Revision d752eb39 hspace.hs

56 56
    , optOffline   :: [String]       -- ^ Names of offline nodes
57 57
    , optIMem      :: Int            -- ^ Instance memory
58 58
    , optIDsk      :: Int            -- ^ Instance disk
    , optIVCPUs    :: Int            -- ^ Instance VCPUs
59 60
    , optINodes    :: Int            -- ^ Nodes required for an instance
60 61
    , optShowVer   :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the program version
61 62
    , optShowHelp  :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the help
86 87
 , optOffline   = []
87 88
 , optIMem      = 4096
88 89
 , optIDsk      = 102400
 , optIVCPUs    = 1
89 91
 , optINodes    = 2
90 92
 , optShowVer   = False
91 93
 , optShowHelp  = False
121 123
    , Option []        ["disk"]
122 124
      (ReqArg (\ d opts -> opts { optIDsk = read d }) "DISK")
123 125
      "disk size for instances"
    , Option []        ["vcpus"]
      (ReqArg (\ p opts -> opts { optIVCPUs = read p }) "NUM")
      "number of virtual cpus for instances"
124 129
    , Option []        ["req-nodes"]
125 130
      (ReqArg (\ n opts -> opts { optINodes = read n }) "NODES")
126 131
      "number of nodes for the new instances (1=plain, 2=mirrored)"
236 241

237 242
  let nmlen = Container.maxNameLen nl
238 243
      newinst = Instance.create "new" (optIMem opts) (optIDsk opts)
                "ADMIN_down" (-1) (-1)
                (optIVCPUs opts) "ADMIN_down" (-1) (-1)
240 245

241 246
  let (fin_nl, ixes) = iterateDepth nl il newinst req_nodes []
242 247
      allocs = length ixes

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