#!/usr/bin/env python # # nfdcpd: A promiscuous, NFQUEUE-based DHCP server for virtual machine hosting # Copyright (c) 2010 GRNET SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import os import re import sys import glob import time import logging import logging.handlers import threading import traceback import subprocess import daemon import daemon.runner import daemon.pidlockfile import nfqueue import pyinotify from lockfile import LockTimeout import IPy import socket from select import select from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6 from scapy.data import ETH_P_ALL from scapy.packet import BasePacket from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ICMPv6ND_RA, ICMPv6ND_NA, \ ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr, \ ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo, \ ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS from scapy.layers.dhcp import BOOTP, DHCP DEFAULT_CONFIG = "/etc/nfdhcpd/nfdhcpd.conf" DEFAULT_PATH = "/var/run/ganeti-dhcpd" DEFAULT_USER = "nobody" DEFAULT_LEASE_LIFETIME = 604800 # 1 week DEFAULT_LEASE_RENEWAL = 600 # 10 min DEFAULT_RA_PERIOD = 300 # seconds DHCP_DUMMY_SERVER_IP = "" LOG_FILENAME = "nfdhcpd.log" SYSFS_NET = "/sys/class/net" LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-6s %(message)s" # Configuration file specification (see configobj documentation) CONFIG_SPEC = """ [general] pidfile = string() datapath = string() logdir = string() user = string() [dhcp] enable_dhcp = boolean(default=True) lease_lifetime = integer(min=0, max=4294967295) lease_renewal = integer(min=0, max=4294967295) server_ip = ip_addr() dhcp_queue = integer(min=0, max=65535) nameservers = ip_addr_list(family=4) domain = string(default=None) [ipv6] enable_ipv6 = boolean(default=True) ra_period = integer(min=1, max=4294967295) rs_queue = integer(min=0, max=65535) ns_queue = integer(min=0, max=65535) nameservers = ip_addr_list(family=6) """ DHCPDISCOVER = 1 DHCPOFFER = 2 DHCPREQUEST = 3 DHCPDECLINE = 4 DHCPACK = 5 DHCPNAK = 6 DHCPRELEASE = 7 DHCPINFORM = 8 DHCP_TYPES = { DHCPDISCOVER: "DHCPDISCOVER", DHCPOFFER: "DHCPOFFER", DHCPREQUEST: "DHCPREQUEST", DHCPDECLINE: "DHCPDECLINE", DHCPACK: "DHCPACK", DHCPNAK: "DHCPNAK", DHCPRELEASE: "DHCPRELEASE", DHCPINFORM: "DHCPINFORM", } DHCP_REQRESP = { DHCPDISCOVER: DHCPOFFER, DHCPREQUEST: DHCPACK, DHCPINFORM: DHCPACK, } def get_indev(payload): try: indev_ifindex = payload.get_physindev() if indev_ifindex: logging.debug(" - Incomming packet from bridge %s", indev_ifindex) return indev_ifindex except AttributeError: #TODO: return error value logging.debug("No get_physindev() supported") return 0 indev_ifindex = payload.get_indev() logging.debug(" - Incomming packet from tap %s", indev_ifindex) return indev_ifindex def get_binding(proxy, ifindex, mac): try: if proxy.mac_indexed_clients: logging.debug(" - Getting binding for mac %s", mac) b = proxy.clients[mac] else: logging.debug(" - Getting binding for ifindex %s", ifindex) b = proxy.clients[ifindex] return b except KeyError: logging.debug(" - No client found for mac / ifindex %s / %s", mac, ifindex) return None def parse_binding_file(path): """ Read a client configuration from a tap file """ logging.info("Parsing binding file %s", path) try: iffile = open(path, 'r') except EnvironmentError, e: logging.warn(" - Unable to open binding file %s: %s", path, str(e)) return None tap = os.path.basename(path) indev = None mac = None ip = None hostname = None subnet = None gateway = None subnet6 = None gateway6 = None eui64 = None def get_value(line): v = line.strip().split('=')[1] if v == '': return None return v for line in iffile: if line.startswith("IP="): ip = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("MAC="): mac = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("HOSTNAME="): hostname = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("INDEV="): indev = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("SUBNET="): subnet = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("GATEWAY="): gateway = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("SUBNET6="): subnet6 = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("GATEWAY6="): gateway6 = get_value(line) elif line.startswith("EUI64="): eui64 = get_value(line) try: return Client(tap=tap, mac=mac, ip=ip, hostname=hostname, indev=indev, subnet=subnet, gateway=gateway, subnet6=subnet6, gateway6=gateway6, eui64=eui64 ) except ValueError: logging.warning(" - Cannot add client for host %s and IP %s on tap %s", hostname, ip, tap) return None class ClientFileHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): def __init__(self, server): pyinotify.ProcessEvent.__init__(self) self.server = server def process_IN_DELETE(self, event): # pylint: disable=C0103 """ Delete file handler Currently this removes an interface from the watch list """ self.server.remove_tap(event.name) def process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE(self, event): # pylint: disable=C0103 """ Add file handler Currently this adds an interface to the watch list """ self.server.add_tap(os.path.join(event.path, event.name)) class Client(object): def __init__(self, tap=None, indev=None, mac=None, ip=None, hostname=None, subnet=None, gateway=None, subnet6=None, gateway6=None, eui64=None ): self.mac = mac self.ip = ip self.hostname = hostname self.indev = indev self.tap = tap self.subnet = subnet self.gateway = gateway self.net = Subnet(net=subnet, gw=gateway, dev=tap) self.subnet6 = subnet6 self.gateway6 = gateway6 self.net6 = Subnet(net=subnet6, gw=gateway6, dev=tap) self.eui64 = eui64 def is_valid(self): return self.mac is not None and self.ip is not None\ and self.hostname is not None class Subnet(object): def __init__(self, net=None, gw=None, dev=None): if isinstance(net, str): try: self.net = IPy.IP(net) except ValueError, e: logging.warning(" - IPy error: %s", e) raise e else: self.net = net self.gw = gw self.dev = dev @property def netmask(self): """ Return the netmask in textual representation """ return str(self.net.netmask()) @property def broadcast(self): """ Return the broadcast address in textual representation """ return str(self.net.broadcast()) @property def prefix(self): """ Return the network as an IPy.IP """ return self.net.net() @property def prefixlen(self): """ Return the prefix length as an integer """ return self.net.prefixlen() @staticmethod def _make_eui64(net, mac): """ Compute an EUI-64 address from an EUI-48 (MAC) address """ if mac is None: return None comp = mac.split(":") prefix = IPy.IP(net).net().strFullsize().split(":")[:4] eui64 = comp[:3] + ["ff", "fe"] + comp[3:] eui64[0] = "%02x" % (int(eui64[0], 16) ^ 0x02) for l in range(0, len(eui64), 2): prefix += ["".join(eui64[l:l+2])] return IPy.IP(":".join(prefix)) def make_eui64(self, mac): """ Compute an EUI-64 address from an EUI-48 (MAC) address in this subnet. """ return self._make_eui64(self.net, mac) def make_ll64(self, mac): """ Compute an IPv6 Link-local address from an EUI-48 (MAC) address """ return self._make_eui64("fe80::", mac) class VMNetProxy(object): # pylint: disable=R0902 def __init__(self, data_path, dhcp_queue_num=None, # pylint: disable=R0913 rs_queue_num=None, ns_queue_num=None, dhcp_lease_lifetime=DEFAULT_LEASE_LIFETIME, dhcp_lease_renewal=DEFAULT_LEASE_RENEWAL, dhcp_domain='', dhcp_server_ip=DHCP_DUMMY_SERVER_IP, dhcp_nameservers=None, ra_period=DEFAULT_RA_PERIOD, ipv6_nameservers=None): try: getattr(nfqueue.payload, 'get_physindev') self.mac_indexed_clients = False except AttributeError: self.mac_indexed_clients = True self.data_path = data_path self.lease_lifetime = dhcp_lease_lifetime self.lease_renewal = dhcp_lease_renewal self.dhcp_domain = dhcp_domain self.dhcp_server_ip = dhcp_server_ip self.ra_period = ra_period if dhcp_nameservers is None: self.dhcp_nameserver = [] else: self.dhcp_nameservers = dhcp_nameservers if ipv6_nameservers is None: self.ipv6_nameservers = [] else: self.ipv6_nameservers = ipv6_nameservers self.ipv6_enabled = False self.clients = {} #self.subnets = {} #self.ifaces = {} #self.v6nets = {} self.nfq = {} self.l2socket = self._socket() # Inotify setup self.wm = pyinotify.WatchManager() mask = pyinotify.EventsCodes.ALL_FLAGS["IN_DELETE"] mask |= pyinotify.EventsCodes.ALL_FLAGS["IN_CLOSE_WRITE"] inotify_handler = ClientFileHandler(self) self.notifier = pyinotify.Notifier(self.wm, inotify_handler) self.wm.add_watch(self.data_path, mask, rec=True) # NFQUEUE setup if dhcp_queue_num is not None: self._setup_nfqueue(dhcp_queue_num, AF_INET, self.dhcp_response) if rs_queue_num is not None: self._setup_nfqueue(rs_queue_num, AF_INET6, self.rs_response) self.ipv6_enabled = True if ns_queue_num is not None: self._setup_nfqueue(ns_queue_num, AF_INET6, self.ns_response) self.ipv6_enabled = True def _socket(self): logging.info("Opening L2 socket") try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, ETH_P_ALL) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 0) except socket.error, e: logging.warning(" - Cannot open socket %s", e) return s def _cleanup(self): """ Free all resources for a graceful exit """ logging.info("Cleaning up") logging.debug(" - Closing netfilter queues") for q in self.nfq.values(): q.close() logging.debug(" - Closing socket") self.l2socket.close() logging.debug(" - Stopping inotify watches") self.notifier.stop() logging.info(" - Cleanup finished") def _setup_nfqueue(self, queue_num, family, callback): logging.info("Setting up NFQUEUE for queue %d, AF %s", queue_num, family) q = nfqueue.queue() q.set_callback(callback) q.fast_open(queue_num, family) q.set_queue_maxlen(30) # This is mandatory for the queue to operate q.set_mode(nfqueue.NFQNL_COPY_PACKET) self.nfq[q.get_fd()] = q logging.debug(" - Successfully set up NFQUEUE %d", queue_num) def sendp(self, data, dev): """ Send a raw packet using a layer-2 socket """ if isinstance(data, BasePacket): data = str(data) logging.debug(" - Sending raw packet %s", data) self.l2socket.bind((dev, ETH_P_ALL)) try: count = self.l2socket.send(data, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT) except socket.error, e: logging.warn(" - Send with MSG_DONTWAIT failed: %s", str(e)) self.l2socket.close() self.l2socket = self._socket() raise e ldata = len(data) logging.debug(" - Sent %d bytes to device %s", count, dev) if count != ldata: logging.warn(" - Truncated send on %s (%d/%d bytes sent)", dev, count, ldata) def build_config(self): self.clients.clear() for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.data_path, "*")): self.add_tap(path) logging.debug("%15s %20s %7s %15s", 'Client', 'MAC', 'TAP', 'IP') for b in self.clients.values(): logging.debug("%15s %20s %7s %15s", b.hostname, b.mac, b.tap, b.ip) def get_ifindex(self, iface): """ Get the interface index from sysfs """ logging.debug(" - Getting ifindex for interface %s from sysfs", iface) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SYSFS_NET, iface, "ifindex")) if not path.startswith(SYSFS_NET): return None ifindex = None try: f = open(path, 'r') except EnvironmentError: logging.debug(" - %s is probably down, removing", iface) self.remove_tap(iface) return ifindex try: ifindex = f.readline().strip() try: ifindex = int(ifindex) except ValueError, e: logging.warn(" - Failed to get ifindex for %s, cannot parse" " sysfs output '%s'", iface, ifindex) except EnvironmentError, e: logging.warn(" - Error reading %s's ifindex from sysfs: %s", iface, str(e)) self.remove_tap(iface) finally: f.close() return ifindex def get_iface_hw_addr(self, iface): """ Get the interface hardware address from sysfs """ logging.debug(" - Getting mac for iface %s", iface) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SYSFS_NET, iface, "address")) if not path.startswith(SYSFS_NET): return None addr = None try: f = open(path, 'r') except EnvironmentError: logging.debug(" - %s is probably down, removing", iface) self.remove_tap(iface) return addr try: addr = f.readline().strip() except EnvironmentError, e: logging.warn(" - Failed to read hw address for %s from sysfs: %s", iface, str(e)) finally: f.close() return addr def add_tap(self, path): """ Add an interface to monitor """ tap = os.path.basename(path) logging.debug("Updating configuration for %s", tap) b = parse_binding_file(path) if b is None: return ifindex = self.get_ifindex(b.tap) if ifindex is None: logging.warn(" - Stale configuration for %s found", tap) else: if b.is_valid(): if self.mac_indexed_clients: self.clients[b.mac] = b else: self.clients[ifindex] = b logging.debug(" - Added client:") logging.debug(" + %5s: %10s %20s %7s %15s", ifindex, b.hostname, b.mac, b.tap, b.ip) def remove_tap(self, tap): """ Cleanup clients on a removed interface """ try: for k in self.clients.keys(): b = self.clients[k] if self.clients[k].tap == tap: logging.debug("Removing client on interface %s", tap) logging.debug(" - %5s: %10s %20s %7s %15s", k, b.hostname, b.mac, b.tap, b.ip) del self.clients[k] except: logging.debug("Client on %s disappeared!!!", tap) def dhcp_response(self, i, payload): # pylint: disable=W0613,R0914 """ Generate a reply to bnetfilter-queue-deva BOOTP/DHCP request """ logging.debug(" * Processing pending DHCP request (NFQUEUE %d)", i) # Decode the response - NFQUEUE relays IP packets pkt = IP(payload.get_data()) #logging.debug(pkt.show()) # Get the client MAC address resp = pkt.getlayer(BOOTP).copy() hlen = resp.hlen mac = resp.chaddr[:hlen].encode("hex") mac, _ = re.subn(r'([0-9a-fA-F]{2})', r'\1:', mac, hlen - 1) # Server responses are always BOOTREPLYs resp.op = "BOOTREPLY" del resp.payload indev = get_indev(payload) binding = get_binding(self, indev, mac) if binding is None: # We don't know anything about this interface, so accept the packet # and return logging.debug(" - Ignoring DHCP request on unknown iface %s", indev) # We don't know what to do with this packet, so let the kernel # handle it payload.set_verdict(nfqueue.NF_ACCEPT) return # Signal the kernel that it shouldn't further process the packet payload.set_verdict(nfqueue.NF_DROP) if mac != binding.mac: logging.warn(" - Recieved spoofed DHCP request for mac %s from tap %s", mac, indev) return logging.debug(" - Generating DHCP response for host %s (mac %s) on tap %s", binding.hostname, mac, binding.tap) resp = Ether(dst=mac, src=self.get_iface_hw_addr(binding.indev))/\ IP(src=DHCP_DUMMY_SERVER_IP, dst=binding.ip)/\ UDP(sport=pkt.dport, dport=pkt.sport)/resp subnet = binding.net if not DHCP in pkt: logging.warn(" - Invalid request from %s on %s, no DHCP" " payload found", binding.mac, binding.tap) return dhcp_options = [] requested_addr = binding.ip for opt in pkt[DHCP].options: if type(opt) is tuple and opt[0] == "message-type": req_type = opt[1] if type(opt) is tuple and opt[0] == "requested_addr": requested_addr = opt[1] logging.info(" - %s from %s on %s", DHCP_TYPES.get(req_type, "UNKNOWN"), binding.mac, binding.tap) if self.dhcp_domain: domainname = self.dhcp_domain else: domainname = binding.hostname.split('.', 1)[-1] if req_type == DHCPREQUEST and requested_addr != binding.ip: resp_type = DHCPNAK logging.info(" - Sending DHCPNAK to %s on %s: requested %s" " instead of %s", binding.mac, binding.tap, requested_addr, binding.ip) elif req_type in (DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPREQUEST): resp_type = DHCP_REQRESP[req_type] resp.yiaddr = binding.ip dhcp_options += [ ("hostname", binding.hostname), ("domain", domainname), ("broadcast_address", str(subnet.broadcast)), ("subnet_mask", str(subnet.netmask)), ("renewal_time", self.lease_renewal), ("lease_time", self.lease_lifetime), ] if subnet.gw: dhcp_options += [("router", subnet.gw)] dhcp_options += [("name_server", x) for x in self.dhcp_nameservers] elif req_type == DHCPINFORM: resp_type = DHCP_REQRESP[req_type] dhcp_options += [ ("hostname", binding.hostname), ("domain", domainname), ] dhcp_options += [("name_server", x) for x in self.dhcp_nameservers] elif req_type == DHCPRELEASE: # Log and ignore logging.info(" - DHCPRELEASE from %s on %s", binding.mac, binding.tap) return # Finally, always add the server identifier and end options dhcp_options += [ ("message-type", resp_type), ("server_id", DHCP_DUMMY_SERVER_IP), "end" ] resp /= DHCP(options=dhcp_options) logging.info(" - %s to %s (%s) on %s", DHCP_TYPES[resp_type], mac, binding.ip, binding.tap) try: self.sendp(resp, binding.indev) except socket.error, e: logging.warn(" - DHCP response on %s failed: %s", binding.indev, str(e)) except Exception, e: logging.warn(" - Unkown error during DHCP response on %s: %s", binding.indev, str(e)) def rs_response(self, i, payload): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Generate a reply to a BOOTP/DHCP request """ logging.debug(" * Processing pending RS request (NFQUEUE %d)", i) pkt = IPv6(payload.get_data()) #logging.debug(pkt.show()) try: mac = pkt.lladdr except: logging.debug(" - Cannot obtain lladdr in rs") return indev = get_indev(payload) binding = get_binding(self, indev, mac) if binding is None: # We don't know anything about this interface, so accept the packet # and return logging.debug(" - Ignoring router solicitation on for mac %s", mac) # We don't know what to do with this packet, so let the kernel # handle it payload.set_verdict(nfqueue.NF_ACCEPT) return # Signal the kernel that it shouldn't further process the packet payload.set_verdict(nfqueue.NF_DROP) if mac != binding.mac: logging.warn(" - Received spoofed RS request for mac %s from tap %s", mac, binding.tap) return subnet = binding.net6 if subnet.net is None: logging.debug(" - No IPv6 network assigned for tap %s", binding.tap) return indevmac = self.get_iface_hw_addr(binding.indev) ifll = subnet.make_ll64(indevmac) if ifll is None: return logging.debug(" - Generating RA for host %s (mac %s) on tap %s", binding.hostname, mac, binding.tap) resp = Ether(src=indevmac)/\ IPv6(src=str(ifll))/ICMPv6ND_RA(routerlifetime=14400)/\ ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(prefix=str(subnet.prefix), prefixlen=subnet.prefixlen) if self.ipv6_nameservers: resp /= ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(dns=self.ipv6_nameservers, lifetime=self.ra_period * 3) try: self.sendp(resp, binding.indev) except socket.error, e: logging.warn(" - RA on %s failed: %s", binding.indev, str(e)) except Exception, e: logging.warn(" - Unkown error during RA on %s: %s", binding.indev, str(e)) def ns_response(self, i, payload): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Generate a reply to an ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation """ logging.debug(" * Processing pending NS request (NFQuEUE %d)", i) ns = IPv6(payload.get_data()) #logging.debug(ns.show()) try: mac = ns.lladdr except: logging.debug(" - Cannot obtain lladdr from ns") return indev = get_indev(payload) binding = get_binding(self, indev, mac) if binding is None: # We don't know anything about this interface, so accept the packet # and return logging.debug(" - Ignoring neighbour solicitation for eui64 %s", ns.tgt) # We don't know what to do with this packet, so let the kernel # handle it payload.set_verdict(nfqueue.NF_ACCEPT) return payload.set_verdict(nfqueue.NF_DROP) if mac != binding.mac: logging.warn(" - Received spoofed NS request" " for mac %s from tap %s", mac, binding.tap) return subnet = binding.net6 if subnet.net is None: logging.debug(" - No IPv6 network assigned for the interface") return indevmac = self.get_iface_hw_addr(binding.indev) ifll = subnet.make_ll64(indevmac) if ifll is None: return if not (subnet.net.overlaps(ns.tgt) or str(ns.tgt) == str(ifll)): logging.debug(" - Received NS for a non-routable IP (%s)", ns.tgt) return 1 logging.debug(" - Generating NA for host %s (mac %s) on tap %s", binding.hostname, mac, binding.tap) resp = Ether(src=indevmac, dst=binding.mac)/\ IPv6(src=str(ifll), dst=ns.src)/\ ICMPv6ND_NA(R=1, O=0, S=1, tgt=ns.tgt)/\ ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr(lladdr=indevmac) try: self.sendp(resp, binding.indev) except socket.error, e: logging.warn(" - NA on %s failed: %s", binding.indev, str(e)) except Exception, e: logging.warn(" - Unkown error during periodic NA on %s: %s", binding.indev, str(e)) def send_periodic_ra(self): # Use a separate thread as this may take a _long_ time with # many interfaces and we want to be responsive in the mean time threading.Thread(target=self._send_periodic_ra).start() def _send_periodic_ra(self): logging.debug("Sending out periodic RAs") start = time.time() i = 0 for binding in self.clients.values(): tap = binding.tap indev = binding.indev # mac = binding.mac subnet = binding.net6 if subnet.net is None: logging.debug(" - Skipping periodic RA on interface %s," " as it is not IPv6-connected", tap) continue indevmac = self.get_iface_hw_addr(indev) ifll = subnet.make_ll64(indevmac) if ifll is None: continue resp = Ether(src=indevmac)/\ IPv6(src=str(ifll))/ICMPv6ND_RA(routerlifetime=14400)/\ ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(prefix=str(subnet.prefix), prefixlen=subnet.prefixlen) if self.ipv6_nameservers: resp /= ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(dns=self.ipv6_nameservers, lifetime=self.ra_period * 3) try: self.sendp(resp, indev) except socket.error, e: logging.warn(" - Periodic RA on %s failed: %s", tap, str(e)) except Exception, e: logging.warn(" - Unkown error during periodic RA on %s: %s", tap, str(e)) i += 1 logging.debug(" - Sent %d RAs in %.2f seconds", i, time.time() - start) def serve(self): """ Safely perform the main loop, freeing all resources upon exit """ try: self._serve() finally: self._cleanup() def _serve(self): """ Loop forever, serving DHCP requests """ self.build_config() # Yes, we are accessing _fd directly, but it's the only way to have a # single select() loop ;-) iwfd = self.notifier._fd # pylint: disable=W0212 start = time.time() if self.ipv6_enabled: timeout = self.ra_period self.send_periodic_ra() else: timeout = None while True: rlist, _, xlist = select(self.nfq.keys() + [iwfd], [], [], timeout) if xlist: logging.warn("Warning: Exception on %s", ", ".join([str(fd) for fd in xlist])) if rlist: if iwfd in rlist: # First check if there are any inotify (= configuration change) # events self.notifier.read_events() self.notifier.process_events() rlist.remove(iwfd) logging.debug("Pending requests on fds %s", rlist) for fd in rlist: try: cnt = self.nfq[fd].process_pending() logging.debug(" * Processed %d requests on NFQUEUE" " with fd %d", cnt, fd) except RuntimeError, e: logging.warn("Error processing fd %d: %s", fd, str(e)) except Exception, e: logging.warn("Unknown error processing fd %d: %s", fd, str(e)) if self.ipv6_enabled: # Calculate the new timeout timeout = self.ra_period - (time.time() - start) if timeout <= 0: start = time.time() self.send_periodic_ra() timeout = self.ra_period - (time.time() - start) if __name__ == "__main__": import capng import optparse from cStringIO import StringIO from pwd import getpwnam, getpwuid from configobj import ConfigObj, ConfigObjError, flatten_errors import validate validator = validate.Validator() def is_ip_list(value, family=4): try: family = int(family) except ValueError: raise validate.VdtParamError(family) if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list): raise validate.VdtTypeError(value) for entry in value: try: ip = IPy.IP(entry) except ValueError: raise validate.VdtValueError(entry) if ip.version() != family: raise validate.VdtValueError(entry) return value validator.functions["ip_addr_list"] = is_ip_list config_spec = StringIO(CONFIG_SPEC) parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config_file", help="The location of the data files", metavar="FILE", default=DEFAULT_CONFIG) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="Turn on debugging messages") parser.add_option("-f", "--foreground", action="store_false", dest="daemonize", default=True, help="Do not daemonize, stay in the foreground") opts, args = parser.parse_args() try: config = ConfigObj(opts.config_file, configspec=config_spec) except ConfigObjError, err: sys.stderr.write("Failed to parse config file %s: %s" % (opts.config_file, str(err))) sys.exit(1) results = config.validate(validator) if results != True: logging.fatal("Configuration file validation failed! See errors below:") for (section_list, key, unused) in flatten_errors(config, results): if key is not None: logging.fatal(" '%s' in section '%s' failed validation", key, ", ".join(section_list)) else: logging.fatal(" Section '%s' is missing", ", ".join(section_list)) sys.exit(1) logger = logging.getLogger() if opts.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if opts.daemonize: logfile = os.path.join(config["general"]["logdir"], LOG_FILENAME) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile, maxBytes=2097152) else: handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT)) logger.addHandler(handler) if opts.daemonize: pidfile = daemon.pidlockfile.TimeoutPIDLockFile( config["general"]["pidfile"], 10) # Remove any stale PID files, left behind by previous invocations if daemon.runner.is_pidfile_stale(pidfile): logger.warning("Removing stale PID lock file %s", pidfile.path) pidfile.break_lock() d = daemon.DaemonContext(pidfile=pidfile, umask=0022, stdout=handler.stream, stderr=handler.stream, files_preserve=[handler.stream]) try: d.open() except (daemon.pidlockfile.AlreadyLocked, LockTimeout): logger.critical("Failed to lock pidfile %s," " another instance running?", pidfile.path) sys.exit(1) logging.info("Starting up") proxy_opts = {} if config["dhcp"].as_bool("enable_dhcp"): proxy_opts.update({ "dhcp_queue_num": config["dhcp"].as_int("dhcp_queue"), "dhcp_lease_lifetime": config["dhcp"].as_int("lease_lifetime"), "dhcp_lease_renewal": config["dhcp"].as_int("lease_renewal"), "dhcp_server_ip": config["dhcp"]["server_ip"], "dhcp_nameservers": config["dhcp"]["nameservers"], "dhcp_domain": config["dhcp"]["domain"], }) if config["ipv6"].as_bool("enable_ipv6"): proxy_opts.update({ "rs_queue_num": config["ipv6"].as_int("rs_queue"), "ns_queue_num": config["ipv6"].as_int("ns_queue"), "ra_period": config["ipv6"].as_int("ra_period"), "ipv6_nameservers": config["ipv6"]["nameservers"], }) # pylint: disable=W0142 proxy = VMNetProxy(data_path=config["general"]["datapath"], **proxy_opts) # Drop all capabilities except CAP_NET_RAW and change uid try: uid = getpwuid(config["general"].as_int("user")) except ValueError: uid = getpwnam(config["general"]["user"]) logging.debug("Setting capabilities and changing uid") logging.debug("User: %s, uid: %d, gid: %d", config["general"]["user"], uid.pw_uid, uid.pw_gid) # Keep only the capabilities we need # CAP_NET_ADMIN: we need to send nfqueue packet verdicts to a netlinkgroup # CAP_NET_RAW: we need to reopen socket in case the buffer gets full capng.capng_clear(capng.CAPNG_SELECT_BOTH) capng.capng_update(capng.CAPNG_ADD, capng.CAPNG_EFFECTIVE | capng.CAPNG_PERMITTED, capng.CAP_NET_ADMIN | capng.CAP_NET_RAW) capng.capng_change_id(uid.pw_uid, uid.pw_gid, capng.CAPNG_DROP_SUPP_GRP | capng.CAPNG_CLEAR_BOUNDING) logging.info("Ready to serve requests") try: proxy.serve() except Exception: if opts.daemonize: exc = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) logging.critical(exc) raise # vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et :