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root / htools / Ganeti / HTools / Luxi.hs @ b20cbf06

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1 6583e677 Iustin Pop
{-| Implementation of the LUXI loader.
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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.
8 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
9 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
13 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
14 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
17 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
18 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
19 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
23 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
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26 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
module Ganeti.HTools.Luxi
27 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
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29 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
    , parseData
30 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
    ) where
31 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
32 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
import qualified Control.Exception as E
33 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
import Text.JSON.Types
34 39420403 Iustin Pop
import qualified Text.JSON
35 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
36 6583e677 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Luxi as L
37 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Loader
38 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
39 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
40 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
41 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
42 f5ed8632 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils (fromJVal, annotateResult, tryFromObj, asJSObject)
43 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
44 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- * Utility functions
45 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
46 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | Ensure a given JSValue is actually a JSArray.
47 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
toArray :: (Monad m) => JSValue -> m [JSValue]
48 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
toArray v =
49 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
    case v of
50 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
      JSArray arr -> return arr
51 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
      o -> fail ("Invalid input, expected array but got " ++ show o)
52 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
53 92678b3c Iustin Pop
-- | Get values behind \"data\" part of the result.
54 92678b3c Iustin Pop
getData :: (Monad m) => JSValue -> m JSValue
55 92678b3c Iustin Pop
getData v =
56 92678b3c Iustin Pop
    case v of
57 92678b3c Iustin Pop
      JSObject o ->
58 92678b3c Iustin Pop
          case fromJSObject o of
59 92678b3c Iustin Pop
            [("data", jsdata), ("fields", _)] -> return jsdata
60 92678b3c Iustin Pop
            x -> fail $ "Invalid input, expected two-element list but got "
61 92678b3c Iustin Pop
                              ++ show x
62 92678b3c Iustin Pop
      x -> fail ("Invalid input, expected dict entry but got " ++ show x)
63 92678b3c Iustin Pop
64 92678b3c Iustin Pop
-- | Get [(status, value)] list for each element queried.
65 92678b3c Iustin Pop
toPairs :: (Monad m) => JSValue -> m [[(JSValue, JSValue)]]
66 92678b3c Iustin Pop
toPairs (JSArray arr) = do
67 92678b3c Iustin Pop
  arr' <- mapM toArray arr -- list of resulting elements
68 92678b3c Iustin Pop
  arr'' <- mapM (mapM toArray) arr' -- list of list of [status, value]
69 92678b3c Iustin Pop
  return $ map (map (\a -> (a!!0, a!!1))) arr'' -- FIXME: hackish
70 92678b3c Iustin Pop
toPairs o = fail ("Invalid input, expected array but got " ++ show o)
71 92678b3c Iustin Pop
72 92678b3c Iustin Pop
-- | Prepare resulting output as parsers expect it.
73 92678b3c Iustin Pop
extractArray :: (Monad m) => JSValue -> m [JSValue]
74 92678b3c Iustin Pop
extractArray v =  do
75 92678b3c Iustin Pop
  arr <- getData v >>= toPairs
76 92678b3c Iustin Pop
  return $ map (JSArray. map snd) arr
77 92678b3c Iustin Pop
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-- | Annotate errors when converting values with owner/attribute for
79 39420403 Iustin Pop
-- better debugging.
80 39420403 Iustin Pop
genericConvert :: (Text.JSON.JSON a) =>
81 39420403 Iustin Pop
                  String     -- ^ The object type
82 39420403 Iustin Pop
               -> String     -- ^ The object name
83 39420403 Iustin Pop
               -> String     -- ^ The attribute we're trying to convert
84 39420403 Iustin Pop
               -> JSValue    -- ^ The value we try to convert
85 39420403 Iustin Pop
               -> Result a   -- ^ The annotated result
86 39420403 Iustin Pop
genericConvert otype oname oattr =
87 6a062ff9 Iustin Pop
    annotateResult (otype ++ " '" ++ oname ++
88 6a062ff9 Iustin Pop
                    "', error while reading attribute '" ++
89 39420403 Iustin Pop
                    oattr ++ "'") . fromJVal
90 39420403 Iustin Pop
91 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- * Data querying functionality
92 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
93 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | The input data for node query.
94 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryNodesMsg :: L.LuxiOp
95 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
queryNodesMsg =
96 92678b3c Iustin Pop
  L.Query L.QRNode ["name", "mtotal", "mnode", "mfree", "dtotal", "dfree",
97 92678b3c Iustin Pop
                    "ctotal", "offline", "drained", "vm_capable",
98 b20cbf06 Iustin Pop
                    "group.uuid"] ()
99 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
100 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | The input data for instance query.
101 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryInstancesMsg :: L.LuxiOp
102 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
queryInstancesMsg =
103 92678b3c Iustin Pop
    L.Query L.QRInstance ["name", "disk_usage", "be/memory", "be/vcpus",
104 92678b3c Iustin Pop
                          "status", "pnode", "snodes", "tags", "oper_ram",
105 b20cbf06 Iustin Pop
                          "be/auto_balance", "disk_template"] ()
106 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
107 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
-- | The input data for cluster query.
108 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryClusterInfoMsg :: L.LuxiOp
109 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryClusterInfoMsg = L.QueryClusterInfo
110 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
111 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
-- | The input data for node group query.
112 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
queryGroupsMsg :: L.LuxiOp
113 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
queryGroupsMsg =
114 b20cbf06 Iustin Pop
  L.Query L.QRGroup ["uuid", "name", "alloc_policy"] ()
115 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
116 179c0828 Iustin Pop
-- | Wraper over 'callMethod' doing node query.
117 6583e677 Iustin Pop
queryNodes :: L.Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
118 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryNodes = L.callMethod queryNodesMsg
119 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
120 179c0828 Iustin Pop
-- | Wraper over 'callMethod' doing instance query.
121 6583e677 Iustin Pop
queryInstances :: L.Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
122 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryInstances = L.callMethod queryInstancesMsg
123 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
124 179c0828 Iustin Pop
-- | Wrapper over 'callMethod' doing cluster information query.
125 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
queryClusterInfo :: L.Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
126 683b1ca7 Iustin Pop
queryClusterInfo = L.callMethod queryClusterInfoMsg
127 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
128 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
-- | Wrapper over callMethod doing group query.
129 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
queryGroups :: L.Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
130 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
queryGroups = L.callMethod queryGroupsMsg
131 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
132 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | Parse a instance list in JSON format.
133 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
getInstances :: NameAssoc
134 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
             -> JSValue
135 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
             -> Result [(String, Instance.Instance)]
136 92678b3c Iustin Pop
getInstances ktn arr = extractArray arr >>= mapM (parseInstance ktn)
137 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
138 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | Construct an instance from a JSON object.
139 6ff78049 Iustin Pop
parseInstance :: NameAssoc
140 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
              -> JSValue
141 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
              -> Result (String, Instance.Instance)
142 27671a61 Iustin Pop
parseInstance ktn (JSArray [ name, disk, mem, vcpus
143 6880526c Iustin Pop
                           , status, pnode, snodes, tags, oram
144 b3c5e8de Iustin Pop
                           , auto_balance, disk_template ]) = do
145 117dc2d8 Iustin Pop
  xname <- annotateResult "Parsing new instance" (fromJVal name)
146 39420403 Iustin Pop
  let convert a = genericConvert "Instance" xname a
147 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xdisk <- convert "disk_usage" disk
148 6402a260 Iustin Pop
  xmem <- (case oram of
149 39420403 Iustin Pop
             JSRational _ _ -> convert "oper_ram" oram
150 39420403 Iustin Pop
             _ -> convert "be/memory" mem)
151 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xvcpus <- convert "be/vcpus" vcpus
152 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xpnode <- convert "pnode" pnode >>= lookupNode ktn xname
153 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xsnodes <- convert "snodes" snodes::Result [JSString]
154 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
  snode <- (if null xsnodes then return Node.noSecondary
155 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
            else lookupNode ktn xname (fromJSString $ head xsnodes))
156 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xrunning <- convert "status" status
157 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xtags <- convert "tags" tags
158 6880526c Iustin Pop
  xauto_balance <- convert "auto_balance" auto_balance
159 b3c5e8de Iustin Pop
  xdt <- convert "disk_template" disk_template
160 17e7af2b Iustin Pop
  let inst = Instance.create xname xmem xdisk xvcpus
161 b3c5e8de Iustin Pop
             xrunning xtags xauto_balance xpnode snode xdt
162 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
  return (xname, inst)
163 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
164 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
parseInstance _ v = fail ("Invalid instance query result: " ++ show v)
165 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
166 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | Parse a node list in JSON format.
167 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
getNodes :: NameAssoc -> JSValue -> Result [(String, Node.Node)]
168 92678b3c Iustin Pop
getNodes ktg arr = extractArray arr >>= mapM (parseNode ktg)
169 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
170 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- | Construct a node from a JSON object.
171 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
parseNode :: NameAssoc -> JSValue -> Result (String, Node.Node)
172 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
parseNode ktg (JSArray [ name, mtotal, mnode, mfree, dtotal, dfree
173 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
                       , ctotal, offline, drained, vm_capable, g_uuid ])
174 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
    = do
175 117dc2d8 Iustin Pop
  xname <- annotateResult "Parsing new node" (fromJVal name)
176 39420403 Iustin Pop
  let convert a = genericConvert "Node" xname a
177 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xoffline <- convert "offline" offline
178 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xdrained <- convert "drained" drained
179 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xvm_capable <- convert "vm_capable" vm_capable
180 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xgdx   <- convert "group.uuid" g_uuid >>= lookupGroup ktg xname
181 9d775204 Iustin Pop
  node <- (if xoffline || xdrained || not xvm_capable
182 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
           then return $ Node.create xname 0 0 0 0 0 0 True xgdx
183 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
           else do
184 39420403 Iustin Pop
             xmtotal  <- convert "mtotal" mtotal
185 39420403 Iustin Pop
             xmnode   <- convert "mnode" mnode
186 39420403 Iustin Pop
             xmfree   <- convert "mfree" mfree
187 39420403 Iustin Pop
             xdtotal  <- convert "dtotal" dtotal
188 39420403 Iustin Pop
             xdfree   <- convert "dfree" dfree
189 39420403 Iustin Pop
             xctotal  <- convert "ctotal" ctotal
190 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
             return $ Node.create xname xmtotal xmnode xmfree
191 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
                    xdtotal xdfree xctotal False xgdx)
192 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
  return (xname, node)
193 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
194 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
parseNode _ v = fail ("Invalid node query result: " ++ show v)
195 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
196 179c0828 Iustin Pop
-- | Parses the cluster tags.
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getClusterTags :: JSValue -> Result [String]
198 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
getClusterTags v = do
199 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
  let errmsg = "Parsing cluster info"
200 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
  obj <- annotateResult errmsg $ asJSObject v
201 5182e970 Iustin Pop
  tryFromObj errmsg (fromJSObject obj) "tags"
202 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
203 179c0828 Iustin Pop
-- | Parses the cluster groups.
204 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
getGroups :: JSValue -> Result [(String, Group.Group)]
205 92678b3c Iustin Pop
getGroups jsv = extractArray jsv >>= mapM parseGroup
206 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
207 179c0828 Iustin Pop
-- | Parses a given group information.
208 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
parseGroup :: JSValue -> Result (String, Group.Group)
209 92678b3c Iustin Pop
parseGroup (JSArray [uuid, name, apol]) = do
210 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
  xname <- annotateResult "Parsing new group" (fromJVal name)
211 39420403 Iustin Pop
  let convert a = genericConvert "Group" xname a
212 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xuuid <- convert "uuid" uuid
213 39420403 Iustin Pop
  xapol <- convert "alloc_policy" apol
214 d5072e4c Iustin Pop
  return (xuuid, Group.create xname xuuid xapol)
215 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
216 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
parseGroup v = fail ("Invalid group query result: " ++ show v)
217 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
218 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
-- * Main loader functionality
219 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
220 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
-- | Builds the cluster data by querying a given socket name.
221 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
readData :: String -- ^ Unix socket to use as source
222 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
         -> IO (Result JSValue, Result JSValue, Result JSValue, Result JSValue)
223 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
readData master =
224 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
225 6583e677 Iustin Pop
       (L.getClient master)
226 6583e677 Iustin Pop
227 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
       (\s -> do
228 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
          nodes <- queryNodes s
229 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
          instances <- queryInstances s
230 f89235f1 Iustin Pop
          cinfo <- queryClusterInfo s
231 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
          groups <- queryGroups s
232 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
          return (groups, nodes, instances, cinfo)
233 53ec9022 Iustin Pop
234 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
235 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
-- | Converts the output of 'readData' into the internal cluster
236 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
-- representation.
237 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
parseData :: (Result JSValue, Result JSValue, Result JSValue, Result JSValue)
238 f4f6eb0b Iustin Pop
          -> Result ClusterData
239 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
parseData (groups, nodes, instances, cinfo) = do
240 a679e9dc Iustin Pop
  group_data <- groups >>= getGroups
241 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
  let (group_names, group_idx) = assignIndices group_data
242 10ef6b4e Iustin Pop
  node_data <- nodes >>= getNodes group_names
243 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
  let (node_names, node_idx) = assignIndices node_data
244 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
  inst_data <- instances >>= getInstances node_names
245 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
  let (_, inst_idx) = assignIndices inst_data
246 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
  ctags <- cinfo >>= getClusterTags
247 f4f6eb0b Iustin Pop
  return (ClusterData group_idx node_idx inst_idx ctags)
248 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
249 525bfb36 Iustin Pop
-- | Top level function for data loading.
250 b3f0710c Iustin Pop
loadData :: String -- ^ Unix socket to use as source
251 f4f6eb0b Iustin Pop
         -> IO (Result ClusterData)
252 2a8e2dc9 Iustin Pop
loadData = fmap parseData . readData