// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright 2011 GRNET S.A. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or // without modification, are permitted provided that the following // conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials // provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GRNET S.A. ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GRNET S.A OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF // USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED // AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // The views and conclusions contained in the software and // documentation are those of the authors and should not be // interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed // or implied, of GRNET S.A. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow; using Castle.ActiveRecord; using Pithos.Interfaces; using Pithos.Network; using log4net; namespace Pithos.Core.Agents { //TODO: Ensure all network operations use exact casing. Pithos is case sensitive [Export] public class NetworkAgent { private Agent _agent; //A separate agent is used to execute delete actions immediatelly; private ActionBlock _deleteAgent; readonly ConcurrentDictionary _deletedFiles=new ConcurrentDictionary(); private readonly ManualResetEventSlim _pauseAgent = new ManualResetEventSlim(true); [System.ComponentModel.Composition.Import] public IStatusKeeper StatusKeeper { get; set; } public IStatusNotification StatusNotification { get; set; } private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger("NetworkAgent"); private readonly ConcurrentBag _accounts = new ConcurrentBag(); [System.ComponentModel.Composition.Import] public IPithosSettings Settings { get; set; } private bool _firstPoll = true; private TaskCompletionSource _tcs; public void Start() { _firstPoll = true; _agent = Agent.Start(inbox => { Action loop = null; loop = () => { _pauseAgent.Wait(); var message = inbox.Receive(); var process=message.Then(Process,inbox.CancellationToken); inbox.LoopAsync(process, loop); }; loop(); }); _deleteAgent = new ActionBlock(message =>ProcessDelete(message),new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions{MaxDegreeOfParallelism=4}); /* Action loop = null; loop = () => { var message = inbox.Receive(); var process = message.Then(ProcessDelete,inbox.CancellationToken); inbox.LoopAsync(process, loop); }; loop(); */ } private async Task Process(CloudAction action) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); if (action.AccountInfo==null) throw new ArgumentException("The action.AccountInfo is empty","action"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); StatusKeeper.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.Syncing); var accountInfo = action.AccountInfo; using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NETWORK"].Push("PROCESS")) { Log.InfoFormat("[ACTION] Start Processing {0}", action); var cloudFile = action.CloudFile; var downloadPath = action.GetDownloadPath(); try { if (action.Action == CloudActionType.DeleteCloud) { //Redirect deletes to the delete agent _deleteAgent.Post((CloudDeleteAction)action); } if (IsDeletedFile(action)) { //Clear the status of already deleted files to avoid reprocessing if (action.LocalFile != null) this.StatusKeeper.ClearFileStatus(action.LocalFile.FullName); } else { switch (action.Action) { case CloudActionType.UploadUnconditional: //Abort if the file was deleted before we reached this point await UploadCloudFile(action); break; case CloudActionType.DownloadUnconditional: await DownloadCloudFile(accountInfo, cloudFile, downloadPath); break; case CloudActionType.RenameCloud: var moveAction = (CloudMoveAction)action; RenameCloudFile(accountInfo, moveAction); break; case CloudActionType.MustSynch: if (!File.Exists(downloadPath) && !Directory.Exists(downloadPath)) { await DownloadCloudFile(accountInfo, cloudFile, downloadPath); } else { await SyncFiles(accountInfo, action); } break; } } Log.InfoFormat("[ACTION] End Processing {0}:{1}->{2}", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile.Name); } catch (WebException exc) { Log.ErrorFormat("[WEB ERROR] {0} : {1} -> {2} due to exception\r\n{3}", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile, exc); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Log.ErrorFormat("{0} : {1} -> {2} failed because the directory was not found.\n Rescheduling a delete", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile); //Post a delete action for the missing file Post(new CloudDeleteAction(action)); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Log.ErrorFormat("{0} : {1} -> {2} failed because the file was not found.\n Rescheduling a delete", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile); //Post a delete action for the missing file Post(new CloudDeleteAction(action)); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.ErrorFormat("[REQUEUE] {0} : {1} -> {2} due to exception\r\n{3}", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile, exc); _agent.Post(action); } finally { StatusKeeper.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.InSynch); } } } /// /// Processes cloud delete actions /// /// The delete action to execute /// /// /// When a file/folder is deleted locally, we must delete it ASAP from the server and block any download /// operations that may be in progress. /// /// A separate agent is used to process deletes because the main agent may be busy with a long operation. /// /// private async Task ProcessDelete(CloudDeleteAction action) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); if (action.AccountInfo==null) throw new ArgumentException("The action.AccountInfo is empty","action"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var accountInfo = action.AccountInfo; using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NETWORK"].Push("PROCESS")) { Log.InfoFormat("[ACTION] Start Processing {0}", action); var cloudFile = action.CloudFile; try { //Acquire a lock on the deleted file to prevent uploading/downloading operations from the normal //agent using (var gate = NetworkGate.Acquire(action.LocalFile.FullName, NetworkOperation.Deleting)) { //Add the file URL to the deleted files list var key = GetFileKey(action.CloudFile); _deletedFiles[key] = DateTime.Now; _pauseAgent.Reset(); // and then delete the file from the server DeleteCloudFile(accountInfo, cloudFile); Log.InfoFormat("[ACTION] End Delete {0}:{1}->{2}", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile.Name); } } catch (WebException exc) { Log.ErrorFormat("[WEB ERROR] {0} : {1} -> {2} due to exception\r\n{3}", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile, exc); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Log.ErrorFormat("{0} : {1} -> {2} failed because the directory was not found.\n Rescheduling a delete", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile); //Repost a delete action for the missing file _deleteAgent.Post(action); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Log.ErrorFormat("{0} : {1} -> {2} failed because the file was not found.\n Rescheduling a delete", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile); //Post a delete action for the missing file _deleteAgent.Post(action); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.ErrorFormat("[REQUEUE] {0} : {1} -> {2} due to exception\r\n{3}", action.Action, action.LocalFile, action.CloudFile, exc); _deleteAgent.Post(action); } finally { if (_deleteAgent.InputCount == 0) _pauseAgent.Set(); } } } private static string GetFileKey(ObjectInfo info) { var key = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", info.Account, info.Container,info.Name); return key; } private async Task SyncFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo,CloudAction action) { if (accountInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (action==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); if (action.LocalFile==null) throw new ArgumentException("The action's local file is not specified","action"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(action.LocalFile.FullName)) throw new ArgumentException("The action's local file path must be absolute","action"); if (action.CloudFile== null) throw new ArgumentException("The action's cloud file is not specified", "action"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var localFile = action.LocalFile; var cloudFile = action.CloudFile; var downloadPath=action.LocalFile.GetProperCapitalization(); var cloudHash = cloudFile.Hash.ToLower(); var localHash = action.LocalHash.Value.ToLower(); var topHash = action.TopHash.Value.ToLower(); //Not enough to compare only the local hashes, also have to compare the tophashes //If any of the hashes match, we are done if ((cloudHash == localHash || cloudHash == topHash)) { Log.InfoFormat("Skipping {0}, hashes match",downloadPath); return; } //The hashes DON'T match. We need to sync var lastLocalTime = localFile.LastWriteTime; var lastUpTime = cloudFile.Last_Modified; //If the local file is newer upload it if (lastUpTime <= lastLocalTime) { //It probably means it was changed while the app was down UploadCloudFile(action); } else { //It the cloud file has a later date, it was modified by another user or computer. //We need to check the local file's status var status = StatusKeeper.GetFileStatus(downloadPath); switch (status) { case FileStatus.Unchanged: //If the local file's status is Unchanged, we can go on and download the newer cloud file await DownloadCloudFile(accountInfo,cloudFile,downloadPath); break; case FileStatus.Modified: //If the local file is Modified, we may have a conflict. In this case we should mark the file as Conflict //We can't ensure that a file modified online since the last time will appear as Modified, unless we //index all files before we start listening. case FileStatus.Created: //If the local file is Created, it means that the local and cloud files aren't related, // yet they have the same name. //In both cases we must mark the file as in conflict ReportConflict(downloadPath); break; default: //Other cases should never occur. Mark them as Conflict as well but log a warning ReportConflict(downloadPath); Log.WarnFormat("Unexcepted status {0} for file {1}->{2}", status, downloadPath, action.CloudFile.Name); break; } } } private void ReportConflict(string downloadPath) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadPath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("downloadPath"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); StatusKeeper.SetFileOverlayStatus(downloadPath, FileOverlayStatus.Conflict); StatusKeeper.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.HasConflicts); var message = String.Format("Conflict detected for file {0}", downloadPath); Log.Warn(message); StatusNotification.NotifyChange(message, TraceLevel.Warning); } public void Post(CloudAction cloudAction) { if (cloudAction == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudAction"); if (cloudAction.AccountInfo==null) throw new ArgumentException("The CloudAction.AccountInfo is empty","cloudAction"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); _pauseAgent.Wait(); //If the action targets a local file, add a treehash calculation if (!(cloudAction is CloudDeleteAction) && cloudAction.LocalFile as FileInfo != null) { var accountInfo = cloudAction.AccountInfo; var localFile = (FileInfo) cloudAction.LocalFile; if (localFile.Length > accountInfo.BlockSize) cloudAction.TopHash = new Lazy(() => Signature.CalculateTreeHashAsync(localFile, accountInfo.BlockSize, accountInfo.BlockHash).Result .TopHash.ToHashString()); else { cloudAction.TopHash = new Lazy(() => cloudAction.LocalHash.Value); } } else { //The hash for a directory is the empty string cloudAction.TopHash = new Lazy(() => String.Empty); } if (cloudAction is CloudDeleteAction) _deleteAgent.Post((CloudDeleteAction)cloudAction); else _agent.Post(cloudAction); } /* class ObjectInfoByNameComparer:IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals(ObjectInfo x, ObjectInfo y) { return x.Name.Equals(y.Name,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } public int GetHashCode(ObjectInfo obj) { return obj.Name.ToLower().GetHashCode(); } }*/ public void SynchNow() { if (_tcs!=null) _tcs.SetResult(true); else { //TODO: This may be OK for testing purposes, but we have no guarantee that it will //work properly in production PollRemoteFiles(repeat:false); } } //Remote files are polled periodically. Any changes are processed public async Task PollRemoteFiles(DateTime? since = null,bool repeat=true) { StatusNotification.Notify(new Notification{Title="Polling Pithos"}); StatusKeeper.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.Syncing); using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["Retrieve Remote"].Push("All accounts")) { //If this poll fails, we will retry with the same since value var nextSince = since; try { //Next time we will check for all changes since the current check minus 1 second //This is done to ensure there are no discrepancies due to clock differences DateTime current = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); var tasks = from accountInfo in _accounts select ProcessAccountFiles(accountInfo, since); await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks.ToList()); _firstPoll = false; //Reschedule the poll with the current timestamp as a "since" value if (repeat) nextSince = current; else return; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("Error while processing accounts\r\n{0}",ex); //In case of failure retry with the same "since" value } //Wait for the polling interval to pass or the Manual flat to be toggled nextSince = await WaitForScheduledOrManualPoll(nextSince); PollRemoteFiles(nextSince); } } private async Task WaitForScheduledOrManualPoll(DateTime? since) { _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); var wait = TaskEx.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Settings.PollingInterval), _agent.CancellationToken); var signaledTask = await TaskEx.WhenAny(_tcs.Task, wait); //If polling is signalled by SynchNow, ignore the since tag if (signaledTask is Task) return null; return since; } public async Task ProcessAccountFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo,DateTime? since=null) { if (accountInfo==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountInfo.AccountPath)) throw new ArgumentException("The AccountInfo.AccountPath is empty","accountInfo"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); StatusNotification.Notify(new Notification{Title=String.Format("Polling {0}",accountInfo.UserName)}); using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["Retrieve Remote"].Push(accountInfo.UserName)) { Log.Info("Scheduled"); var client=new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo); var containers = client.ListContainers(accountInfo.UserName); CreateContainerFolders(accountInfo, containers); try { _pauseAgent.Wait(); //Get the poll time now. We may miss some deletions but it's better to keep a file that was deleted //than delete a file that was created while we were executing the poll var pollTime = DateTime.Now; //Get the list of server objects changed since the last check //The name of the container is passed as state in order to create a dictionary of tasks in a subsequent step var listObjects = from container in containers select Task>.Factory.StartNew(_ => client.ListObjects(accountInfo.UserName,container.Name, since),container.Name); var listTasks = await Task.Factory.WhenAll(listObjects.ToArray()); using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["SCHEDULE"].Push("Process Results")) { var dict = listTasks.ToDictionary(t => t.AsyncState); //Get all non-trash objects. Remember, the container name is stored in AsyncState var remoteObjects = from objectList in listTasks where (string) objectList.AsyncState != "trash" from obj in objectList.Result select obj; //TODO: Change the way deleted objects are detected. //The list operation returns all existing objects so we could detect deleted remote objects //by detecting objects that exist only locally. There are several cases where this is NOT the case: //1. The first time the application runs, as there may be files that were added while // the application was down. //2. An object that is currently being uploaded will not appear in the remote list // until the upload finishes. // SOLUTION 1: Check the upload/download queue for the file // SOLUTION 2: Check the SQLite states for the file's entry. If it is being uploaded, // or its last modification was after the current poll, don't delete it. This way we don't // delete objects whose upload finished too late to be included in the list. //We need to detect and protect against such situations //TODO: Does FileState have a LastModification field? //TODO: How do we update the LastModification field? Do we need to add SQLite triggers? // Do we need to use a proper SQLite schema? // We can create a trigger with // CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_last_modified UPDATE ON FileState FOR EACH ROW // BEGIN // UPDATE FileState SET LastModification=datetime('now') WHERE Id=old.Id; // END; // //NOTE: Some files may have been deleted remotely while the application was down. // We DO have to delete those files. Checking the trash makes it easy to detect them, // Otherwise, we can't be really sure whether we need to upload or delete // the local-only files. // SOLUTION 1: Ask the user when such a local-only file is detected during the first poll. // SOLUTION 2: Mark conflict and ask the user as in #1 var trashObjects = dict["trash"].Result; //var sharedObjects = ((Task>) task.Result[2]).Result; //Items with the same name, hash may be both in the container and the trash //Don't delete items that exist in the container var realTrash = from trash in trashObjects where !remoteObjects.Any( info => info.Name == trash.Name && info.Hash == trash.Hash) select trash; ProcessTrashedFiles(accountInfo, realTrash); var cleanRemotes = (from info in remoteObjects //.Union(sharedObjects) let name = info.Name where !name.EndsWith(".ignore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !name.StartsWith(FolderConstants.CacheFolder + "/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) select info).ToList(); ProcessDeletedFiles(accountInfo, cleanRemotes, pollTime); //Create a list of actions from the remote files var allActions = ObjectsToActions(accountInfo, cleanRemotes); //var relativePath = objectInfo.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName); //And remove those that are already being processed by the agent var distinctActions = allActions .Except(_agent.GetEnumerable(), new PithosMonitor.LocalFileComparer()) .ToList(); if (distinctActions.Any()) { StatusNotification.Notify(new Notification {Title = "Changes Detected",Message=String.Format("{0} files were modified",distinctActions.Count)}); } //Queue all the actions foreach (var message in distinctActions) { Post(message); } Log.Info("[LISTENER] End Processing"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("[FAIL] ListObjects for{0} in ProcessRemoteFiles with {1}", accountInfo.UserName, ex); return; } Log.Info("[LISTENER] Finished"); } } /// /// Deletes local files that are not found in the list of cloud files /// /// /// /// private void ProcessDeletedFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable cloudFiles, DateTime pollTime) { if (accountInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountInfo.AccountPath)) throw new ArgumentException("The AccountInfo.AccountPath is empty", "accountInfo"); if (cloudFiles == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFiles"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); //Check the Modified date to ensure that were just created and haven't been uploaded yet //NOTE: The NHibernate LINQ provider doesn't support custom functions so we need to break the query //in two steps //NOTE: DON'T return files that are already in conflict. The first poll would mark them as //"In Conflict" but subsequent polls would delete them /* var t=FileState.Find(new Guid("{cd664c9a-5f17-47c9-b27f-3bcbcb0595ff}")); var d0 = FileState.Queryable .Where(state => state.FilePath.StartsWith(accountInfo.AccountPath)).ToList(); var d1 = FileState.Queryable .Where(state => state.Modified <= pollTime).ToList(); var d2= FileState.Queryable .Where(state => state.Modified <= pollTime && state.FilePath.StartsWith(accountInfo.AccountPath)).ToList();*/ var deleteCandidates = FileState.Queryable .Where(state => state.Modified <= pollTime && state.FilePath.StartsWith(accountInfo.AccountPath) && state.FileStatus != FileStatus.Conflict).ToList(); /* var deleteCandidates = (from state in FileState.Queryable where state.Modified <= pollTime && state.FilePath.StartsWith(accountInfo.AccountPath) && state.FileStatus != FileStatus.Conflict select state).ToList(); */ var filesToDelete = (from deleteCandidate in deleteCandidates let localFile = FileInfoExtensions.FromPath(deleteCandidate.FilePath) let relativeFilePath = localFile.AsRelativeTo(accountInfo.AccountPath) where !cloudFiles.Any(r => Path.Combine(r.Container, r.Name) == relativeFilePath) select localFile).ToList(); //On the first run if (_firstPoll) { //Set the status of missing files to Conflict foreach (var item in filesToDelete) { StatusKeeper.SetFileState(item.FullName, FileStatus.Conflict, FileOverlayStatus.Deleted); } StatusKeeper.SetPithosStatus(PithosStatus.HasConflicts); StatusNotification.NotifyConflicts(filesToDelete, String.Format("{0} local files are missing from Pithos, possibly because they were deleted",filesToDelete.Count)); } else { foreach (var item in filesToDelete) { item.Delete(); StatusKeeper.ClearFileStatus(item.FullName); } StatusNotification.NotifyForFiles(filesToDelete, String.Format("{0} files were deleted",filesToDelete.Count),TraceLevel.Info); } } private static void CreateContainerFolders(AccountInfo accountInfo, IEnumerable containers) { var containerPaths = from container in containers let containerPath = Path.Combine(accountInfo.AccountPath, container.Name) where container.Name != FolderConstants.TrashContainer && !Directory.Exists(containerPath) select containerPath; foreach (var path in containerPaths) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } } //Creates an appropriate action for each server file private IEnumerable ObjectsToActions(AccountInfo accountInfo,IEnumerable remote) { if (remote==null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo); //In order to avoid multiple iterations over the files, we iterate only once //over the remote files foreach (var objectInfo in remote) { var relativePath = objectInfo.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName); //and remove any matching objects from the list, adding them to the commonObjects list if (fileAgent.Exists(relativePath)) { //If a directory object already exists, we don't need to perform any other action var localFile = fileAgent.GetFileSystemInfo(relativePath); if (objectInfo.Content_Type == @"application/directory" && localFile is DirectoryInfo) continue; using (new SessionScope(FlushAction.Never)) { var state = StatusKeeper.GetStateByFilePath(localFile.FullName); //FileState.FindByFilePath(localFile.FullName); //Common files should be checked on a per-case basis to detect differences, which is newer yield return new CloudAction(accountInfo, CloudActionType.MustSynch, localFile, objectInfo, state, accountInfo.BlockSize, accountInfo.BlockHash); } } else { //If there is no match we add them to the localFiles list //but only if the file is not marked for deletion var targetFile = Path.Combine(accountInfo.AccountPath, relativePath); var fileStatus = StatusKeeper.GetFileStatus(targetFile); if (fileStatus != FileStatus.Deleted) { //Remote files should be downloaded yield return new CloudDownloadAction(accountInfo,objectInfo); } } } } private static FileAgent GetFileAgent(AccountInfo accountInfo) { return AgentLocator.Get(accountInfo.AccountPath); } private void ProcessTrashedFiles(AccountInfo accountInfo,IEnumerable trashObjects) { var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo); foreach (var trashObject in trashObjects) { var barePath = trashObject.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName); //HACK: Assume only the "pithos" container is used. Must find out what happens when //deleting a file from a different container var relativePath = Path.Combine("pithos", barePath); fileAgent.Delete(relativePath); } } private void RenameCloudFile(AccountInfo accountInfo,CloudMoveAction action) { if (accountInfo==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (action==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); if (action.CloudFile==null) throw new ArgumentException("CloudFile","action"); if (action.LocalFile==null) throw new ArgumentException("LocalFile","action"); if (action.OldLocalFile==null) throw new ArgumentException("OldLocalFile","action"); if (action.OldCloudFile==null) throw new ArgumentException("OldCloudFile","action"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var newFilePath = action.LocalFile.FullName; //How do we handle concurrent renames and deletes/uploads/downloads? //* A conflicting upload means that a file was renamed before it had a chance to finish uploading // This should never happen as the network agent executes only one action at a time //* A conflicting download means that the file was modified on the cloud. While we can go on and complete // the rename, there may be a problem if the file is downloaded in blocks, as subsequent block requests for the // same name will fail. // This should never happen as the network agent executes only one action at a time. //* A conflicting delete can happen if the rename was followed by a delete action that didn't have the chance // to remove the rename from the queue. // We can probably ignore this case. It will result in an error which should be ignored //The local file is already renamed StatusKeeper.SetFileOverlayStatus(newFilePath, FileOverlayStatus.Modified); var account = action.CloudFile.Account ?? accountInfo.UserName; var container = action.CloudFile.Container; var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo); //TODO: What code is returned when the source file doesn't exist? client.MoveObject(account, container, action.OldCloudFile.Name, container, action.CloudFile.Name); StatusKeeper.SetFileStatus(newFilePath, FileStatus.Unchanged); StatusKeeper.SetFileOverlayStatus(newFilePath, FileOverlayStatus.Normal); NativeMethods.RaiseChangeNotification(newFilePath); } private void DeleteCloudFile(AccountInfo accountInfo, ObjectInfo cloudFile) { if (accountInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (cloudFile==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudFile.Container)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid container", "cloudFile"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo); using ( log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["DeleteCloudFile"].Push("Delete")) { var fileName= cloudFile.RelativeUrlToFilePath(accountInfo.UserName); var info = fileAgent.GetFileSystemInfo(fileName); var fullPath = info.FullName.ToLower(); StatusKeeper.SetFileOverlayStatus(fullPath, FileOverlayStatus.Modified); var account = cloudFile.Account ?? accountInfo.UserName; var container = cloudFile.Container ;//?? FolderConstants.PithosContainer; var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo); client.DeleteObject(account, container, cloudFile.Name); StatusKeeper.ClearFileStatus(fullPath); } } //Download a file. private async Task DownloadCloudFile(AccountInfo accountInfo, ObjectInfo cloudFile , string filePath) { if (accountInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (cloudFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudFile.Account)) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudFile.Container)) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) throw new ArgumentException("The filePath must be rooted", "filePath"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var localPath = Interfaces.FileInfoExtensions.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(filePath); var relativeUrl = new Uri(cloudFile.Name, UriKind.Relative); var url = relativeUrl.ToString(); if (cloudFile.Name.EndsWith(".ignore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return; //Are we already downloading or uploading the file? using (var gate=NetworkGate.Acquire(localPath, NetworkOperation.Downloading)) { if (gate.Failed) return; //The file's hashmap will be stored in the same location with the extension .hashmap //var hashPath = Path.Combine(FileAgent.CachePath, relativePath + ".hashmap"); var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo); var account = cloudFile.Account; var container = cloudFile.Container; if (cloudFile.Content_Type == @"application/directory") { if (!Directory.Exists(localPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(localPath); } else { //Retrieve the hashmap from the server var serverHash = await client.GetHashMap(account, container, url); //If it's a small file if (serverHash.Hashes.Count == 1) //Download it in one go await DownloadEntireFileAsync(accountInfo, client, cloudFile, relativeUrl, localPath, serverHash); //Otherwise download it block by block else await DownloadWithBlocks(accountInfo, client, cloudFile, relativeUrl, localPath, serverHash); if (cloudFile.AllowedTo == "read") { var attributes = File.GetAttributes(localPath); File.SetAttributes(localPath, attributes | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } } //Now we can store the object's metadata without worrying about ghost status entries StatusKeeper.StoreInfo(localPath, cloudFile); } } //Download a small file with a single GET operation private async Task DownloadEntireFileAsync(AccountInfo accountInfo, CloudFilesClient client, ObjectInfo cloudFile, Uri relativeUrl, string filePath,TreeHash serverHash) { if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); if (cloudFile==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (relativeUrl == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("relativeUrl"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) throw new ArgumentException("The localPath must be rooted", "filePath"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var localPath = Pithos.Interfaces.FileInfoExtensions.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(filePath); //If the file already exists if (File.Exists(localPath)) { //First check with MD5 as this is a small file var localMD5 = Signature.CalculateMD5(localPath); var cloudHash=serverHash.TopHash.ToHashString(); if (localMD5==cloudHash) return; //Then check with a treehash var localTreeHash = Signature.CalculateTreeHash(localPath, serverHash.BlockSize, serverHash.BlockHash); var localHash = localTreeHash.TopHash.ToHashString(); if (localHash==cloudHash) return; } var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo); //Calculate the relative file path for the new file var relativePath = relativeUrl.RelativeUriToFilePath(); //The file will be stored in a temporary location while downloading with an extension .download var tempPath = Path.Combine(fileAgent.CachePath, relativePath + ".download"); //Make sure the target folder exists. DownloadFileTask will not create the folder var tempFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(tempPath); if (!Directory.Exists(tempFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(tempFolder); //Download the object to the temporary location await client.GetObject(cloudFile.Account, cloudFile.Container, relativeUrl.ToString(), tempPath); //Create the local folder if it doesn't exist (necessary for shared objects) var localFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(localPath); if (!Directory.Exists(localFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(localFolder); //And move it to its actual location once downloading is finished if (File.Exists(localPath)) File.Replace(tempPath,localPath,null,true); else File.Move(tempPath,localPath); //Notify listeners that a local file has changed StatusNotification.NotifyChangedFile(localPath); } //Download a file asynchronously using blocks public async Task DownloadWithBlocks(AccountInfo accountInfo, CloudFilesClient client, ObjectInfo cloudFile, Uri relativeUrl, string filePath, TreeHash serverHash) { if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); if (cloudFile == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (relativeUrl == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("relativeUrl"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) throw new ArgumentException("The filePath must be rooted", "filePath"); if (serverHash == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("serverHash"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var fileAgent = GetFileAgent(accountInfo); var localPath = Interfaces.FileInfoExtensions.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(filePath); //Calculate the relative file path for the new file var relativePath = relativeUrl.RelativeUriToFilePath(); var blockUpdater = new BlockUpdater(fileAgent.CachePath, localPath, relativePath, serverHash); //Calculate the file's treehash var treeHash = await Signature.CalculateTreeHashAsync(localPath, serverHash.BlockSize, serverHash.BlockHash); //And compare it with the server's hash var upHashes = serverHash.GetHashesAsStrings(); var localHashes = treeHash.HashDictionary; for (int i = 0; i < upHashes.Length; i++) { //For every non-matching hash var upHash = upHashes[i]; if (!localHashes.ContainsKey(upHash)) { if (blockUpdater.UseOrphan(i, upHash)) { Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] ORPHAN FOUND for {0} of {1} for {2}", i, upHashes.Length, localPath); continue; } Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] START {0} of {1} for {2}", i, upHashes.Length, localPath); var start = i*serverHash.BlockSize; //To download the last block just pass a null for the end of the range long? end = null; if (i < upHashes.Length - 1 ) end= ((i + 1)*serverHash.BlockSize) ; //Download the missing block var block = await client.GetBlock(cloudFile.Account, cloudFile.Container, relativeUrl, start, end); //and store it blockUpdater.StoreBlock(i, block); Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] FINISH {0} of {1} for {2}", i, upHashes.Length, localPath); } } //Want to avoid notifications if no changes were made var hasChanges = blockUpdater.HasBlocks; blockUpdater.Commit(); if (hasChanges) //Notify listeners that a local file has changed StatusNotification.NotifyChangedFile(localPath); Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK GET] COMPLETE {0}", localPath); } private async Task UploadCloudFile(CloudAction action) { if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); try { var accountInfo = action.AccountInfo; var fileInfo = action.LocalFile; if (fileInfo.Extension.Equals("ignore", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return; var relativePath = fileInfo.AsRelativeTo(accountInfo.AccountPath); if (relativePath.StartsWith(FolderConstants.OthersFolder)) { var parts = relativePath.Split('\\'); var accountName = parts[1]; var oldName = accountInfo.UserName; var absoluteUri = accountInfo.StorageUri.AbsoluteUri; var nameIndex = absoluteUri.IndexOf(oldName); var root = absoluteUri.Substring(0, nameIndex); accountInfo = new AccountInfo { UserName = accountName, AccountPath = Path.Combine(accountInfo.AccountPath, parts[0], parts[1]), StorageUri = new Uri(root + accountName), BlockHash = accountInfo.BlockHash, BlockSize = accountInfo.BlockSize, Token = accountInfo.Token }; } var fullFileName = fileInfo.GetProperCapitalization(); using (var gate = NetworkGate.Acquire(fullFileName, NetworkOperation.Uploading)) { //Abort if the file is already being uploaded or downloaded if (gate.Failed) return; var cloudFile = action.CloudFile; var account = cloudFile.Account ?? accountInfo.UserName; var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo); //Even if GetObjectInfo times out, we can proceed with the upload var info = client.GetObjectInfo(account, cloudFile.Container, cloudFile.Name); //If this is a read-only file, do not upload changes if (info.AllowedTo == "read") return; //TODO: Check how a directory hash is calculated -> All dirs seem to have the same hash if (fileInfo is DirectoryInfo) { //If the directory doesn't exist the Hash property will be empty if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.Hash)) //Go on and create the directory await client.PutObject(account, cloudFile.Container, cloudFile.Name, fullFileName, String.Empty, "application/directory"); } else { var cloudHash = info.Hash.ToLower(); var hash = action.LocalHash.Value; var topHash = action.TopHash.Value; //If the file hashes match, abort the upload if (hash == cloudHash || topHash == cloudHash) { //but store any metadata changes StatusKeeper.StoreInfo(fullFileName, info); Log.InfoFormat("Skip upload of {0}, hashes match", fullFileName); return; } //Mark the file as modified while we upload it StatusKeeper.SetFileOverlayStatus(fullFileName, FileOverlayStatus.Modified); //And then upload it //Upload even small files using the Hashmap. The server may already contain //the relevant block //First, calculate the tree hash var treeHash = await Signature.CalculateTreeHashAsync(fullFileName, accountInfo.BlockSize, accountInfo.BlockHash); await UploadWithHashMap(accountInfo, cloudFile, fileInfo as FileInfo, cloudFile.Name, treeHash); } //If everything succeeds, change the file and overlay status to normal StatusKeeper.SetFileState(fullFileName, FileStatus.Unchanged, FileOverlayStatus.Normal); } //Notify the Shell to update the overlays NativeMethods.RaiseChangeNotification(fullFileName); StatusNotification.NotifyChangedFile(fullFileName); } catch (AggregateException ex) { var exc = ex.InnerException as WebException; if (exc == null) throw ex.InnerException; if (HandleUploadWebException(action, exc)) return; throw; } catch (WebException ex) { if (HandleUploadWebException(action, ex)) return; throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Unexpected error while uploading file", ex); throw; } } private bool IsDeletedFile(CloudAction action) { var key = GetFileKey(action.CloudFile); DateTime entryDate; if (_deletedFiles.TryGetValue(key, out entryDate)) { //If the delete entry was created after this action, abort the action if (entryDate > action.Created) return true; //Otherwise, remove the stale entry _deletedFiles.TryRemove(key, out entryDate); } return false; } private bool HandleUploadWebException(CloudAction action, WebException exc) { var response = exc.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (response == null) throw exc; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Log.Error("Not allowed to upload file", exc); var message = String.Format("Not allowed to uplad file {0}", action.LocalFile.FullName); StatusKeeper.SetFileState(action.LocalFile.FullName, FileStatus.Unchanged, FileOverlayStatus.Normal); StatusNotification.NotifyChange(message, TraceLevel.Warning); return true; } return false; } public async Task UploadWithHashMap(AccountInfo accountInfo,ObjectInfo cloudFile,FileInfo fileInfo,string url,TreeHash treeHash) { if (accountInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("accountInfo"); if (cloudFile==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cloudFile"); if (fileInfo == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileInfo"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) throw new ArgumentNullException(url); if (treeHash==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("treeHash"); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudFile.Container) ) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid container","cloudFile"); Contract.EndContractBlock(); var fullFileName = fileInfo.GetProperCapitalization(); var account = cloudFile.Account ?? accountInfo.UserName; var container = cloudFile.Container ; var client = new CloudFilesClient(accountInfo); //Send the hashmap to the server var missingHashes = await client.PutHashMap(account, container, url, treeHash); //If the server returns no missing hashes, we are done while (missingHashes.Count > 0) { var buffer = new byte[accountInfo.BlockSize]; foreach (var missingHash in missingHashes) { //Find the proper block var blockIndex = treeHash.HashDictionary[missingHash]; var offset = blockIndex*accountInfo.BlockSize; var read = fileInfo.Read(buffer, offset, accountInfo.BlockSize); try { //And upload the block await client.PostBlock(account, container, buffer, 0, read); Log.InfoFormat("[BLOCK] Block {0} of {1} uploaded", blockIndex, fullFileName); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.ErrorFormat("[ERROR] uploading block {0} of {1}\n{2}", blockIndex, fullFileName, exc); } } //Repeat until there are no more missing hashes missingHashes = await client.PutHashMap(account, container, url, treeHash); } } public void AddAccount(AccountInfo accountInfo) { if (!_accounts.Contains(accountInfo)) _accounts.Add(accountInfo); } } }