Revision c314fc10 docs/commands.rst

298 298
    append        :  Append local file to remote
299 299
    cat           :  Print a file to console
300 300
    copy          :  Copy an object
    create        :  Create a container or a directory object
    create        :  Create a container
302 302
    delete        :  Delete a container [or an object]
303 303
    delgroup      :  Delete a user group on an account
304 304
    delmeta       :  Delete an existing metadatum of account [, container [or object]]
323 323
    setquota      :  Set new quota (in KB) for account [or container]
324 324
    setversioning :  Set new versioning (auto, none) for account [or container]
325 325
    sharers       :  List the accounts that share objects with default account
    touch         :  Create an empty object (file)
326 327
    truncate      :  Truncate remote file up to a size
327 328
    unpublish     :  Unpublish an object
328 329
    upload        :  Upload a file
405 406
    [store]:!diff rndm_local.file rndm_remote.file
406 407

407 408
.. Note:: In kamaki shell, ! is used to execute OS shell commands (bash in the above)

.. warning:: The container:object/path syntax does not function if the container and / or the object path contain one or more : characters. To use containers and objects with : use the --container and --dst-container arguments, e.g. to copy object from grnet:dev container to grnet:deploy ::

        $ kamaki store copy --container=grnet:dev --dst-container=grnet:deploy

Also available in: Unified diff