Revision 1627c8ff docs/source/devguide.rst

25 25
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26 26
Revision                   Description
27 27
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0.6 (July 29, 2011)        Reply with Merkle hash as the ETag when updating objects.
28 29
0.5 (July 22, 2011)        Object update from another object's data.
29 30
\                          Support object truncate.
30 31
\                          Create object using a standard HTML form.
822 823

823 824
Optionally, truncate the updated object to the desired length with the ``X-Object-Bytes`` header.
824 825

A data update will trigger an ETag change. The new ETag will not correspond to the object's MD5 sum (**TBD**) and will be included in reply headers.
A data update will trigger an ETag change. Updated ETags correspond to the single Merkle hash of the object's hashmap (refer to for more information).
826 827

827 828
No reply content. No reply headers if only metadata is updated.
828 829

930 931
* Object hashmap retrieval through ``GET`` and the ``format`` parameter.
931 932
* Object create via hashmap through ``PUT`` and the ``format`` parameter.
932 933
* Object create using ``POST`` to support standard HTML forms.
* Partial object updates through ``POST``, using the ``Content-Length``, ``Content-Type``, ``Content-Range`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` headers. Use another object's data to update with ``X-Source-Object`` and ``X-Source-Version``. Truncate with ``X-Object-Bytes``.
* Partial object updates through ``POST``, using the ``Content-Length``, ``Content-Type``, ``Content-Range`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` headers. Use another object's data to update with ``X-Source-Object`` and ``X-Source-Version``. Truncate with ``X-Object-Bytes``. New ETag corresponds to the Merkle hash of the object's hashmap.
934 935
* Object ``MOVE`` support.
935 936
* Conditional object create/update operations, using ``If-Match`` and ``If-None-Match`` headers.
936 937
* Time-variant account/container listings via the ``until`` parameter.

Also available in: Unified diff