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1 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django import forms
2 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
3 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
4 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
5 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat
6 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from flowspy.flowspec.models import *
7 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from ipaddr import *
8 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
9 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
10 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.conf import settings
11 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
import datetime
12 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
from django.core.mail import mail_admins, mail_managers, send_mail
13 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
14 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
15 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
class RouteForm(forms.ModelForm):
16 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    name = forms.CharField(help_text=ugettext_lazy("A unique route name,"
17 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#                                         " e.g. uoa_block_p80"), label=ugettext_lazy("Route Name"), required=False)
18 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    source = forms.CharField(help_text=ugettext_lazy("A qualified IP Network address. CIDR notation,"
19 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#                                         " e.g."), label=ugettext_lazy("Source Address"), required=False)
20 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    source_ports = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=MatchPort.objects.all(), help_text=ugettext_lazy("A set of source ports to block"), label=ugettext_lazy("Source Ports"), required=False)
21 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    destination = forms.CharField(help_text=ugettext_lazy("A qualified IP Network address. CIDR notation,"
22 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#                                         " e.g."), label=ugettext_lazy("Destination Address"), required=False)
23 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    destination_ports = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=MatchPort.objects.all(), help_text=ugettext_lazy("A set of destination ports to block"), label=ugettext_lazy("Destination Ports"), required=False)
24 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    ports = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=MatchPort.objects.all(), help_text=ugettext_lazy("A set of ports to block"), label=ugettext_lazy("Ports"), required=False)
25 6d48c46c Leonidas Poulopoulos
26 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    class Meta:
27 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        model = Route
28 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
29 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean_source(self):
30 20aafa59 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        user = User.objects.get(['applier'])
31 20aafa59 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        peer = user.get_profile().peer
32 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        data = self.cleaned_data['source']
33 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        private_error = False
34 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        protected_error = False
35 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if data:
36 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
37 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                address = IPNetwork(data)
38 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                for net in settings.PROTECTED_SUBNETS:
39 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    if address in IPNetwork(net):
40 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        protected_error = True
41 20aafa59 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        mail_body = "User %s %s (%s) attempted to set %s as the source address in a firewall rule" %(user.username,, peer.peer_name, data)
42 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        send_mail(settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + "Caught an attempt to set a protected IP/network as a source address",
43 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                              mail_body, settings.SERVER_EMAIL,
44 0667633c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                              settings.NOTIFY_ADMIN_MAILS, fail_silently=True)
45 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        raise Exception
46 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if address.is_private:
47 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    private_error = True
48 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    raise Exception
49 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
50 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    return self.cleaned_data["source"]
51 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            except Exception:
52 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                error_text = 'Invalid network address format'
53 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if private_error:
54 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    error_text = 'Private addresses not allowed'
55 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if protected_error:
56 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    error_text = 'You have no authority on this subnet'
57 34cff057 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                raise forms.ValidationError(error_text)
58 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
59 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean_destination(self):
60 20aafa59 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        user = User.objects.get(['applier'])
61 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        peer = user.get_profile().peer
62 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        data = self.cleaned_data['destination']
63 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
        error = None
64 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        protected_error = False
65 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if data:
66 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
67 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                address = IPNetwork(data)
68 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                for net in settings.PROTECTED_SUBNETS:
69 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    if address in IPNetwork(net):
70 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        protected_error = True
71 20aafa59 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        mail_body = "User %s %s (%s) attempted to set %s as the destination address in a firewall rule" %(user.username,, peer.peer_name, data)
72 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        send_mail(settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + "Caught an attempt to set a protected IP/network as the destination address",
73 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                              mail_body, settings.SERVER_EMAIL,
74 0667633c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                              settings.NOTIFY_ADMIN_MAILS, fail_silently=True)
75 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        raise Exception
76 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if address.prefixlen < settings.PREFIX_LENGTH:
77 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    error = "Currently no prefix lengths < %s are allowed" %settings.PREFIX_LENGTH
78 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    raise Exception
79 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                return self.cleaned_data["destination"]
80 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            except Exception:
81 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                error_text = 'Invalid network address format'
82 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if error:
83 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    error_text = error
84 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if protected_error:
85 bfdfac23 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    error_text = 'You have no authority on this subnet'
86 b4401a0c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                raise forms.ValidationError(error_text)
87 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
88 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean_expires(self):
89 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
        date = self.cleaned_data['expires']
90 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if date:
91 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
            range_days = (date -
92 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if range_days > 0 and range_days < 11:
93 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
                return self.cleaned_data["expires"]
94 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
95 052c14aa Leonidas Poulopoulos
                raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid date range')
96 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
97 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean(self):
98 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if self.errors:
99 f289f4c8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
             raise forms.ValidationError('Errors in form. Please review and fix them')
100 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        name = self.cleaned_data.get('name', None)
101 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        source = self.cleaned_data.get('source', None)
102 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        sourceports = self.cleaned_data.get('sourceport', None)
103 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        ports = self.cleaned_data.get('port', None)
104 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        then = self.cleaned_data.get('then', None)
105 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        destination = self.cleaned_data.get('destination', None)
106 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        destinationports = self.cleaned_data.get('destinationport', None)
107 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
        protocols = self.cleaned_data.get('protocol', None)
108 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        user = self.cleaned_data.get('applier', None)
109 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        peer = user.get_profile().peer
110 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        networks = peer.networks.all()
111 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        mynetwork = False
112 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        route_pk_list = []
113 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if destination:
114 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
            for network in networks:
115 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                net = IPNetwork(
116 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if IPNetwork(destination) in net:
117 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    mynetwork = True
118 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if not mynetwork:
119 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                 raise forms.ValidationError('Destination address/network should belong to your administrative address space. Check My Profile to review your networks')
120 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if (sourceports and ports):
121 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Cannot create rule for source ports and ports at the same time. Select either ports or source ports')
122 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if (destinationports and ports):
123 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Cannot create rule for destination ports and ports at the same time. Select either ports or destination ports')
124 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if sourceports and not source:
125 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Once source port is matched, source has to be filled as well. Either deselect source port or fill source address')
126 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if destinationports and not destination:
127 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Once destination port is matched, destination has to be filled as well. Either deselect destination port or fill destination address')
128 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if not (source or sourceports or ports or destination or destinationports):
129 a5d4c70f Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Fill at least a Rule Match Condition')
130 6d48c46c Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if not user.is_superuser and then[0].action not in settings.UI_USER_THEN_ACTIONS:
131 6d48c46c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('This action "%s" is not permitted' %(then[0].action))
132 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
        existing_routes = Route.objects.exclude(status='EXPIRED').exclude(status='ERROR').exclude(status='ADMININACTIVE')
133 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(applier__userprofile__peer=peer)
134 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if source:
135 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            source = IPNetwork(source).compressed
136 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(source=source)
137 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
138 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(source=None)
139 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if protocols:
140 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
            route_pk_list=get_matchingprotocol_route_pks(protocols, existing_routes)
141 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if route_pk_list:
142 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
                existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(pk__in=route_pk_list)
143 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
144 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
                existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(protocol=None)
145 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
146 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
            existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(protocol=None)
147 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if sourceports:
148 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            route_pk_list=get_matchingport_route_pks(sourceports, existing_routes)
149 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if route_pk_list:
150 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(pk__in=route_pk_list)
151 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
152 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(sourceport=None)
153 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if destinationports:
154 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            route_pk_list=get_matchingport_route_pks(destinationports, existing_routes)
155 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if route_pk_list:
156 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(pk__in=route_pk_list)
157 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
158 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(destinationport=None)
159 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if ports:
160 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            route_pk_list=get_matchingport_route_pks(ports, existing_routes)
161 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if route_pk_list:
162 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(pk__in=route_pk_list)              
163 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
164 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            existing_routes = existing_routes.filter(port=None)
165 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        for route in existing_routes:
166 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if name !=
167 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                existing_url = reverse('edit-route', args=[])
168 7a0ac0d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if IPNetwork(destination) in IPNetwork(route.destination) or IPNetwork(route.destination) in IPNetwork(destination):
169 7a0ac0d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    raise forms.ValidationError('Found an exact %s rule, %s with destination prefix %s<br>To avoid overlapping try editing rule <a href=\'%s\'>%s</a>' %(route.status,, route.destination, existing_url,
170 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        return self.cleaned_data
171 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
172 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
class ThenPlainForm(forms.ModelForm):
173 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    action = forms.CharField(initial='rate-limit')
174 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
    class Meta:
175 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        model = ThenAction
176 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
177 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean_action_value(self):
178 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        action_value = self.cleaned_data['action_value']
179 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if action_value:
180 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
181 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
182 f12b3d54 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                if int(action_value) < 50:
183 f12b3d54 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    raise forms.ValidationError('Rate-limiting cannot be < 50kbps')
184 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                return "%s" %self.cleaned_data["action_value"]
185 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
186 f12b3d54 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                raise forms.ValidationError('Rate-limiting should be an integer < 50')
187 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
188 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Cannot be empty')
189 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
190 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean_action(self):
191 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        action = self.cleaned_data['action']
192 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if action != 'rate-limit':
193 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Cannot select something other than rate-limit')
194 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
195 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
            return self.cleaned_data["action"]
196 f12b3d54 Leonidas Poulopoulos
197 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
198 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
class PortPlainForm(forms.ModelForm):
199 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
#    action = forms.CharField(initial='rate-limit')
200 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
    class Meta:
201 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        model = MatchPort
202 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
203 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
    def clean_port(self):
204 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        port = self.cleaned_data['port']
205 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if port:
206 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
207 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
208 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                return "%s" %self.cleaned_data["port"]
209 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
210 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                raise forms.ValidationError('Port should be an integer')
211 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
212 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
            raise forms.ValidationError('Cannot be empty')
213 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
214 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
def value_list_to_list(valuelist):
215 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    vl = []
216 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    for val in valuelist:
217 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
218 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    return vl
219 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
220 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
def get_matchingport_route_pks(portlist, routes):
221 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    route_pk_list = []
222 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    ports_value_list = value_list_to_list(portlist.values_list('port').order_by('port'))
223 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    for route in routes:
224 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        rsp = value_list_to_list(route.destinationport.all().values_list('port').order_by('port'))
225 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if rsp and rsp == ports_value_list:
226 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
227 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
    return route_pk_list
228 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
229 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
def get_matchingprotocol_route_pks(protocolist, routes):
230 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
    route_pk_list = []
231 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
    protocols_value_list = value_list_to_list(protocolist.values_list('protocol').order_by('protocol'))
232 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
    for route in routes:
233 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
        rsp = value_list_to_list(route.protocol.all().values_list('protocol').order_by('protocol'))
234 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if rsp and rsp == protocols_value_list:
235 dbdc30ec Leonidas Poulopoulos
236 6d153302 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    return route_pk_list