#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2011 GRNET S.A. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or # without modification, are permitted provided that the following # conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials # provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GRNET S.A. ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GRNET S.A OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # The views and conclusions contained in the software and # documentation are those of the authors and should not be # interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed # or implied, of GRNET S.A. from sqlalchemy import Table from sqlalchemy.sql import select from binascii import hexlify from pithos.backends.lib.hashfiler import Blocker from pithos.backends.lib.sqlalchemy import Node from pithos.aai.models import PithosUser from django.conf import settings from pithos.backends.modular import CLUSTER_NORMAL, CLUSTER_HISTORY, CLUSTER_DELETED from pithos.backends.lib.sqlalchemy.node import Node from pithos.backends.lib.sqlalchemy.dbwrapper import DBWrapper from lib.transfer import upload from lib.hashmap import HashMap, file_read_iterator from lib.client import Fault from lib.migrate import Migration import json import os import sys import hashlib import mimetypes class ObjectMigration(Migration): def __init__(self, old_db): Migration.__init__(self, old_db) self.wrapper = ClientWrapper(self.backend) params = {'wrapper': DBWrapper(self.backend.db)} self.node = Node(**params) def create_default_containers(self): users = PithosUser.objects.all() for u in users: print '#', u.uniq try: self.wrapper.create_container('pithos', u.uniq) self.wrapper.create_container('trash', u.uniq) except NameError, e: pass def get_path(self, child_id): folderTable = Table('folder', self.metadata, autoload=True) s = select([folderTable.c.parent_id, folderTable.c.name]) s = s.where(folderTable.c.id == child_id) rp = self.conn.execute(s) parent_id, foldername = rp.fetchone() if not parent_id: return '' else: return '%s/%s' %(self.get_path(parent_id), foldername) def create_object(self, username, container, object, filepath, mimetype): obj = '' path = '/'.join(object.split('/')[:-1]) name = object.split('/')[-1] #create directory markers for f in path.split('/'): obj = '%s/%s' %(obj, f) if obj else f try: self.wrapper.create_directory_marker(container, obj, username) except NameError, e: pass self.wrapper.set_account(username) prefix = '%s/' %path if path else '' print '#', filepath, container, prefix, name, mimetype return upload(self.wrapper, filepath, container, prefix, name, mimetype) def create_history(self, user, header_id, node_id, deleted=False): filebody = Table('filebody', self.metadata, autoload=True) gss_user = Table('gss_user', self.metadata, autoload=True) j = filebody.join(gss_user, filebody.c.modifiedby_id == gss_user.c.id) s = select([filebody.c.filesize, gss_user.c.username], from_obj=j) s = s.where(filebody.c.header_id == header_id) s = s.order_by(filebody.c.version) rp = self.conn.execute(s) versions = rp.fetchall() print '#', len(versions) rp.close() i = 0 for size, modyfied_by in versions: cluster = CLUSTER_HISTORY if i < len(versions) - 1 else CLUSTER_NORMAL cluster = cluster if not deleted else CLUSTER_DELETED args = (node_id, size, None, modyfied_by, cluster) self.node.version_create(*args) i += 1 def create_objects(self): fileheader = Table('fileheader', self.metadata, autoload=True) filebody = Table('filebody', self.metadata, autoload=True) folder = Table('folder', self.metadata, autoload=True) gss_user = Table('gss_user', self.metadata, autoload=True) j = filebody.join(fileheader, filebody.c.id == fileheader.c.currentbody_id) j = j.join(folder, fileheader.c.folder_id == folder.c.id) j = j.join(gss_user, fileheader.c.owner_id == gss_user.c.id) s = select([gss_user.c.username, fileheader.c.id, fileheader.c.folder_id, fileheader.c.name, fileheader.c.deleted, filebody.c.storedfilepath, filebody.c.mimetype], from_obj=j) rp = self.conn.execute(s) objects = rp.fetchall() for username, headerid, folderid, filename, deleted, filepath, mimetype in objects: path = self.get_path(folderid)[1:] container = 'pithos' if not deleted else 'trash' object = '%s/%s' %(path, filename) #filepath = '/Users/butters/Downloads/torvalds-linux-0f86267' vserial = self.create_object(username, container, object, filepath, mimetype) nodeid = self.node.version_get_properties(vserial, keys=('node',))[0] self.create_history(username, headerid, nodeid, deleted) self.node.version_remove(vserial) #self.set_metadata() #self.set_public() #self.statistics() #self.set_permissions() def handle_deleted(self): pass def upload_dir(self, dir, prefix, user, container): for f in os.listdir(dir): fullpath = '%s/%s' %(dir, f) if os.path.isfile(fullpath): type = mimetypes.guess_type(fullpath)[0] name = '/'.join(fullpath.split(prefix)[1:]) print '@', user, container, name, fullpath, type self.create_object(user, container, name, fullpath, type) else: self.upload_dir(fullpath, prefix, user, container) class ClientWrapper(object): """Wraps client methods used by transfer.upload() to ModularBackend methods""" def __init__(self, backend): self.backend = backend self.block_size = self.backend.block_size self.block_hash = self.backend.hash_algorithm def set_account(self, account): self.account = account def create_container(self, container, account=None, **meta): self.backend.put_container(account, account, container, meta) def create_directory_marker(self, container, object, account=None): md5 = hashlib.md5() meta = {'Content-Type':'application/directory', 'hash': md5.hexdigest().lower()} self.backend.update_object_hashmap(account, account, container, object, 0, [], meta) def create_object_by_hashmap(self, container, object, map, mimetype=None): hashmap = HashMap(self.block_size, self.block_hash) for h in map['hashes']: hashmap.append(h) meta = {'hash':hexlify(hashmap.hash())} if mimetype: meta['content-type'] = mimetype size = map['bytes'] try: args = [self.account, self.account, container, object, size, map['hashes'], meta] return self.backend.update_object_hashmap(*args) except IndexError, ie: fault = Fault(ie.data, 409) raise fault def update_container_data(self, container, f): #just put the blocks for block in file_read_iterator(f, self.block_size): self.backend.put_block(block) def retrieve_container_metadata(self, container): return {'x-container-block-size':self.block_size, 'x-container-block-hash':self.block_hash} if __name__ == "__main__": old_db = '' ot = ObjectMigration(old_db) #ot.create_default_containers() #ot.create_objects() p = '' ot.upload_dir(p, p, 'chstath', 'linux')