Revision fa382f9e kamaki/cli/

197 197
    if exists(cnf.path) and guess < 0.9:
198 198
        print('Config file format version >= 9.0 is required')
199 199
        print('Configuration file: %s' % cnf.path)
        print('but kamaki can fix this:')
        print('Attempting to fix this:')
201 201
        print('Calculating changes while preserving information')
202 202
        lost_terms = cnf.rescue_old_file()
203 203
        print('... DONE')
204 204
        if lost_terms:
205 205
            print 'The following information will NOT be preserved:'
206 206
            print '\t', '\n\t'.join(lost_terms)
        print('Kamaki is ready to convert the config file to version 3.0')
        print('Kamaki is ready to convert the config file')
208 208
        stdout.write('Create (overwrite) file %s ? [y/N] ' % cnf.path)
209 209
        from sys import stdin
210 210
        reply = stdin.readline()
216 216
            raise CLIError(
217 217
                'Invalid format for config file %s' % cnf.path,
218 218
                importance=3, details=[
                    'Please, update config file to v3.0',
                    'Please, update config file',
220 220
                    'For automatic conversion, rerun and say Y'])
221 221

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