Installation ============ This guide describes the standard installation process for kamaki, with the aspiration of covering as much cases as possible. Although kamaki was initially targeted to advanced Linux/Unix-like users, it should be quite straightforward to install and have it up and running in most popular platforms. * Kamaki repository: ` `_ * Synnefo Linux packages: ` `_ Linux and Unix-like enviroments ------------------------------- .. _installing-from-source-ref: Installing from source (git repos.) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Requirements """""""""""" Essential: * Python 2.6 or better [] * Python setuptools [] Optional: * VirtualEnv (python-virtualenv) [] 1. Setup a virtual enviroment (optional) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" With virtualenv users can setup kamaki and synnefo services in a sandbox environment. .. code-block:: console $ virtualenv kamaki-env $ source kamaki-env/bin/activate A more detailed example of using virtual env can be found at the `snf-image-creator setup guide `_ 2. Install snf-common """"""""""""""""""""" Package snf-common is part of the synnefo project and is a kamaki dependency since version 0.6.0. .. code-block:: console $ git clone $ cd synnefo/snf-common $ ./setup build install $ cd - 3. Install kamaki """"""""""""""""" .. code-block:: console $ git clone $ cd kamaki $ ./setup build install 4. Install progress and/or ansicolors (optional) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" progress: command-line progress bars (in some commands) ansicolors: color kamaki output (can switched on and off in `setup `_) .. code-block:: console $ pip install progress $ pip install ansicolors Ubuntu and Debian packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following steps describe a command-line approach, but any graphic package manager can be used instead. 1. Add the following to apt sources list """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * Debian:: deb sid main * Ubuntu:: deb precise main 2. Update """"""""" .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get update .. note:: Safely ignore a signature verification error like the following, if it emerges: .. warning:: GPG error: precise/sid InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY XXXXXXXX 3. Install kamaki """"""""""""""""" Since version 0.6.0, the package snf-common (available at synnefo apt repository) will be automatically installed as a dependency. .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install kamaki 4. Install ansicolors and/or progress (Optional) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install python-ansicolors $ sudo apt-get install python-progress Mac OS X -------- Kamaki can be installed on Mac OS X systems from source, by following the steps at :ref:`installing-from-source-ref`. Windows ------- Although it is proven not too tricky to install kamaki on Windows console using `git for windows `_, Windows environments are not supported at the time being.