced** tab, the **Environment Variables** button and then find the **PATH** (user or system) and **edit** * Without removing existing values, append the following to PATH:: C:\Python;C:\Python\Scripts .. note:: Path values are separated by semicolons .. warning:: C:\\Python should be replaced with the actual python path in the system, e.g. C:\\Python27 Install setuptools """""""""""""""""" According to the corresponding `python org page `_, the setuptools installer doesn't currently work on 64bit machines. * Users with 32-bit operating systems should download and run the graphic installer * Users with 64-bit machines should download the ` `_ script and install it from a command shell. In the following example, the script was downloaded at C:\\Downloads:: C:\> cd Downloads C:\Downloads\> python ... Installation finished C:\Downloads\> Install GIT """"""""""" `Download GIT `_ and run the graphic installer. During the installation, users will be able to modify some installation options. The present guide is tested with the default selections. After the installation is completed, a GIT standalone shell will be installed (a desktop shortcut is created, by default). Users are advised to run kamaki through this shell. Install kamaki """""""""""""" * Run the GIT standalone shell * Enter the location where kamaki will be installed, e.g. **C:\\** .. code-block:: console $ cd /c/ * Download source from GRNET repository .. code-block:: console $ git clone Cloning into 'kamaki'... Receiving objects: ... Resolving Deltas: ... * Enter source and install kamaki .. code-block:: console $ cd kamaki $ python install running install ... Finished processing dependencies for kamaki==0.7 $ kamaki --version