Revision de329b4c kamaki/clients/network/

52 52

53 53
    def create_networks(self, networks):
54 54
        """Atomic operation for batch network creation (all or nothing)

55 56
        :param networks: (list) [
56 57
            {name: ..(str).., admin_state_up: ..(bool).., shared: ..(bool)..},
57 58
            {name: ..(str).., admin_state_up: ..(bool).., shared: ..(bool)..}]
58 59
            name is mandatory, the rest is optional
59 60
            e.g., create_networks([
                {name: 'net1', admin_state_up: True},
                {name: 'net2'}])
            {name: 'net1', admin_state_up: True},
            {name: 'net2'}])
62 63
        :returns: (list of dicts) created networks details
63 64
        :raises ValueError: if networks is misformated
64 65
        :raises ClientError: if the request failed or didn't return 201
144 145

145 146
    def create_subnets(self, subnets):
146 147
        """Atomic operation for batch subnet creation (all or nothing)

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        :param subnets: (list of dicts) {key: ...} with all parameters in the
148 150
            method create_subnet, where method mandatory / optional paramteres
149 151
            respond to mandatory / optional paramters in subnets items
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    def create_ports(self, ports):
257 259
        """Atomic operation for batch port creation (all or nothing)

258 261
        :param ports: (list of dicts) {key: ...} with all parameters in the
259 262
            method create_port, where method mandatory / optional paramteres
260 263
            respond to mandatory / optional paramters in ports items

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