Installation ============ This guide describes the standard installation process for kamaki, with the aspiration of covering as much cases as possible. Although kamaki was initially targeted to Linux/Unix-like users, it is quite straightforward to install and have it up and running in all platforms running Python 2.6 or 2.7. * Kamaki repository: ` `_ * Kamaki at pypi: ` `_ * Synnefo Linux packages: ` `_ Linux and Unix-like environments -------------------------------- Debian: ^^^^^^^ The following steps describe a command-line approach, but any graphic package manager can be used instead. * As root, append the following to */etc/apt/sources.list* :: deb wheezy/ .. warning:: Debian Squeeze users may replace "wheezy" with "squeeze" * Make sure the GPG public key for the Synnefo development team is added: .. code-block:: console $ sudo curl|apt-key add - otherwise *apt-get update* will produce GPG warnings. * Update the Debian sources: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get update * Install kamaki: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install kamaki Ubuntu ^^^^^^ The following steps describe a command-line approach, but any graphic package manager can be used instead. * Let ppa take care of the repository configuration: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:grnet/synnefo * Update the Debian sources: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get update * Install kamaki: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install kamaki Install ansicolors (optional but recommended) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install python-ansicolors Install mock (for developers only) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install python-mock .. warning:: kamaki.clients unit-tests need python-mock 1.X or better. e.g.:: $ sudo apt-get install python-mock=1.0.1 .. hint:: To activate functional tests in kamaki. enable the preconfigured *livetest* command group: .. code-block:: console $ kamaki config set livetest_cli livetest Install astakosclient (optional) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A seperate project called `astakosclient `_ can be used for advanced user and service management. .. code-block:: console $ apt-get install python-astakosclient .. hint:: To activate astakosclient commands in kamaki, enable the preconfigured *astakos* command group: .. code-block:: console $ kamaki config set astakos_cli astakos .. _installing-from-pypi-ref: Installing from pypi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Requirements """""""""""" Essential: * Python 2.6 or 2.7 [] * Python setuptools [] Optional: * VirtualEnv (python-virtualenv) [] Setup a virtual enviroment (optional) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" With virtualenv users can setup kamaki and Synnefo services in a sandbox environment. .. code-block:: console $ virtualenv kamaki-env $ source kamaki-env/bin/activate A more detailed example of using virtual env can be found at the `snf-image-creator setup guide `_ Install kamaki """""""""""""" .. code-block:: console $ pip install kamaki Install ansicolors """""""""""""""""" The **ansicolors** package is not required for running kamaki, but it is recommended as a user experience improvement. In specific, ansicolors adds colors to kamaki responses. .. code-block:: console $ pip install ansicolors Install mock (developers only) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The **mock** package is needed for running the prepared unit-tests in the kamaki.clients package. This feature is useful when extending / debugging kamaki functionality and is aimed to kamaki developers and contributors. Therefore, users can enjoy the full kamaki user experience without installing mock. .. code-block:: console $ pip install mock .. warning:: mock version >= 1.X .. hint:: To activate functional tests in kamaki. enable the preconfigured *livetest* command group: .. code-block:: console $ kamaki config set livetest_cli livetest Install astakosclient """"""""""""""""""""" A seperate project called `astakosclient `_ can be used for advanced user and service management. .. code-block:: console $ pip install astakosclient .. hint:: To activate astakosclient commands in kamaki, enable the preconfigured *astakos* command group: .. code-block:: console $ kamaki config set astakos_cli astakos Mac OS X -------- Kamaki can be installed on Mac OS X systems from source, by following the steps at :ref:`installing-from-pypi-ref`. Windows ------- Kamaki can be installed on Windows by following the pypi method. Installing the requirements is a bit different than in other systems. The full process is detailed in the following: Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Python 2.7 or better (`Official versions `_) * Setuptools (`Official versions and workarounds `_) Users who have already set up and wokring python and setuptools (e.g., for another project) may skip Python and / or setuptools installation. Install Python ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Download and run the Windows installer from `here `_ Users should pick the installer that fits their windows version and machine architecture. Add Python to windows path ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following will allow users to run Python and Python scripts from command line. * Select **System** from the Control Panel, select the **Advanced** tab, the **Environment Variables** button and then find the **PATH** (user or system) and **edit** * Without removing existing values, append the following to PATH:: ;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts .. note:: Path values are separated by semicolons .. warning:: In case of a different version, C:\\Python27 should be replaced with the actual python path in the system Install setuptools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ According to the corresponding `python org page `_, the setuptools installer doesn't currently work on 64bit machines. * Users with 32-bit operating systems should download and run the graphic installer * Users with 64-bit machines should download the ` `_ script and install it from a command shell. In the following example, the script was downloaded at C:\\Downloads:: C:\> cd Downloads C:\Downloads\> python ... Installation finished C:\Downloads\> Install kamaki ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: console $ easy_install kamaki