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root / Ganeti / HTools / Utils.hs @ 9ba5c28f

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1 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
{-| Utility functions -}
2 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
3 209b3711 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.HTools.Utils
4 209b3711 Iustin Pop
5 209b3711 Iustin Pop
6 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , isLeft
7 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , fromLeft
8 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , fromRight
9 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , sepSplit
10 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , swapPairs
11 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , varianceCoeff
12 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    , readData
13 3d7cd10b Iustin Pop
    , commaJoin
14 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , combineEithers
15 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , ensureEitherList
16 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , eitherListHead
17 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , readEitherString
18 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , parseEitherList
19 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , loadJSArray
20 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , fromObj
21 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , getStringElement
22 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , getIntElement
23 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , getListElement
24 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , concatEitherElems
25 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , applyEither1
26 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    , applyEither2
27 209b3711 Iustin Pop
    ) where
28 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
29 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
import Data.Either
30 29ac5975 Iustin Pop
import Data.List
31 29ac5975 Iustin Pop
import Monad
32 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
import System
33 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
import System.IO
34 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
import Text.JSON
35 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
import Text.Printf (printf)
36 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
37 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
import Debug.Trace
38 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
39 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | To be used only for debugging, breaks referential integrity.
40 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
debug :: Show a => a -> a
41 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
debug x = trace (show x) x
42 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
43 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
-- | Check if the given argument is Left something
44 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
45 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
isLeft val =
46 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
    case val of
47 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
      Left _ -> True
48 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
      _ -> False
49 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
50 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
fromLeft :: Either a b -> a
51 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
fromLeft = either (\x -> x) (\_ -> undefined)
52 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
53 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
fromRight :: Either a b -> b
54 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
fromRight = either (\_ -> undefined) id
55 1b7cf8ca Iustin Pop
56 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Comma-join a string list.
57 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
commaJoin :: [String] -> String
58 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
commaJoin = intercalate ","
59 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
60 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Split a string on a separator and return an array.
61 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
sepSplit :: Char -> String -> [String]
62 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
sepSplit sep s
63 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    | x == "" && xs == [] = []
64 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    | xs == []            = [x]
65 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    | ys == []            = x:"":[]
66 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    | otherwise           = x:(sepSplit sep ys)
67 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    where (x, xs) = break (== sep) s
68 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
          ys = drop 1 xs
69 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
70 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Partial application of sepSplit to @'.'@
71 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
commaSplit :: String -> [String]
72 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
commaSplit = sepSplit ','
73 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
74 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Swap a list of @(a, b)@ into @(b, a)@
75 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
swapPairs :: [(a, b)] -> [(b, a)]
76 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
swapPairs = map (\ (a, b) -> (b, a))
77 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
78 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- Simple and slow statistical functions, please replace with better versions
79 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
80 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Mean value of a list.
81 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
meanValue :: Floating a => [a] -> a
82 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
meanValue lst = (sum lst) / (fromIntegral $ length lst)
83 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
84 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Standard deviation.
85 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
stdDev :: Floating a => [a] -> a
86 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
stdDev lst =
87 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    let mv = meanValue lst
88 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
        square = (^ (2::Int)) -- silences "defaulting the constraint..."
89 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
        av = sum $ map square $ map (\e -> e - mv) lst
90 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
        bv = sqrt (av / (fromIntegral $ length lst))
91 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
    in bv
92 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
93 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
-- | Coefficient of variation.
94 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
varianceCoeff :: Floating a => [a] -> a
95 e4f08c46 Iustin Pop
varianceCoeff lst = (stdDev lst) / (fromIntegral $ length lst)
96 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
97 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
-- | Get a Right result or print the error and exit
98 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
readData :: (String -> IO (Either String String)) -> String -> IO String
99 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
readData fn host = do
100 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
  nd <- fn host
101 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
  when (isLeft nd) $
102 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
103 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
         putStrLn $ fromLeft nd
104 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
         exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
105 dd4c56ed Iustin Pop
  return $ fromRight nd
106 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
107 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
{-- Our cheap monad-like stuff.
108 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
109 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
Thi is needed since Either e a is already a monad instance somewhere
110 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
in the standard libraries (Control.Monad.Error) and we don't need that
111 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
entire thing.
112 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
113 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
114 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
combineEithers :: (Either String a)
115 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
               -> (a -> Either String b)
116 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
               -> (Either String b)
117 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
combineEithers (Left s) _ = Left s
118 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
combineEithers (Right s) f = f s
119 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
120 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
ensureEitherList :: [Either String a] -> Either String [a]
121 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
ensureEitherList lst =
122 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    foldr (\elem accu ->
123 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
               case (elem, accu) of
124 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
                 (Left x, _) -> Left x
125 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
                 (_, Left x) -> Left x -- should never happen
126 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
                 (Right e, Right a) -> Right (e:a)
127 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
128 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    (Right []) lst
129 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
130 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
eitherListHead :: Either String [a] -> Either String a
131 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
eitherListHead lst =
132 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    case lst of
133 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Left x -> Left x
134 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Right (x:_) -> Right x
135 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Right [] -> Left "List empty"
136 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
137 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
readEitherString :: JSValue -> Either String String
138 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
readEitherString v =
139 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    case v of
140 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      JSString s -> Right $ fromJSString s
141 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      _ -> Left "Wrong JSON type"
142 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
143 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
parseEitherList :: (JSObject JSValue -> Either String String)
144 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
          -> [JSObject JSValue]
145 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
          -> Either String String
146 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
parseEitherList fn idata =
147 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    let ml = ensureEitherList $ map fn idata
148 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    in ml `combineEithers` (Right . unlines)
149 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
150 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
loadJSArray :: String -> Either String [JSObject JSValue]
151 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
loadJSArray s = resultToEither $ decodeStrict s
152 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
153 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
fromObj :: JSON a => String -> JSObject JSValue -> Either String a
154 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
fromObj k o =
155 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    case lookup k (fromJSObject o) of
156 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Nothing -> Left $ printf "key '%s' not found" k
157 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Just val -> resultToEither $ readJSON val
158 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
159 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
getStringElement :: String -> JSObject JSValue -> Either String String
160 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
getStringElement = fromObj
161 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
162 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
getIntElement :: String -> JSObject JSValue -> Either String Int
163 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
getIntElement = fromObj
164 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
165 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
getListElement :: String -> JSObject JSValue
166 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
               -> Either String [JSValue]
167 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
getListElement = fromObj
168 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
169 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
concatEitherElems :: Either String String
170 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
            -> Either String String
171 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
            -> Either String String
172 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
concatEitherElems = applyEither2 (\x y -> x ++ "|" ++ y)
173 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
174 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
applyEither1 :: (a -> b) -> Either String a -> Either String b
175 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
applyEither1 fn a =
176 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    case a of
177 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Left x -> Left x
178 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      Right y -> Right $ fn y
179 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
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applyEither2 :: (a -> b -> c)
181 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
       -> Either String a
182 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
       -> Either String b
183 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
       -> Either String c
184 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
applyEither2 fn a b =
185 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
    case (a, b) of
186 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      (Right x, Right y) -> Right $ fn x y
187 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      (Left x, _) -> Left x
188 9ba5c28f Iustin Pop
      (_, Left y) -> Left y