# Copyright (C) 2011 GRNET S.A. # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. AWK="awk" KPARTX="kpartx" LOSETUP="losetup" SFDISK="sfdisk" QEMU_IMG="qemu-img" INSTALL_MBR="install-mbr" TIMELIMIT="timelimit" CURL="curl" network_backend_support="@network_backend_support@" CLEANUP=( ) add_cleanup() { local cmd="" for arg; do cmd+=$(printf "%q " "$arg"); done CLEANUP+=("$cmd") } log_error() { echo "$@" >&2 } get_api5_arguments() { GETOPT_RESULT=$* # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! eval set -- "$GETOPT_RESULT" while true; do case "$1" in -i|-n) instance=$2; shift 2;; -o) old_name=$2; shift 2;; -b) blockdev=$2; shift 2;; -s) swapdev=$2; shift 2;; --) shift; break;; *) log_error "Internal error!" >&2; exit 1;; esac done if [ -z "$instance" -o -z "$blockdev" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Argument (-i, -n, or -b)" exit 1 fi if [ "$SCRIPT_NAME" != "export" -a -z "$swapdev" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Argument -s (swapdev)" exit 1 fi if [ "$SCRIPT_NAME" = "rename" -a -z "$old_name" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Argument -o (old_name)" exit 1 fi } get_api10_arguments() { if [ -z "$INSTANCE_NAME" -o -z "$HYPERVISOR" -o -z "$DISK_COUNT" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Variable:" log_error "(INSTANCE_NAME HYPERVISOR or DISK_COUNT)" exit 1 fi instance=$INSTANCE_NAME if [ $DISK_COUNT -lt 1 -o -z "$DISK_0_PATH" ]; then log_error "At least one disk is needed" exit 1 fi if [ "$SCRIPT_NAME" = "export" ]; then if [ -z "$EXPORT_DEVICE" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Variable EXPORT_DEVICE" fi blockdev=$EXPORT_DEVICE elif [ "$SCRIPT_NAME" = "import" ]; then if [ -z "$IMPORT_DEVICE" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Variable IMPORT_DEVICE" fi blockdev=$IMPORT_DEVICE else blockdev=$DISK_0_PATH fi if [ "$SCRIPT_NAME" = "rename" -a -z "$OLD_INSTANCE_NAME" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Variable OLD_INSTANCE_NAME" fi old_name=$OLD_INSTANCE_NAME } get_api20_arguments() { get_api10_arguments if [ -z "$OSP_IMG_ID" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Parameter: OSP_IMG_ID" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$OSP_IMG_FORMAT" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Parameter: OSP_IMG_FORMAT" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$OSP_IMG_PASSWD" ]; then log_error "Missing OS API Parameter: OSP_IMG_PASSWD" exit 1 fi IMG_ID=$OSP_IMG_ID IMG_FORMAT=$OSP_IMG_FORMAT IMG_PASSWD=$OSP_IMG_PASSWD if [ -n "$OSP_IMG_PROPERTIES" ]; then IMG_PROPERTIES="$OSP_IMG_PROPERTIES" fi if [ -n "$OSP_IMG_PERSONALITY" ]; then IMG_PERSONALITY="$OSP_IMG_PERSONALITY" fi } map_disk0() { blockdev="$1" filesystem_dev_base=$($KPARTX -l -p- $blockdev | \ grep -m 1 -- "-1.*$blockdev" | \ $AWK '{print $1}') if [ -z "$filesystem_dev_base" ]; then log_error "Cannot interpret kpartx output and get partition mapping" exit 1 fi $KPARTX -a -p- "$blockdev" > /dev/null filesystem_dev="/dev/mapper/${filesystem_dev_base/%-1/}" if [ ! -b "/dev/mapper/$filesystem_dev_base" ]; then log_error "Can't find kpartx mapped partition:" \ "/dev/mapper/$filesystem_dev_base" exit 1 fi echo "$filesystem_dev" } unmap_disk0() { $KPARTX -d -p- "$1" } format_disk0() { local device="$1" local image_type="$2" declare -A part_id=( ['extdump']="83" ["ntfsdump"]="7" ) # The -f is needed, because we use an optimal alignment and sfdisk complains # about partitions not ending on clylinder boundary. local sfdisk_cmd="$SFDISK -uS -H 255 -S 63 -f --quiet --Linux --DOS $device" $sfdisk_cmd > /dev/null < /dev/null mount "$img" "$target" -o loop set | egrep ^snf_export_\\w+= | sed -e 's/^snf_export_/export SNF_IMAGE_/' \ > "$target/rules" if [ -n "$UNATTEND" ]; then if [ -f "$UNATTEND" ]; then cat "$UNATTEND" > "$target/unattend.xml" else log_error "Unattend file: \`"$UNATTEND"' does not exist" fi fi umount "$target" } get_backend_type() { local id=$1 if [[ "$id" =~ ^pithos: ]]; then echo "pithos" elif [[ "$id" =~ ^(http|ftp)s?: ]]; then if [ "$network_backend_support" = "yes" ]; then echo "network"; else log_error "Retrieving images from the network is not supported." exit 1 fi else echo "local"; fi } # this one is only to be called by create ganeti_os_main() { if [ -z "$OS_API_VERSION" -o "$OS_API_VERSION" = "5" ]; then OS_API_VERSION=5 GETOPT_RESULT=`getopt -o o:n:i:b:s: -n '$0' -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then log_error "Terminating..."; exit 1 ; fi get_api5_arguments $GETOPT_RESULT elif [ "$OS_API_VERSION" = "10" -o "$OS_API_VERSION" = "15" ]; then get_api10_arguments elif [ "$OS_API_VERSION" = "20" ]; then get_api20_arguments IMAGE_NAME="$IMG_ID" IMAGE_TYPE="$IMG_FORMAT" BACKEND_TYPE=$(get_backend_type $IMG_ID) else log_error "Unknown OS API VERSION $OS_API_VERSION" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$OS_VARIANT" ]; then if [ ! -d "$VARIANTS_DIR" ]; then log_error "OS Variants directory $VARIANTS_DIR doesn't exist" exit 1 fi VARIANT_CONFIG="$VARIANTS_DIR/$OS_VARIANT.conf" if [ -f "$VARIANT_CONFIG" ]; then . "$VARIANT_CONFIG" else if grep -qxF "$OS_VARIANT" variants.list; then log_error "ERROR: instance-image configuration error" log_error " Published variant $OS_VARIANT is missing its" \ "config file" log_error " Please create $VARIANT_CONFIG or unpublish the" \ "variant" log_error " (by removing $OS_VARIANT from variants.list)" else log_error "Unofficial variant $OS_VARIANT is unsupported" log_error "Most probably this is a user error, forcing a" \ "wrong name" log_error "To support this variant please create file" \ "$VARIANT_CONFIG" fi exit 1 fi fi } do_debootstrap() { local target="$1" echo "Debootstraping to create a new root filesystem:" # Create a policy-rc.d file to deny init script execution mkdir -p "$target/usr/sbin" cat > "$target/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" <&1 | sed -e 's/^/DEBOOTSTRAP: /g' # Save the package list chroot "$target" dpkg-query -W -f "\${Package}\n" > "$HELPER_CACHE_PKGS" rm "$target/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" # remove the downloaded debs, as they are no longer needed find "$target/var/cache/apt/archives" -type f -name '*.deb' -print0 | \ xargs -r0 rm -f local tmp_cache=$(mktemp "$CACHE_FILE.XXXXXX") tar cf "$tmp_cache" --one-file-system -C "$target" . || \ { rm "$tmp_cache"; false; } # Overwrite the default cache file. Not the user specified if present. mv -f "$tmp_cache" "$HELPER_CACHE_FILE" } cleanup() { # if something fails here, it souldn't call cleanup again... trap - EXIT if [ ${#CLEANUP[*]} -gt 0 ]; then LAST_ELEMENT=$((${#CLEANUP[*]}-1)) REVERSE_INDEXES=$(seq ${LAST_ELEMENT} -1 0) for i in $REVERSE_INDEXES; do # If something fails here, it's better to retry it for a few times # before we give up with an error. This is needed for kpartx when # dealing with ntfs partitions mounted through fuse. umount is not # synchronous and may return while the partition is still busy. A # premature attempt to delete partition mappings through kpartx on # a device that hosts previously mounted ntfs partition may fail # with errors like this one: # `device-mapper: remove ioctl failed: Device or resource busy' # A sensible workaround for this is to wait for a while and then # retry it. local cmd=${CLEANUP[$i]} $cmd || for interval in 0.25 0.5 1 2 4; do echo "Command $cmd failed!" echo "I'll wait for $interval secs and will retry..." sleep $interval $cmd && break done if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Giving Up..." exit 1; fi done fi } trap cleanup EXIT DEFAULT_FILE="@sysconfdir@/default/snf-image" if [ -f "$DEFAULT_FILE" ]; then . "$DEFAULT_FILE" fi : ${VARIANTS_DIR:="@sysconfdir@/ganeti/snf-image/variants"} : ${IMAGE_DIR:="@localstatedir@/lib/snf-image"} : ${HELPER_DIR:="@HELPER_DIR@"} : ${HELPER_IMG:="@HELPER_IMG@"} : ${HELPER_KERNEL:="@HELPER_KERNEL@"} : ${HELPER_INITRD:="@HELPER_INITRD@"} : ${HELPER_PKG:="@HELPER_DIR@/snf-image-helper.deb"} : ${HELPER_SOFT_TIMEOUT:=15} : ${HELPER_HARD_TIMEOUT:=5} : ${HELPER_USER:="nobody"} : ${HELPER_CACHE_FILE:="@HELPER_DIR@/cache.tar"} : ${HELPER_CACHE_PKGS:="@HELPER_DIR@/packages"} : ${HELPER_EXTRA_PKGS:="linux-image-amd64,e2fsprogs,ntfs-3g,ntfsprogs,xmlstarlet,python,parted,reglookup,chntpw,util-linux"} : ${HELPER_MIRROR:=""} : ${PITHOS_DB:="sqlite:////@localstatedir@/lib/pithos/backend.db"} : ${PITHOS_DATA:="@localstatedir@/lib/pithos/data/"} : ${PROGRESS_MONITOR:="@PROGRESS_MONITOR@"} : ${UNATTEND:="@UNATTEND@"} SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) if [ -f /sbin/blkid -a -x /sbin/blkid ]; then VOL_ID="/sbin/blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s UUID" VOL_TYPE="/sbin/blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s TYPE" else for dir in /lib/udev /sbin; do if [ -f $dir/vol_id -a -x $dir/vol_id ]; then VOL_ID="$dir/vol_id -u" VOL_TYPE="$dir/vol_id -t" fi done fi if [ -z "$VOL_ID" ]; then log_error "vol_id or blkid not found, please install udev or util-linux" exit 1 fi # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :