Revision d6eec019 htools/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs

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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 12
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
41 41
  , setSec
42 42
  , setMdsk
43 43
  , setMcpu
  , setPolicy
44 45
  -- * Tag maps
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  , addTags
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  , delTags
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  , utilLoad :: T.DynUtil -- ^ Sum of instance utilisation
125 126
  , pTags    :: TagMap    -- ^ Map of primary instance tags and their count
126 127
  , group    :: T.Gdx     -- ^ The node's group (index)
  , iPolicy  :: T.IPolicy -- ^ The instance policy (of the node's group)
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  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
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instance T.Element Node where
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       , utilLoad = T.zeroUtil
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       , pTags = Map.empty
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       , group = group_init
       , iPolicy = T.defIPolicy
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-- | Conversion formula from mDsk\/tDsk to loDsk.
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setMcpu :: Node -> Double -> Node
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setMcpu t val = t { mCpu = val, hiCpu = mCpuTohiCpu val (tCpu t) }
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-- | Sets the policy.
setPolicy :: T.IPolicy -> Node -> Node
setPolicy pol node = node { iPolicy = pol }

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-- | Computes the maximum reserved memory for peers from a peer map.
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computeMaxRes :: P.PeerMap -> P.Elem
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computeMaxRes = P.maxElem

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