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root / test / hs / Test / Ganeti / HTools / Backend / Text.hs @ ef947a42

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1 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
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{-| Unittests for ganeti-htools.
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Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
11 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
(at your option) any later version.
16 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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20 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
General Public License for more details.
21 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
22 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
25 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
02110-1301, USA.
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module Test.Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Text (testHTools_Backend_Text) where
30 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
31 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.QuickCheck
32 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
33 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Data.Map as Map
34 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Data.List
35 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Data.Maybe
36 ef947a42 Dato Simó
import System.Time (ClockTime(..))
37 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
38 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
39 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
40 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.TestHTools
41 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.HTools.Instance (genInstanceSmallerThanNode)
42 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import Test.Ganeti.HTools.Node (genNode, genOnlineNode)
43 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
44 01e52493 Iustin Pop
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
45 879d9290 Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Text as Text
46 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
47 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
48 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
49 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
50 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Loader as Loader
51 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
52 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
53 26d62e4c Iustin Pop
import qualified Ganeti.Utils as Utils
54 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
55 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- * Instance text loader tests
56 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
57 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_Instance :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Types.InstanceStatus
58 5b11f8db Iustin Pop
                   -> NonEmptyList Char -> String
59 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
                   -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Bool
60 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
                   -> Types.DiskTemplate -> Int -> Property
61 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_Instance name mem dsk vcpus status
62 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
                   (NonEmpty pnode) snode
63 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
                   (NonNegative pdx) (NonNegative sdx) autobal dt su =
64 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  pnode /= snode && pdx /= sdx ==>
65 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let vcpus_s = show vcpus
66 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      dsk_s = show dsk
67 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      mem_s = show mem
68 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      su_s = show su
69 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      status_s = Types.instanceStatusToRaw status
70 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      ndx = if null snode
71 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
              then [(pnode, pdx)]
72 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
              else [(pnode, pdx), (snode, sdx)]
73 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nl = Map.fromList ndx
74 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      tags = ""
75 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      sbal = if autobal then "Y" else "N"
76 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      sdt = Types.diskTemplateToRaw dt
77 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      inst = Text.loadInst nl
78 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             [name, mem_s, dsk_s, vcpus_s, status_s,
79 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
              sbal, pnode, snode, sdt, tags, su_s]
80 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      fail1 = Text.loadInst nl
81 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
              [name, mem_s, dsk_s, vcpus_s, status_s,
82 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               sbal, pnode, pnode, tags]
83 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case inst of
84 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load instance: " ++ msg
85 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, i) -> printTestCase "Mismatch in some field while\
86 01e52493 Iustin Pop
                                  \ loading the instance" $
87 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      i == name &&
88 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               Instance.vcpus i == vcpus &&
89 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               Instance.mem i == mem &&
90 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               Instance.pNode i == pdx &&
91 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               Instance.sNode i == (if null snode
92 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                                      then Node.noSecondary
93 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                                      else sdx) &&
94 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               Instance.autoBalance i == autobal &&
95 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               Instance.spindleUse i == su &&
96 01e52493 Iustin Pop
               isBad fail1
97 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
98 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_InstanceFail :: [(String, Int)] -> [String] -> Property
99 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_InstanceFail ktn fields =
100 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  length fields /= 10 && length fields /= 11 ==>
101 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
    case Text.loadInst nl fields of
102 01e52493 Iustin Pop
      Ok _ -> failTest "Managed to load instance from invalid data"
103 01e52493 Iustin Pop
      Bad msg -> printTestCase ("Unrecognised error message: " ++ msg) $
104 01e52493 Iustin Pop
                 "Invalid/incomplete instance data: '" `isPrefixOf` msg
105 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
    where nl = Map.fromList ktn
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107 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_Node :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
108 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
               -> Int -> Bool -> Bool
109 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_Node name tm nm fm td fd tc fo =
110 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let conv v = if v < 0
111 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                 then "?"
112 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                 else show v
113 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      tm_s = conv tm
114 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      nm_s = conv nm
115 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      fm_s = conv fm
116 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      td_s = conv td
117 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      fd_s = conv fd
118 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      tc_s = conv tc
119 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      fo_s = if fo
120 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               then "Y"
121 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
               else "N"
122 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      any_broken = any (< 0) [tm, nm, fm, td, fd, tc]
123 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      gid = Group.uuid defGroup
124 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case Text.loadNode defGroupAssoc
125 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
       [name, tm_s, nm_s, fm_s, td_s, fd_s, tc_s, fo_s, gid] of
126 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
       Nothing -> False
127 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
       Just (name', node) ->
128 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         if fo || any_broken
129 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
           then Node.offline node
130 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
           else node == name' && name' == name &&
131 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.alias node == name &&
132 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.tMem node == fromIntegral tm &&
133 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.nMem node == nm &&
134 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.fMem node == fm &&
135 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.tDsk node == fromIntegral td &&
136 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.fDsk node == fd &&
137 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
                Node.tCpu node == fromIntegral tc
138 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
139 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_NodeFail :: [String] -> Property
140 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_Load_NodeFail fields =
141 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  length fields /= 8 ==> isNothing $ Text.loadNode Map.empty fields
142 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
143 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_NodeLSIdempotent :: Property
144 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_NodeLSIdempotent =
145 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (genNode (Just 1) Nothing) $ \node ->
146 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  -- override failN1 to what loadNode returns by default
147 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let n = Node.setPolicy Types.defIPolicy $
148 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
          node { Node.failN1 = True, Node.offline = False }
149 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
150 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
    (Text.loadNode defGroupAssoc.
151 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         Utils.sepSplit '|' . Text.serializeNode defGroupList) n ==?
152 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
    Just ( n, n)
153 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
154 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_ISpecIdempotent :: Types.ISpec -> Property
155 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_ISpecIdempotent ispec =
156 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case Text.loadISpec "dummy" . Utils.sepSplit ',' .
157 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
       Text.serializeISpec $ ispec of
158 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load ispec: " ++ msg
159 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Ok ispec' -> ispec ==? ispec'
160 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
161 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_IPolicyIdempotent :: Types.IPolicy -> Property
162 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_IPolicyIdempotent ipol =
163 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  case Text.loadIPolicy . Utils.sepSplit '|' $
164 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
       Text.serializeIPolicy owner ipol of
165 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load ispec: " ++ msg
166 01e52493 Iustin Pop
    Ok res -> (owner, ipol) ==? res
167 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  where owner = "dummy"
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-- | This property, while being in the text tests, does more than just
170 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- test end-to-end the serialisation and loading back workflow; it
171 235a0fa5 Dato Simó
-- also tests the Loader.mergeData and the actual
172 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- Cluster.iterateAlloc (for well-behaving w.r.t. instance
173 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- allocations, not for the business logic). As such, it's a quite
174 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- complex and slow test, and that's the reason we restrict it to
175 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
-- small cluster sizes.
176 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_CreateSerialise :: Property
177 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
prop_CreateSerialise =
178 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll genTags $ \ctags ->
179 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (1, 20)) $ \maxiter ->
180 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (choose (2, 10)) $ \count ->
181 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
182 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node) $ \inst ->
183 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
184 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
      reqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
185 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
  in case Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True >>= \allocn ->
186 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
     Cluster.iterateAlloc nl Container.empty (Just maxiter) inst allocn [] []
187 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
188 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to allocate: " ++ msg
189 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, _, _, [], _) -> printTestCase
190 01e52493 Iustin Pop
                              "Failed to allocate: no allocations" False
191 01e52493 Iustin Pop
       Ok (_, nl', il', _, _) ->
192 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
         let cdata = Loader.ClusterData defGroupList nl' il' ctags
193 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
194 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
             saved = Text.serializeCluster cdata
195 ef947a42 Dato Simó
         in case Text.parseData saved >>= Loader.mergeData [] [] [] [] (TOD 0 0)
196 ef947a42 Dato Simó
197 01e52493 Iustin Pop
              Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load/merge: " ++ msg
198 01e52493 Iustin Pop
              Ok (Loader.ClusterData gl2 nl2 il2 ctags2 cpol2) ->
199 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                conjoin [ ctags ==? ctags2
200 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                        , Types.defIPolicy ==? cpol2
201 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                        , il' ==? il2
202 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                        , defGroupList ==? gl2
203 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
                        , nl' ==? nl2
204 942a9a6a Iustin Pop
205 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop
206 879d9290 Iustin Pop
testSuite "HTools/Backend/Text"
207 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            [ 'prop_Load_Instance
208 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_Load_InstanceFail
209 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_Load_Node
210 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_Load_NodeFail
211 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_NodeLSIdempotent
212 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_ISpecIdempotent
213 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_IPolicyIdempotent
214 20bc5360 Iustin Pop
            , 'prop_CreateSerialise
215 e1ee7d5a Iustin Pop