Revision 8f48f67d htools/Ganeti/HTools/QC.hs

866 866
        il = Container.empty
867 867
        allocnodes = Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl rqnodes True
868 868
    in case allocnodes >>= \allocnodes' ->
        Cluster.tieredAlloc nl il inst allocnodes' [] [] of
        Cluster.tieredAlloc nl il (Just 1) inst allocnodes' [] [] of
870 870
         Types.Bad _ -> False
871 871
         Types.Ok (_, _, il', ixes, cstats) -> not (null ixes) &&
872 872
                                      IntMap.size il' == length ixes &&
909 909
        allocnodes = Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl' 2 True
910 910
        i_templ = createInstance Types.unitMem Types.unitDsk Types.unitCpu
911 911
    in case allocnodes >>= \allocnodes' ->
        Cluster.iterateAlloc nl' il i_templ allocnodes' [] [] of
        Cluster.iterateAlloc nl' il (Just 5) i_templ allocnodes' [] [] of
913 913
         Types.Bad _ -> False
914 914
         Types.Ok (_, xnl, il', _, _) ->
915 915
                   let ynl = Container.add (Node.idx hnode) hnode xnl

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