| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

root / templates / user_routes.html @ 861e8360

History | View | Annotate | Download (13.2 kB)

1 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% extends "base.html" %}
2 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% load i18n %}
3 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% block extrahead %}
4 bec1a51b Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
5 bec1a51b Leonidas Poulopoulos
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% url load-js 'poller' %}"></script>
6 bec1a51b Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% endif %}
7 548848ba Leonidas Poulopoulos
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fodstatic/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
8 548848ba Leonidas Poulopoulos
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fodstatic/js/datatables_bootstrap.js"></script>
9 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
10 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<script type="text/javascript">
11 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos

12 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
13 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
14 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
15 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
16 2e52e8a5 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        height: 250,
17 2e52e8a5 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        width: 340,
18 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        modal: true,
19 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        autoOpen: false,
20 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        buttons: {
21 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            '{% trans "Deactivate" %}': function(){
22 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                route = $('#route_to_delete').text();
23 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                route_url_id = '#del_route_' + route;
24 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                url = $(route_url_id).attr('href');
25 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
26 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    url: url,
27 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    cache: false,
28 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                    success: function(data){
29 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
30 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        window.setTimeout('location.reload()', 1000);
31 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
32 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
33 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
34 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            '{% trans "Cancel" %}': function(){
35 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
36 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
37 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
38 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        close: function(){
39 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            update_val = $("#hid_mid").val();
40 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if (update_val == 'UPDATED') {
41 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
42 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                window.setTimeout('location.reload()', 500);
43 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
44 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
45 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
46 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
47 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        height: 250,
48 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        width: 800,
49 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        modal: true,
50 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        autoOpen: false,
51 083c9706 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: 'black'},
52 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        close: function(){
53 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            update_val = $("#hid_mid").val();
54 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if (update_val == 'UPDATED') {
55 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
56 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                window.setTimeout('location.reload()', 500);
57 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
58 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
59 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
60 083c9706 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    $('#console').parent().css('opacity', 0.9);
61 083c9706 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        $('#console').parent().css('filter', 'alpha(opacity=90)');
62 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
        $(".button_place #routebutton").button({
63 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
        icons: {
64 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
            primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"
65 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
66 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
67 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
68 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
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69 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
            primary: "ui-icon-wrench"
70 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
71 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
72 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
    $(" .del_button").button({
73 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
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74 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
            primary: "ui-icon-circle-close"
75 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
76 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
77 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
78 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
        return false;
79 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
80 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
81 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
82 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
83 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
        return false;
84 879c7fee Leonidas Poulopoulos
85 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos

86 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos

87 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    var oTable = $('#routes_table').dataTable({
88 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
89 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sDom": "<'row-fluid'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row-fluid'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
90 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
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91 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bVisible": false,
92 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": false,
93 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": false
94 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
95 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
96 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
97 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
98 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
99 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
100 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
101 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
102 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
103 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
104 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
105 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
106 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
107 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
108 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
109 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
110 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
111 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
112 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
113 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": true,
114 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": true
115 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        }, {
116 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bVisible": true,
117 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSearchable": false,
118 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "bSortable": false
119 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
120 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        "aaSorting": [[0, 'desc']],
121 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        "iDisplayLength": 25,
122 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        "oSearch": {"bSmart": false, "bRegex":true},
123 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
        "oLanguage": {
124 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                "sLengthMenu": '{% trans "Display" %} <select><option value="25">25</option><option value="50">50</option><option value="-1">{% trans "All" %}</option></select> {% trans "rules" %}',
125 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sProcessing":   "Processing...",
126 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sZeroRecords": '{% trans "No records to display" %}',
127 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sInfo":         "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
128 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sInfoEmpty":    "{% trans "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries" %}",
129 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
130 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sInfoPostFix":  "",
131 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sSearch":       '{% trans "Search:" %}',
132 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "sUrl":          "",
133 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
            "oPaginate": {
134 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
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135 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
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136 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                "sNext":     '{% trans "Next" %}',
137 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                "sLast":     '{% trans "Last" %}'
138 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
139 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
140 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
141 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos

142 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
143 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
144 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    var reg_exp = '';
145 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    var checkboxs = document.getElementsByName('status_filter');
146 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    for (var i = 0, inp; inp = checkboxs[i]; i++) {
147 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        checkCookie = readCookie("cookie_" + inp.value);
148 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if (checkCookie) {
149 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if (checkCookie == 'true') {
150 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
151 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
152 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            else {
153 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
154 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
155 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
156 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
157 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if (inp.type.toLowerCase() == 'button' && $(inp).hasClass('active')) {
158 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            reg_exp = reg_exp + inp.value + '|';
159 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
160 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
161 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
162 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if (reg_exp == '') {
163 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            reg_exp = '|'
164 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
165 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
166 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
167 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    oTable.fnFilter(reg_exp.slice(0, -1), 4, true);
168 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
169 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
170 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
171 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            var reg_exp = '';
172 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        var checkboxs = document.getElementsByName('status_filter');
173 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
174 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        for (var i = 0, inp; inp = checkboxs[i]; i++) {
175 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            if (inp.type.toLowerCase() == 'button' && $(inp).hasClass('active')) {
176 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                reg_exp = reg_exp + inp.value + '|';
177 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
178 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            createCookie("cookie_" + inp.value, $(inp).hasClass('active'), 30);
179 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
180 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        //passing an empty string will result in no filter
181 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        //thus, it must be set to something that will not exist in the column
182 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        if (reg_exp == '') {
183 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
            reg_exp = '|'
184 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
185 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        oTable.fnFilter(reg_exp.slice(0, -1), 4, regex=true);
186 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        return false;
187 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
188 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos

189 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
190 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
191 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
192 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
function delete_route(route){
193 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        route_name = route;
194 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
195 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        return false;
196 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
197 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
198 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
199 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
200 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
201 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<style type="text/css">
202 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        #console {
203 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #36102a !important;
204 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                color: #edeae8 !important;
205 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                font-family: monospace !important;
206 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
207 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        .message {
208 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                font-family: monospace !important;
209 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
210 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
211 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
212 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
213 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% endblock %}
214 33e8f0b8 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% block title %}{% trans "My rules" %}{% endblock %}
215 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% block content %}
216 ff8bc42e Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% csrf_token %}
217 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div class="row-fluid">
218 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div class="span2">
219 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div style="float:left">
220 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <h4>{% trans "My rules" %}</h4>
221 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
222 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
223 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
224 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div class="span10">
225 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div class='button_place' style="float:right">
226 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <button id="consolebutton" class="btn btn-inverse">
227 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <i class="icon-tasks icon-white" style="align:left;"></i>{% trans "Console" %}</button>
228 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <a href="{% url add-route %}" id="routebutton" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="icon-plus-sign icon-white"></i>{% trans "Add Rule" %}</a>
229 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
230 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
231 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
232 bd647319 Leonidas Poulopoulos
233 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div class="row-fluid" style="padding-top:30px;">
234 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
235 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div id='itoggle' class="span12" style="text-align:center;">
236 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
   <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-checkbox">
237 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-small" name="status_filter" value="ACTIVE" id="show_active">Active</button>
238 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-small" name="status_filter" value="DEACTIVATED" id="show_inactive">Deactivated</button>
239 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-small" name="status_filter" value="ERROR" id="show_error">Error</button>
240 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-small" name="status_filter" value="PENDING" id="show_pending">Pending</button>
241 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
242 c78c4531 Leonidas Poulopoulos
243 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
244 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
245 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
246 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="table table-striped table-bordered" width="100%" id="routes_table">
247 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
248 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
249 b27537d5 Leonidas Poulopoulos
250 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th>{% trans "Name" %}</th>
251 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th>{% trans "Match" %}</th>
252 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th style="text-align: center;">{% trans "Then" %}</th>
253 7d408f6f Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th style="text-align: center; ">{% trans "Status" %}</th>
254 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        {% comment %}<th style="text-align: center;">{% trans "Details" %}</th>{% endcomment %}
255 6ee21ffd Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th style="text-align: center;">{% trans "Applier" %}</th>
256 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th style="text-align: center;">{% trans "Expires" %}</th>
257 9cad4715 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th style="text-align: center;">{% trans "Response" %}</th>
258 6b747a1b Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <th style="text-align: center; width:180px;">{% trans "Actions" %}</th>
259 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
260 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
261 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
262 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
263 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% for route in routes %}
264 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
265 95450be6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<tr class="GradeC" >
266 b27537d5 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td>{{ }}</td>
267 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
268 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td {% if  %}style="color: #0088CC;"{% endif %}>{% if route.comments %}<span rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{route.comments}}">{{ }}</span>{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %}</td>
269 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
270 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td>{{ route.get_match|safe|escape }}</td>
271 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
272 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td style="text-align: center;">{{route.get_then|safe|escape}}</td>
273 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
274 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td style="text-align: center; ">{% if route.status == 'EXPIRED' or route.status == 'ADMININACTIVE' or route.status == 'INACTIVE' or route.status == 'OUTOFSYNC'%}
275 861e8360 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% if route.status == 'EXPIRED' or route.status == 'ADMININACTIVE' or route.status == 'INACTIVE' %}<span class="label">DEACTIVATED</span>{% else %}{% if route.status == 'OUTOFSYNC' %}<span class="label label-important">ERROR</span>{% else %}{{route.status}}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% if route.status == 'ACTIVE' %}<span class="label label-success">{{route.status}}</span>{% else %}{% if route.status == 'PENDING' %}<span class="label label-info">{{route.status}}</span>{% else %}<span class="label label-important">{{route.status}}</span>{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}</td>
276 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
277 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        {% comment %}<td style="text-align: center;">{{ route.response }}</td>{% endcomment %}
278 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
279 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td style="text-align: center;">{{ route.applier }}</td>
280 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
281 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td style="text-align: center;" nowrap
282 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <span {% if  == 'EXPIRED' or  == 'ADMININACTIVE' or  == 'INACTIVE' or  == 'OUTOFSYNC'%}{% else %}{% if  %}
283 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
284 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                rel = 'tooltip'
285 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                style="border-bottom:1px dashed red;" 
286 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        title="Expires {% ifequal route.days_to_expire '0' %}today{% else%}in {{route.days_to_expire}} day{{ route.days_to_expire|pluralize }}{% endifequal %}"
287 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% endif %}{% endif %}>{{ route.expires|date:"d M y" }}</span></td>
288 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
289 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td style="text-align: center; {% if route.status == 'EXPIRED' %} color: #0088CC; {% endif %}">
290 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% if route.status == 'EXPIRED' %}
291 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <span rel="tooltip"
292 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        {% if  == 'EXPIRED' or  == 'ADMININACTIVE' or  == 'INACTIVE' or  == 'OUTOFSYNC'%}  
293 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
294 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        title = "{% ifequal route.status 'INACTIVE' %}
295 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                {% trans 'Deactivated by user' %}
296 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                         {% else %}
297 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                {% ifequal route.status 'ADMININACTIVE' %}
298 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                        {% trans 'Deactivated by administrator' %}
299 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                {% else %}
300 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                        {% ifequal route.status 'EXPIRED' %}
301 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                                {% trans 'Deactivated due to expiration' %}
302 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                        {% else %}
303 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                                {% ifequal route.status 'OUTOFSYNC' %}
304 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                                        {% trans 'Syncronization error. Configuration in device differs from rule' %}
305 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                                {% endifequal %}
306 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                        {% endifequal %}
307 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                                {% endifequal %}
308 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                         {% endifequal %}"
309 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                        {% endif %}>{% trans "Rule expired" %}</span>{% else %}{% if route.status == 'OUTOFSYNC' %}{% trans 'Syncronization error. Configuration in device differs from rule' %}{% else %}{% if route.status == 'ADMININACTIVE' %}{% trans "Deactivated by administrator" %}{% else %}{% if route.status == 'INACTIVE' %}{% trans "Deactivated by user" %}{% else %}{{ route.response }}{% if route.status == 'PENDING' %}<img src="/fodstatic/dots.gif">{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}</td>
310 442e21b6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
311 6b747a1b Leonidas Poulopoulos
        <td style="text-align: center; width:180px;">
312 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% ifequal route.status 'ACTIVE' %}
313 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <a href="{% url edit-route %}" class="edit_button btn btn-small" id="edit_button_{{}}">{% trans "Edit" %}</a> 
314 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <button class="del_button btn btn-small" id="{{}}" onclick="javascript:delete_route(">{% trans "Deactivate" %}</button>
315 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <a href="{% url delete-route %}" style="display:none" id="del_route_{{}}" class="btn btn btn-danger btn-small"></a>
316 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% else %}
317 2e52e8a5 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% if route.status == 'EXPIRED' or route.status == 'ADMININACTIVE' or route.status == 'INACTIVE' %}
318 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <a href="{% url edit-route %}" class="edit_button btn btn-small" id="edit_button_{{}}">{% trans "Reactivate" %}</a>
319 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% else %}
320 6a946adf Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% ifequal route.status 'OUTOFSYNC' %}
321 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <a href="{% url edit-route %}" class="edit_button btn btn-small" id="edit_button_{{}}">{% trans "ReSync" %}</a>
322 6a946adf Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% else %}
323 736b67bf Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% ifequal route.status 'ERROR' %}
324 62ee35d6 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <a href="{% url edit-route %}" class="edit_button btn btn-small" id="edit_button_{{}}">{% trans "Fix it!" %}</a>
325 736b67bf Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% else %}
326 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
327 97e42c7d Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% endifequal %}
328 736b67bf Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% endifequal %}
329 2e52e8a5 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% endif %}
330 fb67376a Leonidas Poulopoulos
                {% endifequal %}
331 fb67376a Leonidas Poulopoulos
332 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
333 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
334 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% endfor %}
335 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
336 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
337 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div id="dialog" title="{% trans "Deactivate " %}">
338 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <p>{% blocktrans %}You are about to deactivate rule{% endblocktrans %} <strong><span id="route_to_delete"></span></strong></p>
339 82d8e9a1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <p>{% blocktrans %}Deactivating the rule will automatically remove the configuration from the network and mark this rule as inactive.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
340 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
                <p>{% blocktrans %}Are you sure you want to proceed?{% endblocktrans %}</p>
341 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
342 ab02d61c Leonidas Poulopoulos
<div id="console" title="{% trans "Console" %}">
343 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
                                        {% include "poll.html" %}
344 3e99e2d1 Leonidas Poulopoulos
345 064ecc91 Leonidas Poulopoulos
{% endblock %}