CHANGELOG for version 0.11 Bug Fixes: -In file list, the path or prefix was converted to boolean value. Fixed. Changes: 1. Make astakosclient a mantatory requirement for kamaki [#4312] 2. Make post_user_catalogs obsolete, but keep for one more version [#4337] 3. Rename user commands for cached account requests as /user session [#4340] Features: 1. Cache user catalog calls [#4337] 2. Implement separate methods for uuid2usernames and v.v. [#4337] 3. Move all methods from to, with some renaimings astakos_quotas/uuid/username/authenticate --> user_quotas/uuid2username/username2uuid/info astakos_... --> admin_... e.g., astakos_services --> admin_service, astakos_commission --> admin_commission 4. Implement OpenStack Network API 2.0, with synnefo/cyclades extentions. New: network info/list/create/delete/set subnet info/list/create/set port info/list/create/delete/set