Firewall on Demand


Firewall on Demand applies, via Netconf, flow rules to a network device. These rules are then propagated via e-bgp to peering routers. Each user is authenticated against shibboleth. Authorization is performed via a combination of a Shibboleth attribute and the peer network address range that the user originates from. FoD is meant to operate over this architecture:

+-----------+          +------------+        +------------+
|   FoD     | NETCONF  | flowspec   | ebgp   |   router   |
| web app   +----------> device     +-------->            |
+-----------+          +------+-----+        +------------+
                              | ebgp
                       |   router   |
                       |            |

NETCONF is chosen as the mgmt protocol to apply rules to a single flowspec capable device. Rules are then propagated via igbp to all flowspec capable routers. Of course FoD could apply rules directly (via NETCONF always) to a router and then ibgp would do the rest. In GRNET’s case the flowspec capable device is an EX4200.


Make sure your FoD server has ssh access to your flowspec device.


Installation instructions assume a clean Debian Wheezy with Django 1.4


You can find more about FoD or raise your issues at GRNET FoD repository.

You can contact us directly at leopoul{at}noc[dot]grnet(.)gr

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