Demo Requirements

in order to participate in the demos (1 for chain and 1 for Federated-clouds-taskforce) during the EGI Technical forum we will need to be fully integrated with both federations by mid July due to summer vacations.
Full integration implies that we need to have:

  1. a fully operational occi interface for synefo/~okeanos with voms authentication. (10% complete by Giannelos)
  2. the ability to publish accounting data through ssm 2.0 [2] (0% complete)
  3. be able to integrate with VMcathcer [3] for image deployment and registration on okeanos. (0% Complete)
  4. Publish information through bdii, this is mostly static information at this point [4]. (100% complete needs a simple update)

This requires quite some effort and the progress so far does not indicate that we will be able to do it due to different priorities of the team.

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