#PITHOS_AUTHENTICATION_URL = '' # Set local users, or a remote host. To disable local users set them to None. #sample_users = { #'0000': 'test', #'0001': 'testuser2', #} #PITHOS_AUTHENTICATION_USERS = {} # SQLAlchemy (choose SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL). #PITHOS_BACKEND_DB_MODULE = 'pithos.backends.lib.sqlalchemy' PITHOS_BACKEND_DB_CONNECTION = 'sqlite://///usr/share/synnefo/pithos/backend.db' # Block storage. #PITHOS_BACKEND_BLOCK_MODULE = 'pithos.backends.lib.hashfiler' PITHOS_BACKEND_BLOCK_PATH = '/usr/share/synnefo/pithos/data' # Queue for billing. # #PITHOS_BACKEND_QUEUE_MODULE = None # Example: 'pithos.backends.lib.rabbitmq' # #PITHOS_BACKEND_QUEUE_HOSTS = None # Example: ['ammq://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'] # #PITHOS_BACKEND_QUEUE_EXHANGE = 'pithos' # Default setting for new accounts. #PITHOS_BACKEND_QUOTA = 50 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 #PITHOS_BACKEND_VERSIONING = 'auto' # Disable if checksums are not required or are computed asynchronously by an external process. #PITHOS_UPDATE_MD5 = True # Service Token acquired by identity provider. #PITHOS_SERVICE_TOKEN = ''