Revision e7f7c003

77 77
    , oMinGain
78 78
    , oMinGainLim
79 79
    , oDiskMoves
    , oInstMoves
80 81
    , oDynuFile
81 82
    , oExTags
82 83
    , oExInst
92 93
iterateDepth :: Cluster.Table    -- ^ The starting table
93 94
             -> Int              -- ^ Remaining length
94 95
             -> Bool             -- ^ Allow disk moves
             -> Bool             -- ^ Allow instance moves
95 97
             -> Int              -- ^ Max node name len
96 98
             -> Int              -- ^ Max instance name len
97 99
             -> [MoveJob]        -- ^ Current command list
102 104
             -> Bool             -- ^ Enable evacuation mode
103 105
             -> IO (Cluster.Table, [MoveJob]) -- ^ The resulting table
104 106
                                              -- and commands
iterateDepth ini_tbl max_rounds disk_moves nmlen imlen
iterateDepth ini_tbl max_rounds disk_moves inst_moves nmlen imlen
106 108
             cmd_strs oneline min_score mg_limit min_gain evac_mode =
107 109
    let Cluster.Table ini_nl ini_il _ _ = ini_tbl
108 110
        allowed_next = Cluster.doNextBalance ini_tbl max_rounds min_score
125 127
              unless oneline $ do
126 128
                       putStrLn sol_line
127 129
                       hFlush stdout
              iterateDepth fin_tbl max_rounds disk_moves
              iterateDepth fin_tbl max_rounds disk_moves inst_moves
129 131
                           nmlen imlen upd_cmd_strs oneline min_score
130 132
                           mg_limit min_gain evac_mode
131 133
        Nothing -> return (ini_tbl, cmd_strs)
357 359

358 360
  (fin_tbl, cmd_strs) <- iterateDepth ini_tbl (optMaxLength opts)
359 361
                         (optDiskMoves opts)
                         (optInstMoves opts)
360 363
                         nmlen imlen [] oneline min_cv
361 364
                         (optMinGainLim opts) (optMinGain opts)
362 365
                         (optEvacMode opts)

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