#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2011 GRNET S.A. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or # without modification, are permitted provided that the following # conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials # provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GRNET S.A. ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GRNET S.A OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # The views and conclusions contained in the software and # documentation are those of the authors and should not be # interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed # or implied, of GRNET S.A. import os import sqlite3 import sys from os.path import exists, expanduser, isdir, isfile, join, split from shutil import copyfile from time import time from lib.transfer import download, upload from lib.client import Pithos_Client, Fault from lib.hashmap import merkle from lib.util import get_user, get_auth, get_server DEFAULT_CONTAINER = 'pithos' SETTINGS_DIR = expanduser('~/.pithos') TRASH_DIR = '.pithos_trash' SQL_CREATE_FILES_TABLE = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( path TEXT PRIMARY KEY, hash TEXT, timestamp INTEGER)''' client = Pithos_Client(get_server(), get_auth(), get_user()) def _makedirs(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: pass class State(object): def __init__(self, syncdir, container): self.syncdir = syncdir self.container = container self.trashdir = join(syncdir, TRASH_DIR) self.deleted_dirs = set() _makedirs(self.trashdir) dbpath = join(SETTINGS_DIR, 'sync.db') self.conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) self.conn.execute(SQL_CREATE_FILES_TABLE) self.conn.commit() def current_hash(self, path): """Return the hash of the file as it exists now in the filesystem""" fullpath = join(self.syncdir, path) if fullpath in self.deleted_dirs: return 'DEL' if not exists(fullpath): return 'DEL' if isdir(fullpath): return 'DIR' return merkle(fullpath) def delete_inactive(self, timestamp): sql = 'DELETE FROM files WHERE timestamp != ?' self.conn.execute(sql, (timestamp,)) self.conn.commit() def download(self, path, hash): fullpath = join(self.syncdir, path) if hash == 'DEL': self.trash(path) elif hash == 'DIR': _makedirs(fullpath) else: self.trash(path) # Trash any old version localpath = self.find_hash(hash) if localpath: copyfile(localpath, fullpath) else: print 'Downloading %s...' % path download(client, self.container, path, fullpath) current = self.current_hash(path) assert current == hash, "Downloaded file does not match hash" self.save(path, hash) def empty_trash(self): for filename in os.listdir(self.trashdir): path = join(self.trashdir, filename) os.remove(path) def find_hash(self, hash): sql = 'SELECT path FROM files WHERE hash = ?' ret = self.conn.execute(sql, (hash,)).fetchone() if ret: return join(self.syncdir, ret[0]) if hash in os.listdir(self.trashdir): return join(self.trashdir, hash) return None def previous_hash(self, path): """Return the hash of the file according to the previous sync with the server. Return DEL if not such entry exists.""" sql = 'SELECT hash FROM files WHERE path = ?' ret = self.conn.execute(sql, (path,)).fetchone() return ret[0] if ret else 'DEL' def remote_hash(self, path): """Return the hash of the file according to the server""" try: meta = client.retrieve_object_metadata(self.container, path) except Fault: return 'DEL' if meta.get('content-type', None) == 'application/directory': return 'DIR' else: return meta['x-object-hash'] def remove_deleted_dirs(self): for path in sorted(self.deleted_dirs, key=len, reverse=True): os.rmdir(path) self.deleted_dirs.remove(path) def resolve_conflict(self, path, hash): """Resolve a sync conflict by renaming the local file and downloading the remote one.""" fullpath = join(self.syncdir, path) resolved = fullpath + '.local' i = 0 while exists(resolved): i += 1 resolved = fullpath + '.local%d' % i os.rename(fullpath, resolved) self.download(path, hash) def rmdir(self, path): """Remove a dir or mark for deletion if non-empty If a dir is empty delete it and check if any of its parents should be deleted too. Else mark it for later deletion. """ fullpath = join(self.syncdir, path) if not exists(fullpath): return if os.listdir(fullpath): # Directory not empty self.deleted_dirs.add(fullpath) return os.rmdir(fullpath) self.deleted_dirs.discard(fullpath) parent = dirname(fullpath) while parent in self.deleted_dirs: os.rmdir(parent) self.deleted_dirs.remove(parent) parent = dirname(parent) def save(self, path, hash): """Save the hash value of a file. This value will be later returned by `previous_hash`.""" sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files (path, hash) VALUES (?, ?)' self.conn.execute(sql, (path, hash)) self.conn.commit() def touch(self, path, now): sql = 'UPDATE files SET timestamp = ? WHERE path = ?' self.conn.execute(sql, (now, path)) self.conn.commit() def trash(self, path): """Move a file to trash or delete it if it's a directory""" fullpath = join(self.syncdir, path) if not exists(fullpath): return if isfile(fullpath): hash = merkle(fullpath) trashpath = join(self.trashdir, hash) os.rename(fullpath, trashpath) else: self.rmdir(path) def upload(self, path, hash): fullpath = join(self.syncdir, path) if hash == 'DEL': client.delete_object(self.container, path) elif hash == 'DIR': client.create_directory_marker(self.container, path) else: prefix, name = split(path) if prefix: prefix += '/' print 'Uploading %s...' % path upload(client, fullpath, self.container, prefix, name) remote = self.remote_hash(path) assert remote == hash, "Uploaded file does not match hash" self.save(path, hash) def sync(path, state): previous = state.previous_hash(path) current = state.current_hash(path) remote = state.remote_hash(path) if current == previous: # No local changes, download any remote changes if remote != previous: state.download(path, remote) elif remote == previous: # No remote changes, upload any local changes if current != previous: state.upload(path, current) else: # Both local and remote file have changes since last sync if current == remote: state.save(path, remote) # Local and remote changes match else: state.resolve_conflict(path, remote) def walk(dir, container): """Iterates on the files of the hierarchy created by merging the files in `dir` and the objects in `container`.""" pending = [''] while pending: dirs = set() files = set() root = pending.pop(0) # Depth First Traversal if root == TRASH_DIR: continue if root: yield root dirpath = join(dir, root) if exists(dirpath): for filename in os.listdir(dirpath): path = join(root, filename) if isdir(join(dir, path)): dirs.add(path) else: files.add(path) for object in client.list_objects(container, format='json', prefix=root, delimiter='/'): if 'subdir' in object: continue name = object['name'] if object['content_type'] == 'application/directory': dirs.add(name) else: files.add(name) pending += sorted(dirs) for path in files: yield path def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'syntax: %s ' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) syncdir = sys.argv[1] _makedirs(SETTINGS_DIR) container = os.environ.get('PITHOS_SYNC_CONTAINER', DEFAULT_CONTAINER) client.create_container(container) state = State(syncdir, container) now = int(time()) for path in walk(syncdir, container): print 'Syncing', path sync(path, state) state.touch(path, now) state.delete_inactive(now) state.empty_trash() state.remove_deleted_dirs() if __name__ == '__main__': main()