Usage ^^^^^ snf-image-creator comes in 2 variants: * snf-image-creator: A non-interactive command line program * snf-mkimage: A user-friendly dialog-based program Non-interactive version ======================= snf-image-creator receives the following options: .. code-block:: console $ snf-image-creator --help Usage: snf-image-creator [options] Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -o FILE, --outfile=FILE dump image to FILE -f, --force overwrite output files if they exist -s, --silent silent mode, only output errors -u FILENAME, --upload=FILENAME upload the image to pithos with name FILENAME -r IMAGENAME, --register=IMAGENAME register the image with ~okeanos as IMAGENAME -a ACCOUNT, --account=ACCOUNT Use this ACCOUNT when uploading/registering images [Default: None] -m KEY=VALUE, --metadata=KEY=VALUE Add custom KEY=VALUE metadata to the image -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN Use this token when uploading/registering images [Default: None] --print-sysprep print the enabled and disabled system preparation operations for this input media --enable-sysprep=SYSPREP run SYSPREP operation on the input media --disable-sysprep=SYSPREP prevent SYSPREP operation from running on the input media --no-sysprep don't perform system preparation --no-shrink don't shrink any partition Most input options are self-describing. If you want to save a local copy for the image you create, you specify *-o* option. To upload the image to *pithos+*, you specify valid credentials with *-a* and *-t* options and a filename using *-u*. If you want to register the image with *~okeanos*, in addition to *-u* specify a registration name using *-r*. By default snf-image-creator will perform a number of system preparation operations on the snapshot of the media and will shrink the last partition found, before extracting the image. Both can be disabled by specifying *--no-sysprep* and *--no-shrink* respectively. If *--print-sysprep* is defined, the program will exit after outputing a list of enabled and disabled system preparation operation appliable to this media source. The user can enable or disable specific *syspreps* when creating an image, using *-{enable,disable}-sysprep* options. You can specify those options multiple times to enable or disable multiple *syspreps*. Running *snf-image-creator* with *--print-sysprep* on a raw file that hosts a debian system, we get the following output: .. _sysprep: .. code-block:: console $ snf-image-creator --print-sysprep debian_desktop.img snf-image-creator 0.1 ===================== Examining source media `debian_desktop.img'... looks like an image file Snapshotting media source... done Enabling recovery proc Launching helper VM... done Inspecting Operating System... found a(n) debian system Mounting the media read-only... done Enabled system preparation operations: cleanup-cache: Remove all regular files under /var/cache cleanup-log: Empty all files under /var/log cleanup-passwords: Remove all passwords and lock all user accounts cleanup-tmp: Remove all files under /tmp and /var/tmp cleanup-userdata: Delete sensitive userdata fix-acpid: Replace acpid powerdown action scripts to immediately shutdown the system without checking if a GUI is running. remove-persistent-net-rules: Remove udev rules that will keep network interface names persistent after hardware changes and reboots. Those rules will be created again the next time the image runs. remove-swap-entry: Remove swap entry from /etc/fstab. If swap is the last partition then the partition will be removed when shrinking is performed. If the swap partition is not the last partition in the disk or if you are not going to shrink the image you should probably disable this. use-persistent-block-device-names: Scan fstab & grub configuration files and replace all non-persistent device references with UUIDs. Disabled system preparation operations: cleanup-mail: Remove all files under /var/mail and /var/spool/mail remove-user-accounts: Remove all user accounts with id greater than 1000 cleaning up... If we want the image to have all normal user accounts and all mail files removed, we can create it specifying *--enable-sysprep* option like this: .. code-block:: console $ snf-image-creator --enable-sysprep cleanup-mail --enable-sysprep remove-user-accounts ... Dialog-based version ==================== *snf-mkimage* receives the following options: .. code-block:: console $ Usage: snf-mkimage [options] [] Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -l FILE, --logfile=FILE log all messages to FILE If the input media is not specified in the command line, in the first dialog box the user will be asked to specify it. After the input media is examined and the program is initialized, the user will be given the choice to run *snf-mkimage* in *wizard* or *expert* mode. Wizard mode ----------- When *snf-mkimage* runs in *wizard* mode, the user is just asked to provide the following basic information: * Name: A short name for the image (ex. "Slackware") * Description: An one-line description for the image (ex. "Slackware Linux 14.0 with KDE") * Account: An *~okeanos* account email * Token: A token corresponding to the account defined previously After confirming, the image will be extracted, uploaded to *pithos+* and registered to *~okeanos*. The user will also be given the choice to keep a local copy of it. For most users the functionality this mode provides should be sufficient. Expert mode ----------- Expert mode allows the user to have better control on the image creation process. In the picture below the main menu can be seen: .. image:: /snapshots/main_menu.png In the *Customize* sub-menu the user can control: * The system preparation operations that will be applied on the media * Whether the image will be shrunk or not * The properties associated with the image * The configuration tasks that will run during image deployment In the *Register* sub-menu the user can provide: * The credentials to login to *~okeanos* * A pithos filename for the uploaded *diskdump* image * A name for the image to be registered to *~okeanos* with By choosing the *Extract* menu entry the user can dump the image to the local file system and finally, if the user selects *Reset*, the system will ignore all changes made so far and will start the image creation process again. Usage example ============= Supposing you have snf-image-creator installed on a machine (hereafter referred to as your **host machine**), you can follow the next steps to upload and register an image of an OS of your preference (hereafter referred to as your **guest OS**) to your synnefo deployment. * `Step 1: Install the guest OS`_ * `Step 2: Create and upload an image of the guest OS`_ * `Step 3: Create your VM`_ Step 1: Install the guest OS ----------------------------- The guest OS has to be installed on a media such as a block device or a regular raw file, that can be **accessible** by your host machine. But why is accessible empasized? Well, because you don't need to do the installation of the guest OS on your host machine. You can just as well install it on a raw file, upload it on Pithos+, download it on your host machine and use it for Step 2. *Note: If you have a guest OS already installed, you may want to skip the next step. However, be sure to check out the* `Caveats`_ *section, where some requirements about the guest OS are presented.* Installation example """""""""""""""""""" To simplify things a bit, we will install the guest OS on the host machine where snf-image-creator is installed. We will assume that the host machine is an Ubuntu 12.04 ~okeanos VM, built with max specifications (4 CPUs, 2GB of ram, 40GB of disk space at the time of writing this). *Note: Since the installation of the guest OS will take place on your host VM, you must be able to connect to it graphically. This is covered by our* `connection guide `_. For our guest OS, we will choose, Linux Mint, which is the most hyped Linux OS according to Distrowatch. A new version has just been released, so this seems like a fine choice. :: Warning: The installation might take a long time (~1 hour) and a bit of lagginess due to nested virtualization is to be expected. Fire up your terminal, go to your home directory and type the following to download the Linux Mint live cd:: $ wget bit.iso Verify that it has been downloaded correctly. If the following command prints "OK". then you are good to go:: $ echo 'b370ac59d1ac6362f1662cfcc22a489c linuxmint-14-mate-dvd-64bit.iso' > check.md5 $ md5sum -c check.md5 Allocate a few gigs of space to create a sparse file:: $ truncate -s 7G linuxmint.raw Use `kvm` to boot the Live CD:: $ sudo kvm -m 1200 -smp 4 -boot d -drive \ file=linuxmint.raw,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio \ -cdrom linuxmint-14-mate-dvd-64bit.iso At a glance, let's see what the above options do: -m 1200: Use 1200MB of RAM for the guest OS. You should allocate as much as possible -smp 4: Simulate an SMP system with 4 CPUs for the guest OS to use. -boot d: Place cdrom first in the boot order file=opensuse.raw Use this raw file as the "hard disk" for the installation if=virtio: Inform the OS that it should preload the VirtIO drivers (more on that on `Caveats`_ section) -cdrom linuxmint-14-mate-dvd-64bit.iso: "Insert" Linux Mint's live cd in the cdrom drive Wait a few seconds and then a new screen with the Linux Mint logo should appear. You don't have to press any key since it will boot automatically to Linux Mint's live desktop after a few minutes. |qemu-live| Choose "Install Linux Mint". The installation process should be pretty straightforward. Just keep two things in mind: * The username you choose will also be used later on, when you create a VM from this OS image. The password, however, will be removed and you will be given a new one. * The installed OS must have no more than one primary partition and optionally a swap partition. You can read more in the `Caveats`_ section below. You don't have to worry about it in this installation however, since the default option takes care of that. |qemu-partition| After the installation is complete, you can close the QEMU window. You will be able to boot your installed OS and make any changes you want to it using the following command:: $ sudo kvm -m 1200 -smp 4 -boot d -drive \ file=linuxmint.raw,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio At the very least, you should install OpenSSH server to connect to your VM properly. You can install OpenSSH server using the following command:: $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server Bear in mind that once the OS image has been uploaded to your synnefo deployment, you will not be able to make changes to it. Since you can only apply changes to your raw file, you are advised to do so now and then proceed to Step 2. Caveats """"""" This is a list of restrictions you must have in mind while installing the guest OS: **Partitions** The installation must consist of no more than one primary partition. It can have a swap partition though, which should ideally - but not necessarily - be located at the end of the media. In this case, the uploaded image will be much smaller and the VM deployment process much faster. **VirtIO drivers** Depending on your synnefo-deployment, you may need to use para-virtualized drivers for your storage and network needs. ~okeanos uses the VirtIO framework which is essential for the ~okeanos VMs to work properly since their disk I/O controller and Ethernet cards are para-virtualized. Fortunately, you will not need to deal with the installation of VirtIO drivers directly, since they are included in Linux kernel since version 2.6.25 and shipped with all the modern Linux distributions. However, if the VirtIO drivers are built as a module (and most modern OSes do so), they need to be preloaded using an initial ramdisk (initramfs), otherwise the VM you create from this OS image will not be able to boot. Debian derivatives will create an initial ramdisk with VirtIO included if they are connected during the installation on a para-virtualized interface (the "if=virtio" option in the Linux Mint example). In many other distros though, this is not the case. In Arch Linux for example, the user needs to manually add virtio_blk and virtio_pci drivers in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and rebuild the initial ramdisk to make the virtio drivers get preloaded during boot. You can read more in the `Arch Linux wiki `_ on how to do it. For now, snf-image-creator cannot resolve this kind of problems and it's left to the user to do it. Step 2: Create and upload an image of the guest OS -------------------------------------------------- This is the step on which we use snf-image-creator. There are actually two variants of snf-image-creator, `snf-image-creator`_ and `snf-mkimage`_, both achieving the same results but suited for different needs. Their scope is documented at the start of the `Usage`_ section of this document. *Note: Both tools take a snapshot of the installed OS on the media provided to them. So, any changes they apply do not affect the OS installed on the original media.* Let's see both tools in action. We will use them to create an image of the Linux Mint 14 OS we installed in Step 2. snf-mkimage """"""""""" In order to use snf-mkimage, simply type:: $ sudo snf-mkimage linuxmint.raw snf-mkimage will initially check if the media is indeed a single disk partition or a raw file representing a hard disk. Then, it will use heuristics to understand which OS has been installed on the media. After that, you will be asked which mode you prefer. |mkimage-wizard| * Wizard mode is intuitive and consists of 4 simple steps. * Expert mode has an abundance of options but requires a bit of knowledge of the inner workings of Cyclades from your part. You can learn more on the `Expert Mode`_ section of snf-mkimage. For our tutorial, we will use Wizard mode. So, choose "Wizard" and then provide a name for the image. |mkimage1| This name will appear on Pithos+ and on the Public Images section of Cyclades. Then, provide a description for the image. |mkimage2| This will appear under the chosen image name on the Public Images section of cyclades. Next, add your account e-mail |mkimage3| ... your account token... |mkimage4| ...and you're done! A list operations will appear on your console. |mkimage-results| We will briefly comment on the above output. * **Sysprep:** Operations from 1/9 to 9/9 are part of the system preparation operations and are best explained in the snf-image-creator's `sysprep`_ section. * **Shrinking:** When shrinking the image, we check if a swap partition exists at the end of the media. If this is the case, it will be removed and re-inserted upon the deployment process of the VM. Alternatively, if the swap partition lies at the start of the media, it will be left untouched. On both cases, the primary partition will be shrunken as much as possible. On this example, we can see that the final size is 3.5GB, whereas the orginal size was 7GB. This means that the image was reduced by half, a pretty impressive feat. * **MD5SUM:** The md5sum of the image is used later on to verify that the image has been uploaded successfully. * **Uploading:** Everytime you upload an OS image, every block is hashed, checked against existing blocks in Pithos+ and finally uploaded, if no other block has the same hash. *Consider this example: You have just uploaded a Gentoo Linux image but had forgotten to install a necessary package. In this case, you would probably edit the OS in the raw file and then use snf-mkimage to upload the new image. However, since there is an almost identical image already uploaded on Pithos+, you can just as well upload only the blocks that differentiate those two images. This is both time and space efficient.* Finally, after the image has been uploaded successfully, you will be asked whether you want to save a local copy of the **shrunken** image. This is just a copy of the diskdump that has been uploaded to Pithos+ and, in case you are confused, the original OS installed on the media (linuxmint.raw in our example) remains intact. snf-image-creator """"""""""""""""" snf-image-creator is the command-line equivalent of snf-mkimage. All the info provided in the steps above are given now as options, which makes it ideal for scripting purposes. The full set of options can be found in the `Usage section <#non-interactive-version>`_ of snf-image-creator's documentation. This tool is most commonly used with the following set of options:: $ sudo snf-image-creator linuxmint.raw -a \ -t hUudl4DEIlomlnvWnv7Rlw== -u linuxmint.diskdump -r "Linux Mint 14 Nadia" As you can see, these options are exactly what snf-mkimage's steps translate to. You can also see that the output is nearly identical: |image-creator| Step 3: Create your VM ---------------------- Creating a VM out of an uploaded custom image is a fairly simple task. Just select "New Machine", go to "My Images" section and select your image. |custom-vm| Alternatively, if you want to create a VM from another user's custom image, you can go to the "Public Images" section. .. |qemu-live| image:: /snapshots/qemu-live.png .. |qemu-partition| image:: /snapshots/qemu-partition.png .. |mkimage-wizard| image:: /snapshots/mkimage-wizard.png .. |mkimage1| image:: /snapshots/mkimage1.png .. |mkimage2| image:: /snapshots/mkimage2.png .. |mkimage3| image:: /snapshots/mkimage3.png .. |mkimage4| image:: /snapshots/mkimage4.png .. |mkimage-fin| image:: /snapshots/mkimage-fin.png .. |mkimage-results| image:: /snapshots/mkimage-results.png .. |image-creator| image:: /snapshots/image-creator.png .. |custom-vm| image:: /snapshots/custom-vm.png